(a) that the budgets to the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Block (LTP ITB) schemes in 2023/24 and 2024/25 as included in Appendix 1 be allocated, noting the level of overprogramming planned;
(b) that the increase of the 2023/24 capital programme by £3.102 million, with £2.240 million funded from other external grants, £0.308 million from developer contributions and £0.554 million from external contributions, be approved. The schemes are listed in Appendix 1; and
(c) that the increase to the 2024/25 capital programme by £1.220 million with £0.518 million funded from other external grants, £0.084 million from external contributions and £0.618 million from developer contributions, be approved. The schemes are listed in Appendix 1; and
(d) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport and the Cabinet Member for Highway Management be given delegated authority to make amendments to the Integrated Block allocations.