Agenda item

To consider reports from Cabinet Members.


The Council received reports from the relevant Cabinet Members on matters of interest or service developments relating to their remits which had occurred since the previous meeting or were likely to have an impact in the future or on specific issues upon which they had been asked to comment, as set out below:


(a)        Policy, Corporate and Asset Management


Councillor Hart commented, as requested by Councillor Hannaford on the Regional Growth Board highlighting that the work of the Joint Committee was to provide cohesive, coherent leadership and governance to ensure delivery of the Productivity Strategy for the HotSW area. He also outlined the further workstreams which included establishing a Sub-National Transport Body, to progress work across the HotSW area on housing, a communications strategy and establishing cross LEP area regional working through the South West.


He also responded to Councillor Atkinson on suitable homes for an aging population and the steps taken by the Council County to work with district councils and others to develop a Devon wide policy on social and affordable housing that met the needs of both families and elderly residents, commenting that whilst it was for District Councils as the local housing and planning authorities to ensure, through joint local plans, that specific sites were allocated, the County Council worked closely with District’s on their local plans and made the important contribution of helping older people become and remain independent, for example by providing / arranging care at home, adaptions to people’s homes, the work of the Social Care Reablement Service and supporting community transport schemes .


He further commented on progress towards completing Part 1 claims for the South Devon Highway as requested by Councillor Dewhirst.


(b)        Community, Public Health, Transportation and Environment


Councillor Croad circulated a Report on the strategy and action plan in relation to single use plastics and further commented, as requested by Councillor Hook on progress with County Council minute 44 of 5th October 2017 on the phasing out of single use plastics.


He reported that a Single-Use Plastics Strategy and Action Plan had been drafted and the review of DCC’s consumption of single-use plastics had also been completed, which would be presented to Cabinet on the 13th June. The phasing out of all single use plastics was considered as part of the review and concluded that plastics were very engrained in peoples lives, therefore a slower transition was necessary. However, the greatest contributor to marine plastics was single-use food and beverage packaging and the Council would remove all avoidable, single-use plastic, food and beverage packaging and tableware by 2020.


The Cabinet Member had also contacted all Devon MPs seeking their active support in introducing a bottle deposit return scheme nationally, and all Devon Supermarkets be asked to introduce a plastic free aisle in their stores.


In addition, the Council would continue working with the Districts to improve the rate of plastic recycling in Devon and through the Devon Authorities Strategic Waste Committee.


A written Report was also presented in response to Councillor Atkinson on the opportunities presented in the Bus Services Act 2017 and how it could support the Devon Local Transport plan and also community transport and whether the Council should adopt a local Advanced quality partnership scheme and Enhanced partnership plans.


He also responded to questions on recycling rates and opportunities for joint working across Districts in respect of recycling schemes.


(c)        Infrastructure Development and Waste


Councillor Davis circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Hannaford on the current, planned and future disabled and lift access for Exeter’s Railway Stations, highlighting that accessibility improvements would be carried out by Network Rail with Great Western Railway as the station operator, although approaches could be made to Network Rail.


(d)        Adult Social Care and Health Services


Councillor Leadbetter circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Hannaford, on a recent review by NHS England into the deaths of people with learning disabilities, which highlighted significant concerns surrounding their care. The Cabinet Member gave the Devon perspective, highlighting the work of the LeDeR steering group, the referral rates, the number of health reviewers in Devon and how the recommendations of the Report were being implemented.


He also responded to Councillor Greenslade on issues raised at the last Cabinet Meeting in relation to the input of Health Scrutiny into MOU’s and Agreements with the NHS.


(e)        Children’s Services and Schools


Councillor McInnes circulated a report, as requested by Councillor Biederman on the current position with Children’s Mental Health Services, including waiting times and transitions from childrens to adult services. The Report detailed the percentage position with regard to treatment times and highlighted that performance had been steadily improving.


The Cabinet Member also reported there was no evidence of delay in those aged 16/17 receiving treatment and no indication that young people had to wait until 18 to receive an appropriate service.

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