Venue: Committee Rooms, Teignbridge District Council
Contact: Fiona Rutley 01392 382305 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2023, attached. Decision: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2023 be signed as a correct record. Minutes: It was MOVED by Councillor Wrigley and SECONDED by Councillor Cox and
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2023 be signed as a correct record. |
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Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews [An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme.]
Minutes: There were no petitions received. |
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Newton Abbot, Queen Street - Pedestrian Enhancement Traffic Orders (1 June 2023, Minute *59 (and Decision notice *4)) Recommendation: that in addition to the recommendations approved on 1 June 2023 (Minute *59 (and Decision notice 4)), to include:-
(c) the relaxation of the aforementioned traffic order to remove the prohibition and facilitate access of vehicles over 10m or 32’6.”
The approval on 1 June 2023 was as follows:-
(a) that the making and sealing of the Traffic Regulation Orders introducing a 20mph zone, restricting vehicular traffic and amending waiting, parking and loading in the Queen Street Area, Newton Abbot, as shown in Appendix 1 of Report (CET/23/36) be approved; and
(b) that the relaxation of the aforementioned Traffic Regulation Orders to provide an additional loading bay at the western end of Queen Street, Newton Abbot, as shown indicatively in Appendix 2 of Report (CET/23/36) be approved.
(Note: due to the anticipated cost, scheme approval for construction to be sought from Cabinet, July 2023).
The full minute is available at Agenda for Teignbridge Highways and Traffic Orders Committee on Thursday, 1st June, 2023, 2.15 pm - Democracy in Devon
Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport to report.
(Electoral Division: Newton Abbot North) Decision: It was MOVED by Councillor Dewhirst, SECONDED by Councillor Bullivant and RESOLVED
that in addition to the recommendations approved on 1 June 2023, Minute *59 (and Decision notice 4)), to include:-
(c) the relaxation of the aforementioned traffic order to remove the prohibition and facilitate access of vehicles over 10m or 32’6” to Queen Street.
Minutes: (District and/or Town Councillors N Yabsley, J Taylor, P Parker, A Macgregor, M Ryan, L Mullone, A Hall and R Dawes attended in accordance with SO25(2) and spoke against this matter, expressing concerns around public consultation and proceeding with proposals.
The Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport reported on the Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to support this scheme funded by significant Government investment (Future High Street Fund), which aimed to provide an attractive, safe and improved pedestrian environment, supported by reducing the number of vehicle movements. The main TROs were agreed by this Committee on 1 June 2023, with the design and construction of the scheme then approved by Cabinet (12 July 2023). However following recent business feedback and developments regarding access for large HGVs and articulated lorries delivering to the shops and businesses, the Officer recommendation now before Members relaxed the TRO to remove the prohibition and facilitate access of vehicles over 10m or 32’6” to Queen Street.
The approval on 1 June 2023 was as follows:-
(a) that the making and sealing of the Traffic Regulation Orders introducing a 20mph zone, restricting vehicular traffic and amending waiting, parking and loading in the Queen Street Area, Newton Abbot, as shown in Appendix 1 of Report (CET/23/36) be approved; and
(b) that the relaxation of the aforementioned Traffic Regulation Orders to provide an additional loading bay at the western end of Queen Street, Newton Abbot, as shown indicatively in Appendix 2 of Report (CET/23/36) be approved.
(Note: due to the anticipated cost, scheme approval for construction to be sought from Cabinet, July 2023).
The full minute was available for information at Agenda for Teignbridge Highways and Traffic Orders Committee on Thursday, 1st June, 2023, 2.15 pm - Democracy in Devon
The local County Councillor supported the new recommendation. The feedback he had received following his own consultation and engagement with the local community and others was generally much more positive than that suggested by the additional speakers at the Committee today and aimed to address falling footfall, enhancing the town.
Members’ discussion included:-
-Committee Members had noted the County Council’s consultation results as discussed at the 1 June 2023 meeting, the feedback received, that Cabinet had approved the scheme, as well as the contrary views expressed by the additional speakers today. In now considering the TROs further, this was for an amendment to the TROs following further engagement and representations received and almost all Members were supportive; and
-One Member spoke against the current scheme and Officer recommendation, referring to her concerns around public consultation and the views of stakeholders and others she had received which differed from the County Council’s consultation, including that proposals could result in additional costs to businesses, making them unviable. She requested that the scheme be paused for a further full consultation with residents and traders;
It was MOVED by Councillor Dewhirst, SECONDED by Councillor Bullivant and RESOLVED
that in addition to the recommendations approved on 1 June 2023, Minute *59 (and Decision ... view the full minutes text for item 69. |
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Local Waiting Restrictions Programme (30 November 2023, Minute *63) Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/9) together with the Supplementary Plans document, attached.
(Electoral Divisions: All in Teignbridge) Additional documents: Decision: It was MOVED by Councillor Wrigley and SECONDED by Councillor Cox and RESOLVED:
(a) that the work on the local waiting restriction programme be noted; and
(b) the recommendations contained in Appendix 2 to Report (CET/24/9) be approved, subject to the following amendments:-
(i) ENV6036-1-1- Mill Lane, Teignmouth:- -that the proposals be implemented as advertised;
(ii) ENV6036-57 – Coach Road, Newton Abbot:- -that the proposals be implemented as advertised;
(iii) ENV6036-135 - Road from Nobody Inn to Burnt Meadows, Doddiscombsleigh:- - that further discussions be held with the local County Councillor, with the final decision delegated to the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport in consultation with the local County Councillor and HATOC Chair;
(iv)ENV6036-136 Elm Grove Road, Dawlish:- -that the proposals be relaxed to extend the existing double yellow lines by 2m to the north-west of the junction of Oak Park Villas leaving 25m of available parking between Oak Park Villas and Old Gatehouse Road and the remaining proposal be implemented as advertised;
(v)ENV6036-182 - West Cliff Road, Dawlish:- -that the proposals between 19 and 29 west Cliff Road are relaxed to a single yellow line preventing parking Monday – Friday, between the hours of 8am to 10am and 2.30pm to 4pm and the remaining proposal be implemented as advertised The situation should be monitored and further restrictions proposed if required;
(vi)ENV6036-177 - Hall Lane, Holcombe:- -that a site meeting be undertaken with the local County Councillor and the final decision delegated to the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport in consultation with the HATOC Chair and Vice-Chair; and
(vii)ENV6036-58 – Highweek Village, Newton Abbot:- -that restrictions to the eastern end of Highweek Village be reduced on both sides of the road, to the junction with Coombeshead Road and the remaining proposals are implemented as advertised.
Minutes: (District Councillor P Parker attended in accordance with SO25(2) and spoke regarding the concerns of local resident(s) and referring to a petition that had previously been submitted, in relation to ENV6036-218 – Church Path, Ashburton)
The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/9), together with the Supplementary Plans document, following a list of requests for new or amended waiting restrictions which were advertised in the summer 2023. The proposals sought to rationalise existing parking arrangements and contribute to the safe and expeditious movement of traffic.
Following advertisement, some restrictions had been approved at the last meeting on 30 November 2023. However the remaining 18 sites with proposals that received the greatest number of representations were now contained within the current report (CET/24/9). A summary of the proposals advertised could be found in Appendix 1 to this Report.
In relation to ENV6036-218 - Church Path, Ashburton, it was noted in the absence of the local County Councillor, that she was happy to be further consulted before a decision was taken under delegated authority.
It was MOVED by Councillor Wrigley and SECONDED by Councillor Cox and RESOLVED:
(a) that the work on the local waiting restriction programme be noted; and
(b) the recommendations contained in Appendix 2 to Report (CET/24/9) be approved, subject to the following amendments:-
(i) ENV6036-1-1- Mill Lane, Teignmouth:- -that the proposals be implemented as advertised;
(ii) ENV6036-57 – Coach Road, Newton Abbot:- -that the proposals be implemented as advertised;
(iii) ENV6036-135 - Road from Nobody Inn to Burnt Meadows, Doddiscombsleigh:- - that further discussions be held with the local County Councillor, with the final decision delegated to the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport in consultation with the local County Councillor and HATOC Chair;
(iv)ENV6036-136 Elm Grove Road, Dawlish:- -that the proposals be relaxed to extend the existing double yellow lines by 2m to the north-west of the junction of Oak Park Villas leaving 25m of available parking between Oak Park Villas and Old Gatehouse Road and the remaining proposal be implemented as advertised;
(v)ENV6036-182 - West Cliff Road, Dawlish:- -that the proposals between 19 and 29 west Cliff Road are relaxed to a single yellow line preventing parking Monday – Friday, between the hours of 8am to 10am and 2.30pm to 4pm and the remaining proposal be implemented as advertised The situation should be monitored and further restrictions proposed if required;
(vi)ENV6036-177 - Hall Lane, Holcombe:- -that a site meeting be undertaken with the local County Councillor and the final decision delegated to the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport in consultation with the HATOC Chair and Vice-Chair; and
(vii)ENV6036-58 – Highweek Village, Newton Abbot:- -that restrictions to the eastern end of Highweek Village be reduced on both sides of the road, to the junction with Coombeshead Road and the remaining proposals are implemented as advertised.
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Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum Notes of the meeting held on 11 January 2024, attached. Minutes: The Committee received the notes of the Forum held on 11 January 2024. |
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Calendar of Meetings All meetings at 10.30am.
Please check meetings arrangements using link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings
Thursday 18 July 2024 Thursday 14 November 2024 Thursday 13 March 2025. Minutes: All meetings at 10.30am.
Please check meetings arrangements using link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings |