Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall. View directions
Contact: Fiona Rutley 01392 382305 Email:
Note: Any public or press wishing to attend, please contact in advance of the meeting.
Note | No. | Item |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2022, attached. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2022 be signed as a correct record. |
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Matter of Urgency: Accepted forms of photo ID for Elections Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.
Minutes: (An item taken under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972)
The Chair had decided that the Committee should consider this item as a matter of urgency due to the impending Local Elections in May.
One of the accepted forms of photo ID that voters would be required to show at polling stations was a Blue Badge. A response was urgently required from the Council as the removal of a Blue Badge from a vehicle parked in a disabled parking bay could result in that vehicle receiving a parking ticket.
Highways Officers would investigate and provide a response to Members.
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Newton Abbot, Queen Street - Pedestrian Enhancements Verbal update by Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport on progress to date to address issues and comments received from advertising the proposed Traffic Regulation and Speed Limit Orders.
(Electoral Division: Newton Abbot North)
Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update by Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport on progress to date to address issues and comments received from advertising the proposed Traffic Regulation and Speed Limit Orders.
There had been a significant number of responses received to the traffic order and individuals had been contacted and the matter discussed. Some business objections had been withdrawn following the offer of an additional loading bay. The Civic Society were recommending to the Town Council that they withdraw their objection, but the next Town Council and Civic Society meetings would not take place until 8March and 18 March respectively. Officers were therefore not in a position to report back to this Committee until after those meetings had taken place.
A report would come back to the next Committee meeting in July or at a Special meeting of the Committee before then, if deemed necessary.
Members noted the update.
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Teignmouth Seafront - Request for Additional Blue Badge Holder Parking PDF 76 KB Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/11), attached. (Electoral Division: Teignmouth) Minutes: Councillor Wrigley declared a personal interest in this matter by virtue of being a Member of Teignbridge District Council’s Executive.)
The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/11) on the following, if a source of funding could be identified:-
(a) additional Blue Badge parking places in Lower Point car park; or
(b) three additional Blue Badge parking spaces should be provided at the southern end of Powderham Terrace, at the entrance to the Lower Point Car Park.
This was as a result of a request from Teignmouth Town Council that the Upper Den Carriageway remained open through the summer months, considered at this Committee’s 25 July 2022 meeting, when it was resolved that the road remain closed through the summer period, due to a number of factors/concerns. Further Officer investigations had now been undertaken as the Committee had requested, on whether any additional parking for blue badge holders could be provided on existing highways in the vicinity of the newly refurbished play area at the southern end of the promenade.
Following discussion, Members did not feel there was currently any need or demand for additional Blue Badge parking spaces.
It was MOVED by Councillor Wrigley, SECONDED by Councillor Brook and
RESOLVED that no further action be taken at this time on the proposal for additional Blue Badge parking spaces. |
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Traffic Sensitive Routes Reivew PDF 101 KB Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/2), attached. (Electoral Divisions: All) Minutes: The Committee received the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/2) on a review of the traffic sensitive streets network across the County, to aid network and roadworks management, aiming to keep traffic flowing and thus reducing idling traffic in accordance with carbon plan objectives.
The five yearly review would also ensure compliance with statutory changes and strict Department of Transport criteria. When a street was designated ‘Traffic Sensitive,’ timings of works could be better regulated to ensure the free flow of traffic so far as reasonably practicable through the council’s Permit for Works Scheme, e.g. restricting works during peak traffic flow times.
This was the link for the current criteria on Traffic Sensitive Streets. However, the Department for Transport was likely to remove or amend the following criteria in April 2023: · ‘is designated by the HA as part of its winter maintenance programme’; · ‘is on a tourist route or within an area where major events take place’; and · ‘is covered by a congestion charge’.
Arising from Members’ discussion, it was noted that:-
- Not being able to designate seasonal restrictions on works may create problems with caravans and double decker buses on some roads during the peak summer months. - Restrictions were rarely applied for the purposes of operating winter gritting routes. - Regular meetings took place with Utility companies to try and co-ordinate works (unless emergency works were required). - The formal consultation proposed in April fell within the Purdah period and may need to be moved to a later date.
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Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum To note any progress update for information. At the last meeting of this Committee, Councillor Wrigley was appointed as its representative.
(Electoral Divisions: All) Minutes: Councillor Wrigley, representing this Committee on the Forum, advised:-
- The purpose and remit of the Forum was discussed. - There was a presentation from Stagecoach on their recent failings in terms of bus provision, largely due to insufficient drivers in place. They now had sufficiency and performance was now improving. - Stagecoach would look at how accurate bus information could be relayed to passengers reliably.
Members wishing to make representations to the next Forum should contact Councillor Wrigley directly.
Members noted the update.
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Calendar of Meetings Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;
(All meetings at 10.30 am).
Thursday 13 July 2023 Thursday 2 November 2023 Thursday 14 March 2024. Minutes: Thursday 13 July 2023, Thursday 2 November 2023 and Thursday 14 March 2024.
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;