Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Exeter
Contact: Fiona Rutley 01392 382305 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2022, attached. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2022 be signed as a correct record. |
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Matter of Urgent: Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum: Committee Representation Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.
Minutes: (Item taken under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972).
The Chair had decided that the Committee should consider the following as a matter of urgency.
The Chair reported on the establishment of the Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum by Devon Bus Enhanced Partnership Board under the new Enhanced Partnership arrangements (more information on the Travel Devon website: DevonBus Enhanced Partnership - Travel Devon. This would be an opportunity to share information, receive feedback and discuss relevant issues amongst members. The Board had agreed that one representative from each Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (8 in total) should be appointed to the Forum to help ensure adequate geographical representation of elected Members. Other key stakeholders and interested parties would be invited to join the Forum. The date of the first meeting of the Forum was 9 February 2023.
It was MOVED by Councillor A Dewhirst, SECONDED by Councillor D Cox and
RESOLVED that Councillor M Wrigley be appointed to the Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum as this Committee’s representative.
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Road Casualty Data Dashboard Demo Presentation by Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport.
Link to Councillors’ Dashboard Landing Councillor Dashboard Landing Page - Power BI
Link to public webpages Collision & Casualty Data - Roads and transport (
Minutes: The Committee received a presentation by the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport on a website dashboard which provided detailed information on road casualty data in Devon at Devon-wide, District/Parish/Town Council and electoral division levels.
The Dashboard information was available via:
Collision & Casualty Data - Roads and transport (
Councillor Dashboard Landing Page - Power BI
Link to public webpages:
Collision & Casualty Data - Roads and transport (
Members’ questions and discussion points with the Officers included:
· the useful resource available for County Council Members and a request that it be made available also to the non-County Council Members of this Committee;
· the dashboard showed official published collision data up to the end of the previous calendar year;
· new data was published on the dashboard in July the following year after a verification process with the Department for Transport;
· the identified cluster points were reviewed by Officers and information relayed to road maintenance to help prioritise programmes and to Development Control for potential Section 106 funding associated with residential development; and there was also a budget to help address safety issues associated with the clusters; and there were examples in Newton Abbot where safety measures were underway; and the information was also used in the analysis of wet skid related incidents;
· confirmation that the levels of casualties had decreased during the pandemic and that this was factored into any comparative figures and analysis; and
· confirmation that most (80%) of casualties were recorded within 0-10 m of the home address and members suggested that this could be broken down further.
The Chair thanked the Officers for the informative presentation. |
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Chudleigh, Station Hill - Footway Widening Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/84), attached. (Electoral Division: Chuldeigh & Teign Valley) Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/84) on a proposed widening of the footway at Station Hill on the B3344 southwest of Chudleigh, funded by local development. This would enable creation of a widened section of footway increasing from 0.6m to 1.8m as shown in Appendix 1 of the Report, enabling a safer, continuous route for people with prams and wheelchairs. The proposals also included replacing the existing kerb with a new kerb that upstands by approximately 125mm for a more pronounced footway.
The plan involved moving the front boundary wall of Gordon Lodge, the property that directly adjoins the narrowest part of the footway, approximately 2 metres back into their garden. Members noted that this area had been donated by the owner free of charge
It was MOVED by Councillor A Connett, SECONDED by Councillor A Dewhirst and
(a) that the proposed footway widening along the B3344 at Station Hill as shown in Appendix 1 (plan number H18004/001) to be constructed for a total cost estimate of £74,000 be approved;
(b) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Chair and the local Member, to make minor amendments to the scheme details; and
(c) that a letter of thanks be sent to the owner of Gordon Lodge (adjoining the narrowest part of the footway) for the donation of their garden space to facilitate the proposal.
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Teignmouth, Higher Exeter Road - Signalised Crossing Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/85), attached. (Electoral Division: Teignmouth)
Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/85) on a proposed new signalised Puffin crossing on the B3192 Higher Exeter Road, Teignmouth. The scheme would provide a dedicated pedestrian crossing facility serving Hazeldown Primary School, future development and the wider community. The scheme shown on plan 70099558-WSP-H-DR-001 included in Appendix 1 incorporated a new signalised Puffin crossing located between Maudlin Drive and Raleigh Road. It included High Friction Surfacing (HFS). The scheme retained the central pedestrian refuge with the addition of push button lights in the event of any pedestrians not being able to make the crossing during a single phase. The addition of Zig Zag markings on both sides of the crossing would enable Civil Enforcement to take measures against inconsiderate parking causing visibility issues.
Subject to scheme approval, it was intended that construction could take place over the summer holiday period of 2023, ready for the start of the September term.
It was MOVED by Councillor P Bullivant, SECONDED by Councillor A Connett and
RESOLVED that the scheme shown on plan 70099558-WSP-H-DR-001 included in Appendix 1 be approved for construction at an estimated cost of £163,394.
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Newton Abbot, Queen Street - Pedestrian Enhancements Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport to report on progress.
(Electoral Division: Newton Abbot North) Minutes: The Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport reported that that following consultation confidential negotiations with local residents and business were ongoing and that a full report on the proposals and representations received would be brought to the next meeting of this Committee.
The Chair and Members requested that the next scheduled meeting be held in early February to consider this matter (meeting to be held in Newton Abbot, date and venue subject to confirmation).
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Newton Abbot, Proposed 20mph speed limit Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/86), attached.
(Electoral Divisions: Newton Abbot North; Newton Abbot South) Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/86) on submissions to the statutory consultation on the Speed Limit Order in Newton Abbot on specified lengths of roads as detailed in Appendix 1 of the Report.
The reason was to reduce the speed of traffic in the vicinity of schools and colleges. These proposals were part of the County Council’s developing programme to introduce pilot 20 SPLs near schools and review the impact as part of its wide ranging Speed Management Policy Review.
The proposal had been advertised for 21 days up to 18 November 2022 and details of the objections received and the Officers’ response were shown in Appendix 2 of this Report.
In total 15 submissions had been received, 12 of which were in support and 1 formally objecting. Some of those supporting requested the scheme be extended to other roads or made suggestions to modify the extents/boundaries of the schemes in other ways.
The proposals would assist in helping communities to be safe, connected and resilient by restricting traffic speed to reduce the road safety hazards to venerable road users on the journey to school. They were also responding to the climate emergency by prioritising sustainable travel and transport and improving health and wellbeing by giving people greater opportunities for walking and cycling to increase their physical activity.
Members’ discussion points with the Officers included:
· data would be collected on the impact of the proposed speed limits which would be used to help inform future strategy and proposals; and · the importance of encouraging initiatives to support pedestrians and cycling, including the continued promotion of the ‘Walking Bus’ for example on which further information was available at: Walking Bus - Roads and transport (
It was MOVED by Councillor J Bradford, SECONDED by Councillor P Bullivant and
RESOLVED that the 20mph Speed Limit Order, Newton Abbot be approved as advertised.
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Shaldon A379 Bridge Road - Request for Pedestrian Crossing Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/87), attached.
(Electoral Divisions: Ippleplen & the Kerswells; Teignmouth). Minutes: (Councillor D Cox declared a prejudicial interest by virtue of being a local resident and left the meeting for the duration of the debate and vote).
The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/87) on requests for a pedestrian crossing on the A379 adjacent to the junction with Riverside on the southern side of Shaldon Bridge, as shown in Appendix 1 of the Report. A survey has been undertaken, which had shown that there was not sufficient pedestrian and vehicle flows to make this site a priority for funding. However, schemes could be considered at sites across Devon if local councils/communities were able to secure alternative funding. The local Member had indicated that he would consider this option.
Should local council or community funding be possible the following process would be used.
• An initial safety appraisal be undertaken by Devon County Council to determine whether the proposal could be supported. • An outline design be drawn up, with options laid out, and a safety audit undertaken. This would enable an initial cost estimate to be determined. • A detailed design of the agreed proposal be drawn up, and a safety audit undertaken. This would enable a more detailed cost estimate to be determined, based on a bill of quantities. • A contractor would be procured to undertake the work.
It was noted that there was no guarantee that the work would be completed. For example, if the proposals were unable to satisfy the safety audit process, they would not be able to proceed. It was also noted that the community would be responsible for funding the full cost of the project, including safety audits, as County Council funding was not available and payment would need to be received ahead of each of the stages in the process outlined above.
For this specific proposal an initial safety appraisal has been undertaken and was included in this report as Appendix 2.
It was MOVED by Councillor A Connett and SECONDED by Councillor P Bullivant and
RESOLVED that the request for a pedestrian crossing on the A379 Bridge Road be progressed if community funding is confirmed and subject to a break-down of approximate costs at each stage.
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Calendar of Meetings Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;
Meetings to be held at 10.30am:
Thursday 2 March 2023 Thursday 13 July 2023 Thursday 2 November 2023 Thursday 14 March 2024. Minutes: Early February (to consider proposals for pedestrian enhancements in Queen Street, Newton Abbot (details to be confirmed),
Thursday, 2 March 2023; Thursday 13 July 2023, Thursday 2 November 2023 and Thursday 14 March 2024 (all at 10.30 am).
Link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;