Venue: Virtual meeting. To view and watch the meeting, the link will appear below in due course.
Contact: Karen Strahan 01392 382264 Email:
Note: To be conducted in line with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. To see the live stream, please copy and paste the link -
No. | Item |
Introduction and Meetings Processes Chair of the Council and Head of Democratic Services to present. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received a presentation on how the meeting would run, including processes and etiquette. |
Minutes To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2020.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair of the Council MOVED and it was duly SECONDED that the minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2020 be signed as a correct record.
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED. |
Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair of the Council reported that the Council’s two country parks had been presented with prestigious Green Flag Awards. Both Stover Country Park and the Grand Western Canal Country Park had been among more than 2,000 sites across the country to collect the award. Both parks had remained open throughout the pandemic lockdown and had seen an increase in visitors over the last few months.
The Council had also been presented with the Silver Award from the Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme. This scheme recognised employers that supported Defence personnel and encouraged others to do the same. The Silver Award acknowledged Devon’s support for former service personnel transitioning from the Forces into career opportunities within the Council, as well as support to employees who had partners who served in the Armed Forces.
Last, a pioneering new project that supported unpaid carers had been heralded nationally and had been shortlisted for a prestigious care award at the Health Service Journal awards. It involved dedicated staff from Devon Carers (a service commissioned by the Council and NHS Devon CCG), working closely with hospital teams to identify situations where carers were involved, and where support for those carers was needed for patients to return home safely, or prevent hospital admissions. The results had shown significant improvements which was in recognition of the hard and diligent work of the Hospital Service Team. |
Items Requiring Urgent Attention Additional documents: Minutes: There was no item raised as a matter of urgency. |
Public Participation: Petitions, Questions and Representations Petitions, Questions or Representations from Members of the public in line with the Council’s Petitions and Public Participation Schemes. Additional documents: Minutes: There was no petition or questions received from a member of the public and no oral representations made. |
Petitions from Members of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: There was no Petition received from a Member of the Council. |
Questions from Members of the Council Answers to questions from Members of the Council pursuant to Standing Order 17. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Procedure Rules, the Leader and relevant Cabinet Members provided written responses to 31 questions submitted by Members of the Council relating to;
· Allocations for the Emergency Active Travel Fund, sums involved and where the schemes were in the County; · the effect of the pandemic on micro businesses across Devon and how this compared with SMEs and large employers; · current gender balance of the Councils staff, the existing gender pay gap, the impact of a public sector pay freeze and work being done to tackle the gender pay gap at the Council; · children or young people in the care of Devon County Council in placements outside of the Devon County Council area; · children or young people in the care of Devon County Council in placements outside of the county of Devon; · the furthest distance from County Hall that a child or young person had been placed in care; · children in the Council area in receipt of Free School Meals; · Children & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), and waiting times for treatment after referral; · numbers of social workers employed by the Council (head count - total number including newly qualified); · numbers of social workers directly employed by the Council; · numbers of social workers engaged through agency or through another employment form; · gross salaries for social workers employed by the Council; · salaries paid to social workers employed through an agency or personal company; · numbers of social workers who had left the Council for 2019/20 and the financial year 2020/21; · numbers of vacancies for social worker posts including those on the establishment but filled by an 'agency' social worker; · school exams and guidance for GCSE, A-Level and SATs in light of the ‘second wave’ of Covid-19; · clarity on the use of PPE in schools; · ICT equipment and internet access for disadvantaged students, when schools and children might receive the ICT equipment and how many laptops had been promised and delivered; · the number of Devon schools closed for more than 24 hours since 1st September; · the Youngminds survey results, poor mental health and counselling services to support students and the comparison to national statistics; · whether the Council was consulted by the Police and Crime Commissioner on plans to merge the Devon & Cornwall Force with Dorset Police and any response sent; · the timeline for the report on the flash flooding event in Barnstaple in August and Local Member input; · the Devon economy Report and reference to special treatment for central Barnstaple, an explanation of such measures and consultation before identifying central Barnstaple for special treatment; · the effect of additional funding for schools on funding per pupil, Devon’s place in the national league table and the Chancellors budget statement of additional funding for schools in 2021/22 and beyond; · representations to Government for additional funding for schools to help defray the costs of making schools Covid safe and whether a reply had been received; · the trial of longer semi-trailers (LSTs) for articulated goods vehicles and how Devon’s road network and bridges would ... view the full minutes text for item 323. |
Cabinet Member Reports To consider reports from Cabinet Members. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received reports from the relevant Cabinet Members on specific issues upon which they had been asked to comment, as set out below:
(a) Policy, Corporate and Asset Management
Councillor Hart circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Hannaford, on the option for all eligible electors in the Devon County Council area to vote entirely by post in the next set of local elections in 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Leader highlighted that due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Government had legislated to postpone all planned elections and referenda until 6 May 2021. Since that time, Government had confirmed there would be no further primary legislation around elections which ruled out all out postal voting, changes to polling hours and allowing by-elections or referenda to take place before 6 May 2021. The Government recognised that the polls would present new challenges and that electoral administrators would have to make changes. The Report referred to a letter from Chloe Smith MP Minister of State for the Constitution and Devolution which said it was not necessary for significant changes such as imposing an all-postal vote as it was felt all-postal voting increased fraud risks and removed choice from voters.
Government had been considering a potential smaller change to legislation to support electors with absent voting, as well as considering other ways of ensuring voter participation. Government had confirmed they would consider secondary legislation to make COVID-19 related restrictions (i.e. quarantining and self-isolation) an eligibility for emergency proxy voting, as was the case in Scotland.
Due to the changing nature of the impact and response to coronavirus nationally and locally, it would be important that communication plans were flexible and could be adapted to respond to changing circumstances.
The Leader also responded in writing to the recent spending review announcements by the Chancellor and how they might impact on Devon. The Spending Review had been presented to the House of Commons on the 26th October. Whilst Local Authorities had been anticipating a three year Spending Review, it was not a surprise that due to the economic and financial impact of the Pandemic this had been reduced to just one year. The Council’s funding allocations would not be known until the week of the 14th December at the earliest, although the size of some grant funding streams might not be known until the new year.
However, the Leader outlined a number of the key messages from the Spending Review such as Core Spending Power to increase by 4% and a new Social Care grant of £300 millions nationally. The Council Tax increase that would trigger the need for a referendum was 2% and there was an option to set an Adult Social Care Precept of up to 3% as well as current Social Care grants continuing.
A public sector pay freeze had been announced, except for those earning less than £24,000 per annum and the National Living Wage would increase.
The Leader also reported on the COVID related grants, the ... view the full minutes text for item 324. |
To receive and approve the Minutes of the under mentioned Committees
Additional documents:
Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 13(2), the Chair of the Council MOVED and it was duly SECONDED that the Minutes of the undermentioned meetings of Committees be endorsed.
Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Office Conduct Committee - 12 October & 25 November 2020 (including approval of minute 79 and the endorsement of the appointment of the Chief Officer for Children’s Services) Development Management Committee - 21 October 2020 Appeals - 2 November 2020 Standards Committee - 16 November 2020 Procedures Committee - 17 November 2020 (except minute 97 which would be dealt with later on the agenda) Audit Committee - 26 November 2020 Public Rights of Way Committee - 26 November 2020 Investment & Pension Fund Committee - 27 November 2020
Children’s Scrutiny - 10 November 2020 Health & Adult Care Scrutiny - 12 November 2020 Corporate Infrastructure & Regulatory - 19 November 2020 Services Scrutiny
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED. |
Future Meetings and Commitment to Increased Virtual Meetings (Minute 296 of 23 July 2020) To receive and consider the recommendations of the Procedures Committee (Minute 97) as an amendment to the following Notice of Motion submitted previously to the Council by Councillor Biederman and referred thereto in accordance with Standing Order 8(2), namely:
That Devon County Council make a commitment to holding more virtual meetings, briefings and task groups post Covid-19. They have clearly been very successful, have made a huge saving to the Council in budgetary terms and they also help in the Council’s climate emergency aims, by reducing our carbon footprint. Council therefore asks the Procedures Committee to consider a Report on meetings in the future and what Committees, briefings and task groups could meet virtually
Having had regard to the aforementioned, any factual briefing/position statement on the matter set out in Report (CSO/20/18) and other suggestions or alternatives considered at that meeting the Procedures Committee subsequently resolved:
(a) note the update Report around the current legislation, the Council’s Virtual Meetings and Audio-Visual capabilities and Member meetings which permit remote attendance;
(b) welcome more flexibility in Local Government in the future which could pave the way for more people standing for Election and a more diverse Council of the future;
(c) in light of (b) and the benefits achieved over the last few months, write to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government requesting a permanent change to the Legislation to support more flexible working practices in the future for Local Democracy.
(d) ask officers to consider the most effective medium for holding a meeting in the future, supporting and encouraging remote meetings when it is appropriate to do so;
(e) support those Members who wish to attend future meetings remotely, with relevant training and provision of necessary equipment; and,
(f) ask Procedures, at the appropriate time, to undertake a further review of any legislative changes surrounding remote meetings and make any necessary changes to the Constitution and working practices.
Additional documents: Minutes: Pursuant to County Council Minute 296 of 23 July 2020 relating to the Notice of Motion set out below as previously submitted and formally moved and seconded by Councillor Biederman that:
Devon County Council make a commitment to holding more virtual meetings, briefings and task groups post Covid-19. They have clearly been very successful, have made a huge saving to the Council in budgetary terms and they also help in the Council’s climate emergency aims, by reducing our carbon footprint. Council therefore asks the Procedures Committee to consider a Report on meetings in the future and what Committees, briefings and task groups could meet virtually.
and having had regard to the advice of the Procedures Committee set out in Minute 97 of 17 November 2020:
that Council be asked to;
(a) note the update Report around the current legislation, the Council’s Virtual Meetings and Audio-Visual capabilities and Member meetings which permit remote attendance;
(b) welcome more flexibility in Local Government in the future which could pave the way for more people standing for Election and a more diverse Council of the future;
(c) in light of (b) and the benefits achieved over the last few months, write to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government requesting a permanent change to the Legislation to support more flexible working practices in the future for Local Democracy.
(d) ask officers to consider the most effective medium for holding a meeting in the future, supporting and encouraging remote meetings when it is appropriate to do so;
(e) support those Members who wish to attend future meetings remotely, with relevant training and provision of necessary equipment; and
(f) ask Procedures, at the appropriate time, to undertake a further review of any legislative changes surrounding remote meetings and make any necessary changes to the Constitution and working practices.
Councillor Barker MOVED and Councillor Hart SECONDED that the Procedures recommendation be accepted and that the content of the Notice of Motion be endorsed.
The amendment in the name of Councillor Barker was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and subsequently thereafter also CARRIED as the substantive motion. |
Food Justice (Minute 313 of 1 October 2020) To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet (Minute 581a) as an amendment to the following Notice of Motion submitted previously to the Council by Councillor Aves and referred thereto in accordance with Standing Order 8(2), namely
This Council notes:
That Trussell Trust research shows three million children in the UK are at risk of hunger during the school holidays.
The Trussell Trust anticipates that ending furlough in October would trigger a rise in foodbank use of at least 61%.
Foodbank use has already dramatically increased. The Independent Food Aid Network recorded a 59% increase in demand for emergency food support between February and March 2020.
The Covid-19 emergency has exposed major health inequalities across the country with children and families suffering disproportionately.
Between March and August 2020 there has already been a 115% increase in Universal Credit claimants nationally and in Devon even greater, 165% for all claimants and 173% for 16-24 year olds.
That Government has committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which have an international and domestic commitment to ending hunger by 2030.
That Government has asked Henry Dimbleby to lead on producing a National Food Strategy.
This Council believes:
No one in the UK should go hungry, not least children.
Food justice is about taking action on the causes of hunger such as affordability and availability of good nutritious food. That the stopping of furlough payments will lead to further unemployment and more food poverty as a result.
Local councils, schools and communities play a key role in supporting those that are experiencing food poverty during the Covid-19 pandemic and that should be recognised.
The Council resolves to:
1. Nominate an existing cabinet member to take on responsibility for Food Justice.
2. Commit to setting up a food partnership to work with district councils and other partners to develop a Food Action Plan.
3. Re-double its efforts to increase Free School Meal sign ups to ensure that all those who are entitled to them or need them, receive them.
4. Encourage Scrutiny to look at the extent of food poverty – map it and understand what is going on across the County.
5. Write in association with Devon MPs, to encourage Government to:
a) commit to legislate the existing commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals to end hunger by 2030;
b) commit funding in the next spending review for the five Sustain policies to protect children's health and increase access to nutritious food that is culturally appropriate, because the National Food Strategy will take a year to be adopted;
c) support our local food production and suppliers, our farming and fishing industries in Devon, to protect workers jobs so that our food supplies are sustained throughout the pandemic and any shortages or delays experienced during the EU Brexit;
d) increase Universal Credit so people can buy enough food;
e) immediately act to help those most affected.
Having had regard to the aforementioned, any factual briefing/position statement on the matter set out in Report ... view the full agenda text for item 327. Additional documents: Minutes: Pursuant to County Council Minute 313 of 1 October 2020 relating to the Notice of Motion set out below as previously submitted and formally moved and seconded by Councillor Aves that:
This Council notes:
That Trussell Trust research shows three million children in the UK are at risk of hunger during the school holidays.
The Trussell Trust anticipates that ending furlough in October would trigger a rise in foodbank use of at least 61%.
Foodbank use has already dramatically increased. The Independent Food Aid Network recorded a 59% increase in demand for emergency food support between February and March 2020.
The Covid-19 emergency has exposed major health inequalities across the country with children and families suffering disproportionately.
Between March and August 2020 there has already been a 115% increase in Universal Credit claimants nationally and in Devon even greater, 165% for all claimants and 173% for 16-24 year olds.
That Government has committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which have an international and domestic commitment to ending hunger by 2030.
That Government has asked Henry Dimbleby to lead on producing a National Food Strategy.
This Council believes:
No one in the UK should go hungry, not least children.
Food justice is about taking action on the causes of hunger such as affordability and availability of good nutritious food. That the stopping of furlough payments will lead to further unemployment and more food poverty as a result.
Local councils, schools and communities play a key role in supporting those that are experiencing food poverty during the Covid-19 pandemic and that should be recognised.
The Council resolves to:
1. Nominate an existing cabinet member to take on responsibility for Food Justice.
2. Commit to setting up a food partnership to work with district councils and other partners to develop a Food Action Plan.
3. Re-double its efforts to increase Free School Meal sign ups to ensure that all those who are entitled to them or need them, receive them.
4. Encourage Scrutiny to look at the extent of food poverty – map it and understand what is going on across the County.
5. Write in association with Devon MPs, to encourage Government to:
a) commit to legislate the existing commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals to end hunger by 2030;
b) commit funding in the next spending review for the five Sustain policies to protect children's health and increase access to nutritious food that is culturally appropriate, because the National Food Strategy will take a year to be adopted;
c) support our local food production and suppliers, our farming and fishing industries in Devon, to protect workers jobs so that our food supplies are sustained throughout the pandemic and any shortages or delays experienced during the EU Brexit;
d) increase Universal Credit so people can buy enough food;
e) immediately act to help those most affected.
and having had regard to the advice of the Cabinet set out in Minute 581a of 11 November 2020 that Council:
(a) ask the ... view the full minutes text for item 327. |
Devon Economy and Recovery (Minute 314 of 1 October 2020) To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet (Minute 581b) as an amendment to the following Notice of Motion submitted previously to the Council by Councillor Atkinson and referred thereto in accordance with Standing Order 8(2), namely
The strength of the UK and Devon economy and GDP depends in the major part on the recovery of the service sectors as we are principally a service led economy. Though we also have manufacturing and production industries nationally and in Devon. It is acknowledged that our economy has contracted as a result of the pandemic and the impending Exit from the EU.
The EU has set up a £750bn Euro coronavirus pandemic recovery fund and long-term spending plans to provide grants to kick start Europe’s recovery from the pandemic particularly investing in green industry and infrastructure and to target resources to recovery, resilience and transformation.
To date only £20 million of new funding to help small and medium sized businesses across England to get back on track after the pandemic has been announced by the government and this means access only to grants of between £1,000 - £5,000 for new equipment and technology and specialist advice. No funding has been allocated to the Shared Prosperity Fund to replace the loss of EU Structural Funds after Brexit.
This Council will write to the government and request it: · to ensure that there are no new austerity measures like those introduced in 2010 after the banking crisis; · to set up a similar well-funded fund proportionate to the size of this country to provide grants to support Britain and Devon’s economic recovery resilience and transformation; · to make grants available out of the fund to invest in and support: - - Devon’s local food and drink production and suppliers, our farming and fishing industries in Devon, so as to protect jobs so that our food supplies are sustained throughout the pandemic and any shortages or delays experienced during the exit from the EU; - Devon’s service sectors such as retail hospitality tourism education health human services information technology finance arts and culture; - Devon’s shipbuilding and engineering and environmental science sectors - Devon’s Green economy and sustainable energy production and transport systems and to support local industry to achieve net zero carbon climate change targets set by the Paris Agreement - Devon’s blue economy - its marine environment which is aiming to become more sustainable; and, - New infrastructure to support sustainable green and blue growth
Having had regard to the aforementioned, any factual briefing/position statement on the matter set out in Report (CSO/20/16) and other suggestions or alternatives considered at that meeting the Cabinet subsequently resolved:
(a) that Council be recommended to take no further action at this time, given that the concerns and issues have already been raised with Government by the Council working with Team Devon including a request for funding; and
(b) to note that the Council has also approved a £6m package of investment, for consideration as part of the ... view the full agenda text for item 328. Additional documents: Minutes: Pursuant to County Council Minute 314 of 1 October 2020 relating to the Notice of Motion set out below as previously submitted and formally moved and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that:
The strength of the UK and Devon economy and GDP depends in the major part on the recovery of the service sectors as we are principally a service led economy. Though we also have manufacturing and production industries nationally and in Devon. It is acknowledged that our economy has contracted as a result of the pandemic and the impending Exit from the EU.
The EU has set up a £750bn Euro coronavirus pandemic recovery fund and long-term spending plans to provide grants to kick start Europe’s recovery from the pandemic particularly investing in green industry and infrastructure and to target resources to recovery, resilience and transformation.
To date only £20 million of new funding to help small and medium sized businesses across England to get back on track after the pandemic has been announced by the government and this means access only to grants of between £1,000 - £5,000 for new equipment and technology and specialist advice. No funding has been allocated to the Shared Prosperity Fund to replace the loss of EU Structural Funds after Brexit.
This Council will write to the government and request it: · to ensure that there are no new austerity measures like those introduced in 2010 after the banking crisis; · to set up a similar well-funded fund proportionate to the size of this country to provide grants to support Britain and Devon’s economic recovery resilience and transformation; · to make grants available out of the fund to invest in and support: - - Devon’s local food and drink production and suppliers, our farming and fishing industries in Devon, so as to protect jobs so that our food supplies are sustained throughout the pandemic and any shortages or delays experienced during the exit from the EU; - Devon’s service sectors such as retail hospitality tourism education health human services information technology finance arts and culture; - Devon’s shipbuilding and engineering and environmental science sectors - Devon’s Green economy and sustainable energy production and transport systems and to support local industry to achieve net zero carbon climate change targets set by the Paris Agreement - Devon’s blue economy - its marine environment which is aiming to become more sustainable; and, - New infrastructure to support sustainable green and blue growth
and having had regard to the advice of the Cabinet set out in Minute 581b of 11 November 2020:
(a) that Council be recommended to take no further action at this time, given that the concerns and issues have already been raised with Government by the Council working with Team Devon including a request for funding; and
(b) to note that the Council has also approved a £6m package of investment, for consideration as part of the 2021/22 budget setting process which would support the actions as set out in the notice of motion.
Councillor Hart MOVED ... view the full minutes text for item 328. |
Great South West Initiative (Minute 315 of 1 October 2020) To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet (Minute 581c) as an amendment to the following Notice of Motion submitted previously to the Council by Councillor Atkinson and referred thereto in accordance with Standing Order 8(2), namely:
Since the abolition of the Regional Development Agency and the establishment of local LEPS economic development in the region has become fragmented. Control of public funds for economic development rest with central government on a piecemeal basis.
At the recent AGM of the Heart of the South West LEP the chair lamented that there has been no rural productivity deal for the South West and that the South West does not garner the level of support we need from the Government. He cited that attempts to deal with this by establishing the Great South West with its prospectus had failed to get the support of government.
The Council agrees to write to the government to ask it to support the Great South West Initiative and in particular: · Give formal recognition and provide an identified Minister to link into Government. · Provide at the very least £2million requested over three years to move forward at pace and enable it to develop full business cases across the range of topics covered in its prospectus though arguably now more is required sooner to support the recovery of the economy after the impact of the pandemic · Support an enhanced export and investment hub. · Recognition to a Great South West Tourism Zone; and an · Agreement to create a rural productivity deal.
Having had regard to the aforementioned, any factual briefing/position statement on the matter set out in Report (CSO/20/16) and other suggestions or alternatives considered at that meeting the Cabinet subsequently resolved:
that Council be recommended to make no further representation at this time, whilst we await a response and outcome to the recent letter sent on this matter and a meeting with the Minister for Local Government has taken place.
Additional documents: Minutes: Pursuant to County Council Minute 315 of 1 October 2020 relating to the Notice of Motion set out below as previously submitted and formally moved and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that:
Since the abolition of the Regional Development Agency and the establishment of local LEPS economic development in the region has become fragmented. Control of public funds for economic development rest with central government on a piecemeal basis.
At the recent AGM of the Heart of the South West LEP the chair lamented that there has been no rural productivity deal for the South West and that the South West does not garner the level of support we need from the Government. He cited that attempts to deal with this by establishing the Great South West with its prospectus had failed to get the support of government.
The Council agrees to write to the government to ask it to support the Great South West Initiative and in particular:
· Give formal recognition and · Provide an identified Minister to link into Government. · Provide at the very least £2million requested over three years to move forward at pace and enable it to develop full business cases across the range of topics covered in its prospectus though arguably now more is required sooner to support the recovery of the economy after the impact of the pandemic · Support an enhanced export and investment hub. · Recognition to a Great South West Tourism Zone; and an · Agreement to create a rural productivity deal.
and having had regard to the advice of the Cabinet set out in Minute of 581c of 11 November 2020:
that Council be recommended to make no further representation at this time, whilst we await a response and outcome to the recent letter sent on this matter and a meeting with the Minister for Local Government has taken place.
Councillor Hart MOVED and Councillor McInnes SECONDED that the Cabinet’s advice be accepted and that that no further action be taken on the Notice of Motion, given the Council was awaiting a response and outcome to a recent letter sent on the matter.
The Leader said that a copy of the letter would be shared with Members once received.
The amendment in the name of Councillor Hart was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and subsequently thereafter also CARRIED as the substantive motion. |
The Protection of UK Jobs and Businesses (Minute 316 of 1 October 2020) To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet (Minute 581d) as an amendment to the following Notice of Motion submitted previously to the Council by Councillor Hannaford and referred thereto in accordance with Standing Order 8(2), namely
Council Notes With Concern
The South West region has seen some of the highest employee furlough rates in the country during the first part of the Covid-19 pandemic. Figures show that under the Government's Job Retention Scheme, 808,900 people in the region were furloughed, with take-up in the South-West of 32.1%, being the second highest for any region in England after the West Midlands.
Retail has been the sector hardest hit by mass redundancies since the pandemic began, with manufacturing, tourism, hospitality and aviation also being badly affected.
Tens of thousands of job losses have been announced, and more mass redundancies are expected in these sectors, yet they will not receive any tailored support when the Government’s jobs-retention scheme is scheduled to finish at the end of October. Our country is facing an unprecedented jobs crisis. The Office for Budget Responsibility predicts that, by the end of this year, nearly one in eight of the UK’s workforce will be unemployed.
The Government’s current plan to end furlough outright is oversimplistic and will only exacerbate the problem - it puts millions of jobs at risk. Regions such as the South West, are as a direct result at risk of suffering from deepening inequality. Britain already has the worst regional inequalities in Europe, and without targeted action now, these are likely to get even worse.
Council Supports
The work of the Treasury select committee, that has called on the Government to “carefully consider” targeted extensions to its coronavirus job retention scheme, that is due to end for all sectors. The new ‘Challenges of Recovery’ report from the cross-party group of MPs, concludes that although the retention scheme “cannot persist indefinitely” the Chancellor should consider further support measures.
Commenting on the new publication, Treasury select committee chair Mel Stride MP said: “Our second report of the inquiry focuses on emerging challenges as lockdown measures are lifted. One such challenge is to target assistance effectively at those businesses and individuals who need it. The Chancellor should carefully consider targeted extensions to the coronavirus job retention scheme and explain his conclusions.”
The new report is the second by the committee on the economic impacts of Covid-19. The first identified gaps in the Government’s financial schemes that left at least one million people unsupported. The proposals set out in the earlier June report were ignored, which led the Treasury select committee to accuse the Government of “turning its back on those who are suffering”.
The newly released report also says the Government should extend reforms to Universal Credit past their one-year cut-off, support small businesses struggling with debt and define “levelling up”.
Although the Prime Minister claims to have made reducing regional inequalities a central aim of his administration, the committee accuses his ‘levelling up‘ promise of being ... view the full agenda text for item 330. Additional documents: Minutes: Pursuant to County Council Minute 316 of 1 October 2020 relating to the Notice of Motion set out below as previously submitted and formally moved and seconded by Councillor Hannaford that:
Council Notes With Concern
The South West region has seen some of the highest employee furlough rates in the country during the first part of the Covid-19 pandemic. Figures show that under the Government's Job Retention Scheme, 808,900 people in the region were furloughed, with take-up in the South-West of 32.1%, being the second highest for any region in England after the West Midlands.
Retail has been the sector hardest hit by mass redundancies since the pandemic began, with manufacturing, tourism, hospitality and aviation also being badly affected.
Tens of thousands of job losses have been announced, and more mass redundancies are expected in these sectors, yet they will not receive any tailored support when the Government’s jobs-retention scheme is scheduled to finish at the end of October. Our country is facing an unprecedented jobs crisis. The Office for Budget Responsibility predicts that, by the end of this year, nearly one in eight of the UK’s workforce will be unemployed.
The Government’s current plan to end furlough outright is oversimplistic and will only exacerbate the problem - it puts millions of jobs at risk. Regions such as the South West, are as a direct result at risk of suffering from deepening inequality. Britain already has the worst regional inequalities in Europe, and without targeted action now, these are likely to get even worse.
Council Supports
The work of the Treasury select committee, that has called on the Government to “carefully consider” targeted extensions to its coronavirus job retention scheme, that is due to end for all sectors. The new ‘Challenges of Recovery’ report from the cross-party group of MPs, concludes that although the retention scheme “cannot persist indefinitely” the Chancellor should consider further support measures.
Commenting on the new publication, Treasury select committee chair Mel Stride MP said: “Our second report of the inquiry focuses on emerging challenges as lockdown measures are lifted. One such challenge is to target assistance effectively at those businesses and individuals who need it. The Chancellor should carefully consider targeted extensions to the coronavirus job retention scheme and explain his conclusions.”
The new report is the second by the committee on the economic impacts of Covid-19. The first identified gaps in the Government’s financial schemes that left at least one million people unsupported. The proposals set out in the earlier June report were ignored, which led the Treasury select committee to accuse the Government of “turning its back on those who are suffering”.
The newly released report also says the Government should extend reforms to Universal Credit past their one-year cut-off, support small businesses struggling with debt and define “levelling up”.
Although the Prime Minister claims to have made reducing regional inequalities a central aim of his administration, the committee accuses his ‘levelling up‘ promise of being merely an “empty slogan”.
The Chair Mel ... view the full minutes text for item 330. |
Armed Forces Councillor Asvachin to move: We call upon the council to make their armed forces champions and lead officers aware of the difficulties experienced by commonwealth veterans and ensure that those who are currently experiencing problems, whether financial or immigration difficulties, are not disadvantaged whilst their applications are ongoing. We also call upon the leader of the council to write to the Prime Minister, Kevin Forster the Minister of State for Immigration, and Johnny Mercer the Minister of State for Veterans Affairs, outlining this Councils support for all Commonwealth veterans who have served a minimum of 4 years being granted automatic and free of charge right to remain in the UK and that any veteran who completes 12 years of service to be automatically given British Citizenship. Further, we call upon the Leader of the Council to write to our Devon MPs, on behalf of this council, to ask that they continue to press the government for a change in the legislation that affects those that have served diligently and honourably for this Country Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Asvachin MOVED and Councillor Aves SECONDED “We call upon the council to make their armed forces champions and lead officers aware of the difficulties experienced by commonwealth veterans and ensure that those who are currently experiencing problems, whether financial or immigration difficulties, are not disadvantaged whilst their applications are ongoing. We also call upon the leader of the council to write to the Prime Minister, Kevin Forster the Minister of State for Immigration, and Johnny Mercer the Minister of State for Veterans Affairs, outlining this Councils support for all Commonwealth veterans who have served a minimum of 4 years being granted automatic and free of charge right to remain in the UK and that any veteran who completes 12 years of service to be automatically given British Citizenship. Further, we call upon the Leader of the Council to write to our Devon MPs, on behalf of this council, to ask that they continue to press the government for a change in the legislation that affects those that have served diligently and honourably for this Country” In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |
Loneliness and Isolation Councillor Connett to move:
This Council notes that loneliness and isolation are a public health issue that must be tackled at a local, as well as at a national level. It is estimated one in ten people of pensionable age living in the Devon County Council area are likely to be classed as lonely or severely lonely. And that the Covid 19 pandemic will have increased the chronic nature of this loneliness.
This Council believes:
1. Loneliness increases the risk of heart disease and puts people at greater risk of blood clots. 2. Being chronically lonely is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. 3. Loneliness makes people more likely to drink more alcohol, eat more and exercise less. 4. Raising awareness of the health impact of loneliness is important because it affects older people’s mortality and morbidity. 5. Councillors and the authority as a whole can play a key leadership role in ensuring Devon is an area in which people maintain and forge social connections. 6. The Health and Wellbeing Board must play a central role in mapping local services and supporting local interventions to help reduce social isolation and loneliness.
Devon County Council will work at three levels to address loneliness:
One to one:
1. Improve information and advice on existing services and activities that reduce loneliness and isolation. Make sure this information is available both off and online. 2. Launch a local campaign to raise awareness of the health effects of loneliness and isolation amongst target risk groups.
3. Set up a pilot scheme in a selected Division to map local assets for, and barriers to, keeping connected in older age. Involve local businesses, police officers and voluntary organisations in the project. 4. Involve older people, including those experiencing or at risk of loneliness, in mapping local assets, determining responses, and co-producing solutions. 5. Support the voluntary and community sector to build referral partnerships with frontline healthcare staff, fire services and social workers.
6. To take an active interest and role in ensuring the public health problem of social isolation in Devon is recognised and assessed. 7. To regularly measure loneliness and mapping need through Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and/or lifestyle surveys. Use this to monitor impact of interventions. 8. To ensure addressing loneliness and isolation is part of any ‘ageing well’ or ‘mental health’ or other relevant priority in the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. 9. Protect subsidies for public transport for over-60s, and improve accessibility to public and community transport. 10. Agree a plan, in conjunction with the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, to take action to prevent and reduce loneliness. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Connett MOVED and Councillor Way SECONDED
This Council notes that loneliness and isolation are a public health issue that must be tackled at a local, as well as at a national level. It is estimated one in ten people of pensionable age living in the Devon County Council area are likely to be classed as lonely or severely lonely. And that the Covid 19 pandemic will have increased the chronic nature of this loneliness.
This Council believes:
1. Loneliness increases the risk of heart disease and puts people at greater risk of blood clots. 2. Being chronically lonely is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. 3. Loneliness makes people more likely to drink more alcohol, eat more and exercise less. 4. Raising awareness of the health impact of loneliness is important because it affects older people’s mortality and morbidity. 5. Councillors and the authority as a whole can play a key leadership role in ensuring Devon is an area in which people maintain and forge social connections. 6. The Health and Wellbeing Board must play a central role in mapping local services and supporting local interventions to help reduce social isolation and loneliness.
Devon County Council will work at three levels to address loneliness:
One to one:
1. Improve information and advice on existing services and activities that reduce loneliness and isolation. Make sure this information is available both off and online. 2. Launch a local campaign to raise awareness of the health effects of loneliness and isolation amongst target risk groups.
3. Set up a pilot scheme in a selected Division to map local assets for, and barriers to, keeping connected in older age. Involve local businesses, police officers and voluntary organisations in the project. 4. Involve older people, including those experiencing or at risk of loneliness, in mapping local assets, determining responses, and co-producing solutions. 5. Support the voluntary and community sector to build referral partnerships with frontline healthcare staff, fire services and social workers.
6. To take an active interest and role in ensuring the public health problem of social isolation in Devon is recognised and assessed. 7. To regularly measure loneliness and mapping need through Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and/or lifestyle surveys. Use this to monitor impact of interventions. 8. To ensure addressing loneliness and isolation is part of any ‘ageing well’ or ‘mental health’ or other relevant priority in the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. 9. Protect subsidies for public transport for over-60s, and improve accessibility to public and community transport. 10. Agree a plan, in conjunction with the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, to take action to prevent and reduce loneliness.
In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |
Children's Social Workers Councillor Brazil to move:
Once again Devon’s Children’s Social Care Services has failed its OFSTED inspection. DCC continues to fail some of the most vulnerable, the very people we should be doing our upmost to support and protect. Cornwall Children’s Social Care Services is rated excellent. In comparison Devon’s children’s social workers have worse terms and conditions of employment including training and career progression. Not surprisingly Devon has a high turnover of social workers and employs a higher number temporary (and more expensive) agency staff.
As a matter of urgency DCC will commit to improving the terms and conditions of employment and invest in the support of these social workers. Additional documents: Minutes:
Councillor Brazil MOVED and Councillor Connett SECONDED
Once again Devon’s Children’s Social Care Services has failed its OFSTED inspection. DCC continues to fail some of the most vulnerable, the very people we should be doing our upmost to support and protect. Cornwall Children’s Social Care Services is rated excellent. In comparison Devon’s children’s social workers have worse terms and conditions of employment including training and career progression. Not surprisingly Devon has a high turnover of social workers and employs a higher number temporary (and more expensive) agency staff.
As a matter of urgency DCC will commit to improving the terms and conditions of employment and invest in the support of these social workers.
In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |
Rural Proofing Cllr Atkinson to move:
Given the government’s failure to fair fund rural Devon’s schools, economy, health services, police and local government and to recognise the Great South West’s Industrial strategy, this council considers the Government needs comprehensively to rethink and reform the rural proofing process across Government, to ensure that relevant policies and legislation are attuned to the needs of rural communities and rural economies like Devon.
This Council considers a reformed approach to rural proofing should be introduced and take into account the following:
· A rural assessment should take place at the start of the policy process, including engagement with rural stakeholders, and be treated as integral, rather than as an adjunct to urban-focused policy. No legislation should be brought forward without an accompanying rural assessment statement; · The impact of new policies on rural areas should be systematically and consistently monitored as they are implemented. This would include an update on the performance of rural proofing across government in the Government’s annual report on the implementation of the rural strategy; · All relevant public bodies including government, Devon County Council and the HoSW LEP should be required to rural proof, monitor and report annually on the rural impacts of relevant policies. · The Government should put in place the appropriate structures to facilitate a more robust rural proofing regime. · Agrees to write to the Government and MPs across the South West and the LEP in response to this motion.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor AtkinsonMOVED and Councillor Ackland SECONDED
Given the Government’s failure to fair fund rural Devon’s schools, economy, health services, police and local government and to recognise the Great South West’s Industrial strategy, this council considers the Government needs comprehensively to rethink and reform the rural proofing process across Government, to ensure that relevant policies and legislation are attuned to the needs of rural communities and rural economies like Devon.
This Council considers a reformed approach to rural proofing should be introduced and take into account the following:
· A rural assessment should take place at the start of the policy process, including engagement with rural stakeholders, and be treated as integral, rather than as an adjunct to urban-focused policy. No legislation should be brought forward without an accompanying rural assessment statement; · The impact of new policies on rural areas should be systematically and consistently monitored as they are implemented. This would include an update on the performance of rural proofing across government in the Government’s annual report on the implementation of the rural strategy; · All relevant public bodies including government, Devon County Council and the HoSW LEP should be required to rural proof, monitor and report annually on the rural impacts of relevant policies. · The Government should put in place the appropriate structures to facilitate a more robust rural proofing regime. · Agrees to write to the Government and MPs across the South West and the LEP in response to this motion.
In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |
Climate Change and Fossil Fuel Projects Councillor Atkinson to move: The UK export finance (UKEF) has used £3.5bn of public funds to support polluting projects since the government signed up to the Paris climate agreement and has directed £6bn of public money into fossil fuel projects around the world in the last decade. It is considering requests for financial support for seven projects involving fossil fuels that may be agreed in 2021 and has received a further 10 applications for trade finance support in the sector. Britain must lead by example by urgently aligning our stated net zero priorities at home with our practices abroad in view of our COP presidency next year. The government’s seeming willingness to pump billions of pounds of UK public money into overseas oil and gas demonstrates a reckless and inconsistent approach to climate action. Devon County Council calls on the government to: · end all financing for new foreign fossil fuel projects immediately or risk undermining its own commitment to tackling the global climate crisis; and, · change the mandate of its credit agency, UK export finance (UKEF), to stop offering billions of pounds in financial support to companies that bid for work on fossil fuel projects overseas despite a pledge to be carbon neutral at home.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor AtkinsonMOVED and Councillor Hodgson SECONDED The UK export finance (UKEF) has used £3.5bn of public funds to support polluting projects since the government signed up to the Paris climate agreement and has directed £6bn of public money into fossil fuel projects around the world in the last decade. It is considering requests for financial support for seven projects involving fossil fuels that may be agreed in 2021 and has received a further 10 applications for trade finance support in the sector. Britain must lead by example by urgently aligning our stated net zero priorities at home with our practices abroad in view of our COP presidency next year. The government’s seeming willingness to pump billions of pounds of UK public money into overseas oil and gas demonstrates a reckless and inconsistent approach to climate action. Devon County Council calls on the government to: · end all financing for new foreign fossil fuel projects immediately or risk undermining its own commitment to tackling the global climate crisis; and, · change the mandate of its credit agency, UK export finance (UKEF), to stop offering billions of pounds in financial support to companies that bid for work on fossil fuel projects overseas despite a pledge to be carbon neutral at home. In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |
Public Sector Pay Cllr Atkinson to move: Research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies showed that public sector pay is 1.5% lower than in 2010 after inflation, and among the lowest levels relative to private sector earnings in decades. Devon County Council: · deplores the governments renewed squeeze or pay freeze on public sector pay and should not be attacking public sector workers who have done much to support the emergency response to the coronavirus pandemic; · considers this will seriously affect morale and services at DCC; · will exacerbate difficulties with hiring workers and retaining existing employees; and, · agrees to write to the Government to and local MPs to ask it to not implement this.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor AtkinsonMOVED and Councillor Asvachin SECONDED Research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies showed that public sector pay is 1.5% lower than in 2010 after inflation, and among the lowest levels relative to private sector earnings in decades. Devon County Council: · deplores the Governments renewed squeeze or pay freeze on public sector pay and should not be attacking public sector workers who have done much to support the emergency response to the coronavirus pandemic; · considers this will seriously affect morale and services at DCC; · will exacerbate difficulties with hiring workers and retaining existing employees; and, · agrees to write to the Government to and local MPs to ask it to not implement this. In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |
The British Horse Society - Dead Slow Campaign Cllr Hannaford to move:
Council notes with concern that:
Numbers of road collisions involving horses in the South West are higher than anywhere else in the country, according to the latest figures.
New statistics released by the British Horse Society (BHS) show that 203 incidents were reported to the charity during 2019-20, down slightly from 239 in 2018-19.
Devon reported over half of the overall total with 104 incidents, one human fatality and 33 horse fatalities, also making it the county with the highest equine fatality rate in the UK.
The BHS has collated incident statistics to tie in with Road Safety Week (November 16-22) run by Brake, the road safety charity, to understand the rate of incidents involving horses on UK roads.
Of the 1,037 incidents reported nationally, 80 horses have died and 136 have been injured.
Furthermore, the BHS reveals that 81% of them occurred due to vehicles passing by too closely and close to half (43%) of riders were subject to road rage or abuse. It adds that 40% of incidents occurred because a vehicle passed by too quickly.
Overall since November 2010, 4,774 road incidents have been reported to the BHS, 44 people have lost their lives and 1,220 have been injured, and 395 horses have been killed, with another 1,080 injured.
Council supports:
The Dead Slow campaign that can be visited at the website slow, consists of four key behavioural change messages to drivers in relation to horses and riders: · Slow down to a maximum of 15mph; · Be patient – I won’t sound my horn or rev my engine; · Pass the horse wide and slow (if safe to do so), at least a car’s width if possible; · Drive slowly away.
Council resolves:
With the documented increase in speeding incidents we support the charity in urging drivers to be very careful when passing horses on the road, and for them to adhere to its Dead Slow campaign messages. We join with the BHS to encourage all riders and horse owners to report their incidents to the charity at .
Furthermore, as Devon’s highways authority we will aim to work with horse owners & riders, local communities, District, Town and Parish Councils, charities and others to wherever possible promote this campaign, in tandem with other measures such as better signage, to achieve behavioural change and secure better equine safety for all. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hannaford MOVED and Councillor Hodgson SECONDED
Council notes with concern that: Numbers of road collisions involving horses in the South West are higher than anywhere else in the country, according to the latest figures. New statistics released by the British Horse Society (BHS) show that 203 incidents were reported to the charity during 2019-20, down slightly from 239 in 2018-19. Devon reported over half of the overall total with 104 incidents, one human fatality and 33 horse fatalities, also making it the county with the highest equine fatality rate in the UK. The BHS has collated incident statistics to tie in with Road Safety Week (November 16-22) run by Brake, the road safety charity, to understand the rate of incidents involving horses on UK roads. Of the 1,037 incidents reported nationally, 80 horses have died and 136 have been injured. Furthermore, the BHS reveals that 81% of them occurred due to vehicles passing by too closely and close to half (43%) of riders were subject to road rage or abuse. It adds that 40% of incidents occurred because a vehicle passed by too quickly. Overall, since November 2010, 4,774 road incidents have been reported to the BHS, 44 people have lost their lives and 1,220 have been injured, and 395 horses have been killed, with another 1,080 injured.
Council supports:
The Dead Slow campaign that can be visited at the website slow, consists of four key behavioral change messages to drivers in relation to horses and riders: · Slow down to a maximum of 15mph; · Be patient – I won’ sound my horn or rev my engine; · Pass the horse wide and slow (if safe to do so), at least a car’s width if possible; · Drive slowly away.
Council Resolves:
With the documented increase in speeding incidents we support the charity in urging drivers to be very careful when passing horses on the road, and for them to adhere to its Dead Slow campaign messages. We join with the BHS to encourage all riders and horse owners to report their incidents to the charity at Furthermore as Devons highways authority we will aim to work with horse owners & riders , local communities, District, Town and Parish Councils, charities and others to wherever possible promote this campaign, in tandem with other measures such as better signage, to achieve behavioral change and secure better equine safety for all. In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |