Venue: Virtual meeting. For public participation (questions /representations), please contact the Clerk for further details on attendance. To simply watch the meeting, see the instruction below.
Contact: Karen Strahan 01392 382264 Email:
Note: To be conducted in line with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. To see the live stream, please copy and paste this link -
No. | Item |
Meeting Processes and Etiquette The Head of Democratic Services to present. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received a presentation on how the meeting would run, including processes and etiquette. |
Election of Chair Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Channon MOVED and Councillor Gribble SECONDED that Councillor Barker be elected Chair of Devon County Council for the remainder of the municipal year.
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED.
The Chair and Group Leaders expressed their gratitude to the immediate past Chair for his service during his year of office: Councillor Mathews responded. |
Appointment of Vice Chair Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Scott MOVED and Councillor Randall Johnson SECONDED that Councillor Trail be appointed Vice Chair of Devon County Council for the ensuing year.
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED.
The Chair, immediate past Chair and Group Leaders thanked the immediate past Vice-Chair for her services and support to the former Chair during her year of office. Councillor Squires responded. |
Appointment of Deputy Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hart, the Leader of the Council, MOVED and Councillor Hughes SECONDED that Councillor McInnes be appointed Deputy Leader of Devon County Council for the ensuing year.
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED. |
Cabinet Members and Allocation of Remits The Leader of the Council to move:
"that the Council note that Members shown in the Appendix circulated to Members with the agenda of the meeting will be appointed to hold office until the date of the Elections in 2021, together with the remits shown therein." Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hart, the Leader of the Council, MOVED and Councillor Hughes SECONDED:
"that the Council note that the Members shown in the Appendix circulated with the agenda of the meeting have been appointed to the Cabinet and designated as Cabinet Members as indicated therein with the remits shown, to hold office until the date of the Elections in 2021”.
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED. |
Minutes To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 20th February 2020.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair of the Council MOVED and it was duly SECONDED that the minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2020 be signed as a correct record.
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED. |
Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair announced the sad passing away of former County Councillor and Honorary Alderman Mrs Mary Turner MBE on the 15 April 2020. She had been elected to the Council in 1977 and had represented the Tiverton West Division up until 2009. She had also served on Mid Devon District Council for a number of years.
He also reported the death of a second former County Councillor and Honorary Alderman Douglas Hull who had been elected to the Council in 1974 for the former Axminster rural No. 2 Division and then in 1985 until 1989 for the former Axminster Rural Division and again in 2004 for the Axminster Division serving until 2009. He was Vice Chair of the Council in 2008/09 and was a long standing Member of East Devon District Council.
The Chair reported on the new requirements for upper tier Local Authorities from Government to develop Local Outbreak Management Plan’s (LOMP) which provided a blueprint for managing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks to protect residents and support the most vulnerable. He announced that Devon had been appointed as a Beacon Council for this work which meant the Council was one of 11 Local Authorities selected by the Government to help lead and share good practice across the region in respect of localised planning for outbreak control.
The Chair also placed on record his thanks and appreciation to all staff and other key partners for their hard work and dedication throughout the last few weeks. There had been some very difficult times and the strength and resilience of many individuals had shone through. |
Items Requiring Urgent Attention Additional documents: Minutes: There was no item raised as a matter of urgency. |
Appointment of Committees Councillor Hughes to move:
(a) that in accordance with Standing Order 21 the County Council appoints those Committees, Joint Committees and Working Parties/Panels as shown in the Appendix circulated with the agenda with terms of reference set out in the Council's Constitution or set out therein for the period expiring at the date of the quadrennial Elections in 2021;
(b) that, as required by section 16(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, Members of the Council be appointed as voting members to those Committees, Joint Committees, Joint Consultative Committees and Working Parties/Panels referred to at (a) above in accordance with the names notified to the Chief Executive by each of the Political Groups represented on the Council, to give effect to the proposed allocation of seats as between political party groups and set out for the time being in the Appendix circulated with the agenda;
(c) that, and in accordance with the Council’s Scrutiny Procedure Rules, the County Council appoints the total numbers of voting (v) or non-voting (nv) members to those Committees, Joint Committees and Working Parties/Panels referred to (a) above as thus denoted in the Appendix (the Council’s voting scheme) circulated with the agenda for the period expiring at the date of the quadrennial Elections in 2021;
(d) that the Chief Executive be authorised to approve such changes to membership of the above bodies detailed in the Appendix circulated as may be notified from time to time by the relevant political group to which those seats have been allocated by the Council;
(e) that additional Members of Scrutiny Committees, Highways and Traffic Orders Committees, the Standards Committee and the Farms Estate Committee as detailed in the aforementioned Appendix (or to be nominated by those bodies listed thereon) be appointed for the period expiring at the date of the quadrennial elections in 2021 or as otherwise shown (subject to any change notified by the nominating body) or, in the case of parent governor representatives on the Children’s Scrutiny Committee, following a ballot of eligible parent governors. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hughes MOVED and Councillor Hannaford SECONDED
(a) that in accordance with Standing Order 21 the County Council appoints those Committees, Joint Committees and Working Parties/Panels as shown in the Appendix circulated with the agenda with terms of reference set out in the Council's Constitution or set out therein for the period expiring at the date of the quadrennial Elections in 2021;
(b) that, as required by section 16(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, Members of the Council be appointed as voting members to those Committees, Joint Committees, Joint Consultative Committees and Working Parties/Panels referred to at (a) above in accordance with the names notified to the Chief Executive by each of the Political Groups represented on the Council, to give effect to the proposed allocation of seats as between political party groups and set out for the time being in the Appendix circulated with the agenda;
(c) that, and in accordance with the Council’s Scrutiny Procedure Rules, the County Council appoints the total numbers of voting (v) or non-voting (nv) members to those Committees, Joint Committees and Working Parties/Panels referred to (a) above as thus denoted in the Appendix (the Council’s voting scheme) circulated with the agenda for the period expiring at the date of the quadrennial Elections in 2021;
(d) that the Chief Executive be authorised to approve such changes to membership of the above bodies detailed in the Appendix circulated as may be notified from time to time by the relevant political group to which those seats have been allocated by the Council;
(e) that additional Members of Scrutiny Committees, Highways and Traffic Orders Committees, the Standards Committee and the Farms Estate Committee as detailed in the aforementioned Appendix (or to be nominated by those bodies listed thereon) be appointed for the period expiring at the date of the quadrennial elections in 2021 or as otherwise shown (subject to any change notified by the nominating body) or, in the case of parent governor representatives on the Children’s Scrutiny Committee, following a ballot of eligible parent governors.
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED. |
Appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees Councillor Hughes to move:
"that Members shown in the Appendix circulated with the agenda of the meeting be elected Chair and Vice-Chair of those Committees as indicated therein to hold office until the date of the quadrennial Elections in 2021." Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hughes MOVED and Councillor Way SECONDED:
"that Members shown in the Appendix circulated with the agenda for the meeting be appointed Chair’s and Vice-Chair’s of Committees as indicated therein to hold office until the date of the quadrennial elections in 2021”.
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED. |
Public Participation: Petitions, Questions and Representations Petitions, Questions or Representations from Members of the public in line with the Council’s Petitions and Public Participation Schemes. Additional documents: Minutes: There was no petition received from a member of the public.
There was no question from a Member of the public.
In accordance with the Council's Public Participation Rules, the Council received and acknowledged oral representations made by Ms Spurr on how the climate emergency is portrayed on the council web site and that it should be given a greater prominence.
The Chair thanked Ms Spurr for her contribution, acknowledging that Members of the Council had heard the representation. |
Petitions from Members of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: There was no Petition received from a Member of the Council. |
Questions from Members of the Council Answers to questions from Members of the Council pursuant to Standing Order 17. Additional documents: Minutes:
In accordance with the Council’s Procedure Rules, the Leader and relevant Cabinet Members provided written responses to 19 questions submitted by Members of the Council relating to the following issues;
· delivery of the ND20 (Willingcott to Knowle section of the Tarka Trail) and relevant funding sources; · safer cycling including air quality and section 14 notices; · the E4 cycle routes including completion and funding; · protocols in care homes (including the testing of residents and workers) in relation to COVID 19 infections; · residents of care homes and the potential for a main carer to be considered a key worker and subject to the same testing regime/protocols; · domiciliary care workers, PPE protection and testing regimes; · the safe reopening of pre-schools, schools and colleges and measures in place for staff support as well as educational disadvantage, online learning and holiday hunger; · the meaning of the prospectus ‘Team Devon’ for dealing with Devon’s economic recovery from the impact of Covid 19; · the relationship between a number of organisations including the Council, Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, Team Devon, Local Enterprise Partnership Scrutiny, Resilience Forum, Brexit Resilience and Opportunities Group (BROG) and the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan; · how the above organisations would work together to develop a recovery strategy and implementation plan for Devon to deal with COVID 19 and leaving the EU; · governance arrangements for scrutinising ‘Team Devon’; · terms of reference for ‘Team Devon’; · the ‘Team Devon’ prospectus and the intended funding applications; · how the prospectus related to the funding for Heart of the South West ‘shovel ready’ projects already identified by the Heart of the South West; · impact of COVID on the economic development budget; · numbers of agricultural workers required to ensure seasonal crops harvest and the survival of farms, the effect on local farms and agriculture by Covid-19 and Brexit, appropriate PPE and safe working systems; · the sale of the former Civic Centre building in Barnstaple; · progress with Government in obtaining additional funding to reimburse the County Council for additional costs incurred due to the pandemic; and · consultations on the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan and sustainable travel and access infrastructure improvements (especially in Mid Devon). The Leader and relevant Cabinet Members also responded orally, as appropriate, to any supplementary questions arising therefrom.
[NB: A copy of the questions and answers are available on the website and any supplementary questions and answers may be observed through the webcast of this meeting – see Notes below] |
Cabinet Member Reports To consider reports from Cabinet Members. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received reports from the relevant Cabinet Members on specific issues upon which they had been asked to comment, as set out below:
(a) Policy, Corporate and Asset Management
Councillor Hart circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Dewhirst, on payment of Part 1 compensation claims to residents living along the line of the South Devon Highway. The Leader said that unfortunately, progress on resolving the compensation claims for the South Devon Link Road had been slower than hoped, although some payments had been made. COVID had impacted on the progress as a number of site meetings were required and some agents were situated outside of the area. There were still a number of queries that needed to be resolved and additional noise measurements to be taken. The survey work was currently scheduled for September.
He also commented, as requested by Councillor Connett, on reorganisation of Local Government in Devon in terms of Unitary Council(s) in the County and was asked to give his view on the retention of the current system of district and county councils. The Leader highlighted that a White Paper was expected from Government on this matter and therefore the contents of this needed to be examined carefully before drawing any conclusions. However, the Leader said it was important that future actions of any Council in Devon needed to take into account the needs and interests of the people of Devon.
(b) Community, Public Health, Transportation and Environment
Councillor Croad circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Hook on the Councils Public Health Annual Report “Planetary and Human Health”, the sections relating to ‘Disease’ and the impacts of human contact with animals, contaminated food and water and climate change. The Cabinet Member reported on the current position with Lyme Disease in the County and also the projected risk of malaria transmission, with Devon’s coastal communities at particular risk, what was being done currently and planned works to combat the threat from the infections.
In terms of action to combat Lyme Disease, the Report focussed on the Tick Surveillance Scheme (set up by Public Health England (PHE) in 2005) which helped PHE detect the presence of species not normally resident in the UK and the Council’s use of PHE’s ‘Be Tick Aware Toolkit’ to increase knowledge of tick exposure, the potential health risks and to promote the adoption of preventative behaviours.
In relation to Malaria, PHE ran a nationwide Mosquito Surveillance Project to develop and update our understanding of the status, distribution and abundance of potential endemic vector species. The National Contingency Plan for Invasive Mosquitos outlined the actions to be taken at a local level in the event of detecting non-native invasive mosquito species in England. There were currently no local authority mosquito surveillance sites in Devon other than surveillance of a used tyre importer which was visited twice a year by the PHE medical entomology service to provide specialist support and assurance.
He then reported on the Independent Medicines and Medical Device Safety Review, ... view the full minutes text for item 291. |
To receive and approve the Minutes of the under mentioned Committees
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair of the Council MOVED and it was SECONDED that in accordance with Standing Order 30, Standing Order 13.2 be suspended to permit the minutes of all Committee’s to be formally moved by the Chair of the Council and subsequently adopted.
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED.
The Chair of the Council then MOVED and it was duly SECONDED that the Minutes of the under-mentioned meetings of Committees be approved
Appeals Committee - 20 February, 9 March 2020 & 13 July 2020 Audit Committee - 27 February 2020 Investment & Pension Fund Committee - 28 February & 19 June 2020 Including minute 180 relating to the voting rights for union representation on the committee Public Rights of Way Committee - 5 March 2020 Development Management Committee - 18 March 2020 Standards Committee (Assessment Sub) - 7 July 2020 Appointments & Remuneration Committee - 21 July 2020
Health & Adult Care Scrutiny - 12 March & 16 July 2020 Children’s Scrutiny - 16 March & 9 June 2020 Corporate Infrastructure & Regulatory - 24 June 2020 Services Scrutiny
The Motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED. |
Scrutiny Annual Report 2019/20 To receive the Scrutiny Annual Report, a copy of which can be viewed on the website at and is attached to this agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received and endorsed the 2019/20 Annual Report summarising the activities and investigations undertaken by each of the Council’s three Scrutiny Committees during the course of the year, the outcomes arising and the continuing challenges and development of the Scrutiny role over that period.
The Report also highlighted the publication of the long awaited statutory guidance for Scrutiny and the actions taken in response to that. In addition, that each Committee now had a Standing Overview Group, including the dedicated Climate Change Group, acting as a critical friend to support how Devon took forward its actions in response to the climate emergency.
The Chair of the Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee paid tribute, on behalf of the Chairs of Scrutiny Committees, to the efforts of all Members involved in the work of those Committees and Task Groups and to the support provided by Officers to facilitate the work of Scrutiny in Devon; advocating the continuing value of a strong, independent, Scrutiny function to advise the Council. The other Scrutiny Committee Chairs endorsed those remarks.
In associating himself with the above remarks the Leader of the Council also expressed his thanks to the Council's Scrutiny Committees for the advice they had given to the Cabinet over the last year.
[NB: A copy of the Annual Report was available on the website at |
Totnes and Littlehempston Cycle / Footpath Scheme and the Council's Cycling and Multiuse Trail (Minute 275 of 20 February 2020) To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet (Minute 478) as an amendment to the following Notice of Motion submitted previously to the Council by Councillor Hodgson and referred thereto in accordance with Standing Order 8(2), namely;
‘That the proposed Cycle and footpath link scheme between Totnes and Littlehempston be added to the County Council’s current Cycling and Multiuse Trail strategy as this will
1. provide an important non-vehicular link between Totnes and its adjacent parish and village centre in Littlehempston
2. support the SHDC A385 Air Quality Management Action Plan (it is listed as an action) to address traffic congestion and air quality in Totnes and environs,
3. complete an important missing link of the national NC2 cycle route (which when complete will link Dover in Kent with St Austell in Cornwall) supporting commuters as well as tourism
4. thereby support DCC’s declaration of a climate emergency
Having had regard to the aforementioned, the full background and current position as set out in Report PTE/20/4 and other suggestions or alternatives considered at that meeting, the Cabinet subsequently resolved:
Council be recommended;
(a) that no further work is undertaken on investigating whether the footbridge could be used by the public and the development of a multi-use trail to Littlehempston and Newton Abbot; and
(b) that Compulsory Purchase Order for Bulliver Bridge should not be pursued as it cannot be justified. Additional documents: Minutes: Pursuant to County Council Minute 275 of 20th February 2020 relating to the Notice of Motion set out below as previously submitted and formally moved and seconded by Councillor Hodgson that:
‘That the proposed Cycle and footpath link scheme between Totnes and Littlehempston be added to the County Council’s current Cycling and Multiuse Trail strategy as this will
1. provide an important non-vehicular link between Totnes and its adjacent parish and village centre in Littlehempston
2. support the SHDC A385 Air Quality Management Action Plan (it is listed as an action) to address traffic congestion and air quality in Totnes and environs,
3. complete an important missing link of the national NC2 cycle route (which when complete will link Dover in Kent with St Austell in Cornwall) supporting commuters as well as tourism
4. thereby support DCC’s declaration of a climate emergency
and having had regard to the advice of the Cabinet set out in Minute 478 of 11 March 2020:
Councillor Hart MOVED and Councillor McInnes SECONDED that the Cabinet’s advice be accepted and that;
(a) no further work is undertaken on investigating whether the footbridge could be used by the public and the development of a multi-use trail to Littlehempston and Newton Abbot; and
(b) Compulsory Purchase Order for Bulliver Bridge should not be pursued as it cannot be justified.
The amendment in the name of Councillor Hart was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED.
Councillor Hodgson then MOVED and Councillor Shaw SECONDED that the Motion be amended to read as follow;
(a) that Council be recommended to reconsider the Cabinet Recommendation in the light of the new health and wellbeing needs brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic; and
(b) support local initiatives for multiuse trail routes from Totnes to Littlehempston (and on to Newton Abbot) and Totnes to Stoke Gabriel (and on to Torbay) through Government funding that seeks to implement Active Travel measures that will assist behaviour changes through increased safe pedestrian and cycling provision.
The amendment in the name of Councillor Hodgson was then put to the vote and declared LOST.
Councillor Hook then MOVED and Councillor Dewhirst SECONDED that the Motion amended by the addition of (c) as outlined below;
(c) In the interest of maintaining this scheme and keeping this motion alive, this authority enters into negotiations with the royal engineers and invites them to undertake a training exercise by constructing a bailey bridge across the River Dart in an appropriate position, thus satisfying local Members’ ambition to keep this scheme alive.
The amendment in the name of Councillor Hook was then put to the vote and declared LOST.
The motion in the name of Councillor Hart was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED. |
Support to Town and Parish Councils and Speed Awareness Signs (Minute 277 of 20 February 2020) To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet (Minute 490) as an amendment to the following Notice of Motion submitted previously to the Council by Councillor Connett and referred thereto in accordance with Standing Order 8(2), namely;
Parish and Town Councils across Devon should be supported in providing the popular 'flashing or vehicle activated speed awareness' signs in their communities and the current fog of bureaucracy imposed by Devon County Council is ended. We call for a simpler system to help and support our local communities tackle concerns about speeding vehicles by giving our local Highways Officers the authority to agree the number and location of the 'vehicle activated speed awareness' signs with Parish and Town Councils."
Having had regard to the aforementioned, any factual briefing/position statement on the matter set out in Report CSO/19/06 and other suggestions or alternatives considered at that meeting the Cabinet subsequently resolved:
that Council be recommended to note that the process by which Parish and Town Councils can fund and install their own VAS (Vehicle Activated Signs) be reviewed as part of the work of the Traffic Speed Project Group. Additional documents: Minutes: Pursuant to County Council Minute 277 of February 2020 relating to the Notice of Motion set out below as previously submitted and formally moved and seconded by Councillor Connett that:
Parish and Town Councils across Devon should be supported in providing the popular 'flashing or vehicle activated speed awareness' signs in their communities and the current fog of bureaucracy imposed by Devon County Council is ended. We call for a simpler system to help and support our local communities tackle concerns about speeding vehicles by giving our local Highways Officers the authority to agree the number and location of the 'vehicle activated speed awareness' signs with Parish and Town Councils."
and having had regard to the advice of the Cabinet set out in Minute 490 of 8 April 2020:
Councillor Hart MOVED and Councillor McInnes SECONDED that the Cabinet’s advice be accepted and that Council note that the process by which Parish and Town Councils can fund and install their own VAS (Vehicle Activated Signs) be reviewed as part of the work of the Traffic Speed Project Group.
The amendment in the name of Councillor Hart was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and subsequently thereafter also CARRIED as the substantive motion. |
Future Meetings and Commitment to Increased Virtual Meetings Councillor Biederman to move:
‘That Devon County Council make a commitment to holding more virtual meetings, briefings and task groups post Covid-19. They have clearly been very successful, have made a huge saving to the Council in budgetary terms and they also help in the Council’s climate emergency aims, by reducing our carbon footprint. Council therefore asks the Procedures Committee to consider a Report on meetings in the future and what Committees, briefings and task groups could meet virtually.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Biederman MOVED and Councillor Shaw SECONDED
‘That Devon County Council make a commitment to holding more virtual meetings, briefings and task groups post Covid-19. They have clearly been very successful, have made a huge saving to the Council in budgetary terms and they also help in the Council’s climate emergency aims, by reducing our carbon footprint. Council therefore asks the Procedures Committee to consider a Report on meetings in the future and what Committees, briefings and task groups could meet virtually.
In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |
Diversity and Council Policy Councillor Connett to move:
This notice of motion acknowledges the current situation facing underrepresented groups in Devon and seeks to support the work that is taking place UK wide to tackle racism and discrimination. Statistical data shows that individuals from Black Asian & Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities are underrepresented at every level in UK society, facing issues around social and economic mobility, and educational attainment, particularly affected by implicit racial bias and institutional racism. Council recognises the contributions of individuals from BAME communities in society, business, and infrastructure across Devon both now and historically, and will not shy away from work which seeks to remove barriers, tackle prejudice and address inequality. In doing so the council calls for: · The review of Devon County Council's HR and Equalities practices and the inclusion of regular training for councillors and staff, to ensure the needs of under-represented groups are met through addressing poverty and encouraging economic and social mobility. · Work with Schools, Academies, Trusts and educationalists in Devon to explore the prospect of making changes the curriculum to include BAME experiences, contributions, and the FACTs of History, throughout the year. · Explore the possibility of an education transformation project in conjunction with schools that creates a suite of curriculum resources specific to Devon's history. · Lobby Government to invest and resource changes to the curriculum across the UK through the support of organisations such as The Black Curriculum and via associated campaigns. · An advisory board put in place linked to the Equality Impact Assessment for the Covid -19 recovery plan, to connect the experiences of BAME individuals within the community with the aim of driving forward positive change. · Encourage County-based organisations to contribute to diversity and social mobility through reviewing the Councillor Locality Grant criteria to ensure it can include (but not exclusively); projects that contribute to addressing inequalities and raising educational attainment within under-represented groups. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Connett MOVED and Councillor Way SECONDED
This notice of motion acknowledges the current situation facing underrepresented groups in Devon and seeks to support the work that is taking place UK wide to tackle racism and discrimination. Statistical data shows that individuals from Black Asian & Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities are underrepresented at every level in UK society, facing issues around social and economic mobility, and educational attainment, particularly affected by implicit racial bias and institutional racism. Council recognises the contributions of individuals from BAME communities in society, business, and infrastructure across Devon both now and historically, and will not shy away from work which seeks to remove barriers, tackle prejudice and address inequality. In doing so the council calls for: · The review of Devon County Council's HR and Equalities practices and the inclusion of regular training for councillors and staff, to ensure the needs of under-represented groups are met through addressing poverty and encouraging economic and social mobility. · Work with Schools, Academies, Trusts and educationalists in Devon to explore the prospect of making changes the curriculum to include BAME experiences, contributions, and the FACTs of History, throughout the year. · Explore the possibility of an education transformation project in conjunction with schools that creates a suite of curriculum resources specific to Devon's history. · Lobby Government to invest and resource changes to the curriculum across the UK through the support of organisations such as The Black Curriculum and via associated campaigns. · An advisory board put in place linked to the Equality Impact Assessment for the Covid -19 recovery plan, to connect the experiences of BAME individuals within the community with the aim of driving forward positive change. · Encourage County-based organisations to contribute to diversity and social mobility through reviewing the Councillor Locality Grant criteria to ensure it can include (but not exclusively); projects that contribute to addressing inequalities and raising educational attainment within under-represented groups. In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |
Black Lives Matter Campaign Councillor Wright to move:
This Council welcomes the peaceful protests against the murder of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer, including those organised in Barnstaple, Ilfracombe, Exeter and Plymouth - and the way these have brought to light how this much of this country's wealth was built on slavery and other racial oppression.
This Council acknowledges the recent further pain caused to the BAME community, by the Windrush Scandal.
This Council acknowledges too, that the only way this deep historical wound can be healed is by people in high profile positions (especially politicians) proving that they are listening with compassion to the BAME community – and taking necessary action.
This Council resolves to pledge its support for the Black Lives Matter campaign by:
· taking a lead among public organisations in Devon to seek out opportunities to promote and celebrate the work in Devon by BAME people, both in the past and currently.
· Inviting every Devon County Councillor to:
1. show leadership and support for people of colour in Devon, individually supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, using whichever public platform they feel most comfortable with; 2. speak with people from the BAME community in their wards to determine what are the issues of concern for them - and take the necessary steps to resolve those issues;
· Writing to the Secretary of State for Education urging him to:
3. review the primary school, GCSE and A Level national curriculum with a view to ensuring that the historical record of the British Empire is treated in a way which fully takes account of slavery, the actions and views of historical figures and other oppressive experiences of BAME people, many of whose descendents are now part of our community.
4. show compassion and understanding by starting a national debate led by the BAME community, which seeks to define racism, the impacts of it in today’s society - and demonstrate how we can all help people of colour feel fully included and welcomed in the UK (this could be part of the current government review).
5. identify a Cabinet minister champion for the BAME community.
· inviting Devon town/parish/city councils to review any landmarks, street names or statues that implicitly celebrate slavery, with a view to clarifying their history, such as the historical plaque in Exmouth for slave trader, John Colleton, who also has three streets named after him in Exeter.
NB. Motion was created with students at The Kings School, especially young BAME people. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Wright MOVED and Councillor Shaw SECONDED
This Council welcomes the peaceful protests against the murder of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer, including those organised in Barnstaple, Ilfracombe, Exeter and Plymouth - and the way these have brought to light how this much of this country's wealth was built on slavery and other racial oppression.
This Council acknowledges the recent further pain caused to the BAME community, by the Windrush Scandal.
This Council acknowledges too, that the only way this deep historical wound can be healed is by people in high profile positions (especially politicians) proving that they are listening with compassion to the BAME community – and taking necessary action.
This Council resolves to pledge its support for the Black Lives Matter campaign by:
· taking a lead among public organisations in Devon to seek out opportunities to promote and celebrate the work in Devon by BAME people, both in the past and currently.
· Inviting every Devon County Councillor to:
1. show leadership and support for people of colour in Devon, individually supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, using whichever public platform they feel most comfortable with; 2. speak with people from the BAME community in their wards to determine what are the issues of concern for them - and take the necessary steps to resolve those issues;
· Writing to the Secretary of State for Education urging him to:
3. review the primary school, GCSE and A Level national curriculum with a view to ensuring that the historical record of the British Empire is treated in a way which fully takes account of slavery, the actions and views of historical figures and other oppressive experiences of BAME people, many of whose descendents are now part of our community.
4. show compassion and understanding by starting a national debate led by the BAME community, which seeks to define racism, the impacts of it in today’s society - and demonstrate how we can all help people of colour feel fully included and welcomed in the UK (this could be part of the current government review).
5. identify a Cabinet minister champion for the BAME community.
· inviting Devon town/parish/city councils to review any landmarks, street names or statues that implicitly celebrate slavery, with a view to clarifying their history, such as the historical plaque in Exmouth for slave trader, John Colleton, who also has three streets named after him in Exeter.
NB. Motion created with students at The Kings School, especially young BAME people.
In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |
A Better Future For Local Government - Leadership and Finances Councillor Hannaford to move:
Council Notes Local Councils have seen a huge reduction of £16 billion in core grant from central Government over the last 10 years and this is now a critical tipping point. In spite of this, in the face of the global pandemic, councils including Devon County Council have been proactively working with the NHS, Public Health England , blue light services , supporting forums, local community volunteers, and other agencies, through the Local Resilience Forum to keep people safe from Covid19. DCC has brought and distributed personal protective equipment (PPE), and helped set up logistical operations with others, to deliver medicine and food across wide geographies, and make sure vulnerable and older people receive the care and support they need, and crucially keep our children safe. We have yet to work through the long term impacts that this will have on Devon’s economy, schools, health services , and the most vulnerable people – Devon’s 20% poorest communities, those with long term disabilities and mental health issues, and our black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities. In Devon we are now facing unprecedented levels of financial burdens unless the costs of dealing with the pandemic are properly reimbursed by central government. Council Believes A new relationship must emerge between national, regional and local government that is based on central government’s genuine belief that local is best. Our local response to the pandemic has demonstrated only local government working with its partners has the intimate understanding of our communities, places, people and services to do this effectively. Let this be the ‘new normal’ a relationship between local and central government roles. DCC and our local government partners must have the finance and ability to fully respond in this new environment and to the social, educational, public health and economic impacts of COVID-19, to find effective and efficient local solutions. Councils have a significant opportunity and role to do things differently now in developing; · a sustainable net zero carbon economy working with the South West (HotSW) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and business leaders · reliable broadband to the whole of Devon · sustainable transport and enhancing our cycling and walking infrastructure · an integrated social and health care system · agile and flexible working · skills for all ages. · significant investment in the supply of social and affordable housing
Council Resolves Devon County Council’s approach for future actions must not only incorporate these even key needs outlined but also seek more devolved powers. They must do this through representation to central government and our local members of parliament to acquire the necessary legislative and budgetary changes. Local government could then provide greater community leadership so that here in Devon we can better serve our people.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hannaford MOVED and Councillor Ackland SECONDED
Council Notes Local Councils have seen a huge reduction of £16 billion in core grant from central Government over the last 10 years and this is now a critical tipping point. In spite of this, in the face of the global pandemic, councils including Devon County Council have been proactively working with the NHS, Public Health England , blue light services , supporting forums, local community volunteers, and other agencies, through the Local Resilience Forum to keep people safe from Covid19. DCC has brought and distributed personal protective equipment (PPE), and helped set up logistical operations with others, to deliver medicine and food across wide geographies, and make sure vulnerable and older people receive the care and support they need, and crucially keep our children safe. We have yet to work through the long term impacts that this will have on Devon’s economy, schools, health services , and the most vulnerable people – Devon’s 20% poorest communities, those with long term disabilities and mental health issues, and our black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities. In Devon we are now facing unprecedented levels of financial burdens unless the costs of dealing with the pandemic are properly reimbursed by central government. Council Believes A new relationship must emerge between national, regional and local government that is based on central government’s genuine belief that local is best. Our local response to the pandemic has demonstrated only local government working with its partners has the intimate understanding of our communities, places, people and services to do this effectively. Let this be the ‘new normal’ a relationship between local and central government roles. DCC and our local government partners must have the finance and ability to fully respond in this new environment and to the social, educational, public health and economic impacts of COVID-19, to find effective and efficient local solutions. Councils have a significant opportunity and role to do things differently now in developing; · a sustainable net zero carbon economy working with the South West (HotSW) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and business leaders · reliable broadband to the whole of Devon · sustainable transport and enhancing our cycling and walking infrastructure · an integrated social and health care system · agile and flexible working · skills for all ages. · significant investment in the supply of social and affordable housing Council Resolves Devon County Council’s approach for future actions must not only incorporate these seven key needs outlined but also seek more devolved powers. They must do this through representation to central government and our local members of parliament to acquire the necessary legislative and budgetary changes. Local government could then provide greater community leadership so that here in Devon we can better serve our people. In accordance with Standing Order 6(6) the Notice of Motion was referred, without discussion, to the Cabinet for consideration. |