357 Newton Abbot, Queen Street - Pedestrian Enhancements PDF 13 MB
Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport, (CET/23/44), attached.
An Impact Assessment has been prepared for the attention of Members at this meeting and is also attached and available on the website at Queen Street, Newton Abbot Pedestrian enhancements Impact Assessment.
Additional documents:
(Councillor Wrigley declared a personal interest in this matter by virtue of being Leader of Teignbridge District Council and Chair of the Teignbridge Highways and Traffic Orders Committee).
(a) that the design and construction of pedestrian enhancements on Queen
Street, Newton Abbot, as shown in Appendix 1 of the Report, at an estimated
cost of £1,300,000, be approved;
(b) that an increase to the Climate Change, Environment & Transport 2023/24
capital programme by £477,500, funded by external grant, further be
approved; and
(c) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport be given
delegated powers in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highway
Management and Local Member, to make minor amendments to the scheme
as required.
(Councillors Bradford, Whitton and Wrigley attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).
(Councillor Wrigley declared a personal interest in this matter by virtue of being Leader of Teignbridge District Council and Chair of the Teignbridge Highways and Traffic Orders Committee).
The Cabinet considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport, (CET/23/44) circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
The Report set out recommendations to approve the design and construction of a permanent pedestrian enhancement scheme for Queen Street, Newton Abbot at an estimated cost of £1,300,000. These recommendations follow Teignbridge Highways and Traffic Orders Committee’s (HATOC) resolutions to support the proposals in July 2022 and to make and seal the associated Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) in June 2023. Figure 1 in section 2 of the Report showed the corridor identified for improvement.
Approval for construction would enable detailed design to continue, with procurement programmed for Autumn 2023 and construction anticipated to start in Spring 2024.
The proposals were a package of measures to enhance Queen Street, Newton Abbot between Courtenay Street and The Avenue and neighbouring side roads. These had been developed in close partnership with Teignbridge District Council, informed by extensive public consultation and amended by Teignbridge Highways and Traffic Orders Committee. Proposals were shown in Appendix 1 and a summary given at section 3 of the Report in terms of widened footways, improved crossings, enhanced greening & seating, public transport & cycle provision, 20mph zone, traffic regulation and the amendment of waiting, parking and loading restrictions.
The proposals had undergone significant public and stakeholder consultation at every stage of project development which were outlined in full at section 5 of the Report.
The proposals were well-aligned with a range of Strategic Plan priorities and actions, as the scheme sought to prioritise active and sustainable travel over private motorised traffic, whilst still maintaining access. They contributed towards enhancing the public realm to make Queen Street a more attractive destination for shopping and dining and would help support a green economic recovery from COVID-19.
The scheme was estimated to cost approximately £1,300,000, which included a project risk allowance and allowed for the uncertainty of future inflation. The funding package for the scheme was summarised in section 7, outlining the mix of external contributions and grant funding.
An Impact Assessment had also been prepared and was available on the website at Queen Street, Newton Abbot Pedestrian enhancements Impact Assessment. This highlighted that the environment would be improved for people with additional mobility needs, for example, crossing improvements and widened footways, the increase in Blue Badge holder parking provisions and improved access for those with no access to a car. The provision of an additional loading bay at the western end of Queen Street, would ensure there was sufficient loading space for businesses.
In summary, the proposals would make Queen Street a more attractive, safe ... view the full minutes text for item 357