Venue: Committee Suite - Daw, County Hall, Exeter
Contact: Gerry Rufolo 01392 382299 Email:
Note: The meeting will be livestreamed. Please copy and paste the following link into your browser:
Note | No. | Item |
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Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Additional documents: Minutes: No item was raised as a matter of urgency. |
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Public Participation Members of the public may make representations/presentations on any substantive matter listed in the published agenda, as set out hereunder, relating to a specific matter or an examination of services or facilities provided or to be provided. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the Council's Public Participation Rules, the Committee received and acknowledged oral representations from (i) Daniel Martins, (ii) Si Johns; (iii) Peter Stephenson; (iv) Rebecca Harrison; (v) Councillor Terry Elliott (remote), (vi) Councillor Martin Pearce (vii), and (viii) Gareth Sorsby, in regard to the Homelessness 18+ Contract (Integrated Adult Social Care Consultations) (Minute *119 refers). All Speakers were in objection to any proposed reduction in the grant and referred to the consultation process and response with a clear view that no reductions should be made, accuracy of some content within the report, statutory duties, the limited sum involved relative to the overall Integrated Adult Social Care budget, the impact of the proposed grant reduction and the need for its retention; and reference to full and comprehensive Impact Assessments.
The Chair thanked the Speakers and indicated that their views would be taken into account when the item was considered. |
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(a) Covering paper for reports on Proposal for the future of the Integrated Adult Social Care 18+ Homelessness Prevention Contribution and Contract, and Proposal for the future Council contribution to the Wellbeing Exeter Partnership Fund
Report of the Director of Integrated Adult Social Care (ACH/23/176), attached, (Page 1).
(b) Proposal for the future of the Integrated Adult Social Care 18+ Homelessness Prevention Contribution and Contract
Report of the Director Integrated Adult Social Care (ACH/23/177), attached (Page 5).
(c) Proposal for the future Council contribution to the Wellbeing Exeter Partnership Fund
Report of the Director of Integrated Adult Social Care (ACH/23/178), attached (Page 19). Additional documents:
Minutes: In regard to the 18+ Homelessness Prevention Contract the following Councillors declared a personal interest: Councillors M Wrigley (by virtue as Leader of Teignbridge District Council), C Whitton (by virtue as a past voluntary fund raiser for the YMCA ), D Cox (by virtue as a Member of Teignbridge District Council and Trustee of a local foodbank and homeless charity), J Bailey (by virtue as a Member of East Devon District Council), P Maskell (by virtue as a Member of North Devon District Council) and C Hodson (by virtue as Deputy Leader of Torridge District Council and Lead for Housing and Homelessness); D Sellis (by virtue as a Member of West Devon Borough Council) and I Hall (by virtue of as a Member of the Eastern Local Care Partnership).
(Councillor J McInnes attended in accordance with 25 (1) and spoke to this item with the consent of the Committee and referred to the budgetary context and the limited options available; his role today in listening to all views; and acknowledgment of the Speakers’ concerns).
(a) Covering paper for reports on Proposal for the future of the Integrated Adult Social Care 18+ Homelessness Prevention Contribution and Contract, and Proposal for the future Council contribution to the Wellbeing Exeter Partnership Fund
The Committee received and noted the Report of the Director of Integrated Adult Social Care (ACH/23/176) on the consultations that had concluded. These consultations were (i) Proposal for the future of the Integrated Adult Social Care 18+ Homelessness Prevention Contribution and Contract; and (ii) Proposal for the future Council contribution to the Wellbeing Exeter Partnership Fund.
Draft reports (for the Cabinet meeting on 23 August) on Adult Social Care 18+ Homelessness Prevention Contribution and Contract and the future Council contribution to the Wellbeing Exeter Partnership Fund on the background, consultation responses and options in detail were subject to consideration by this Committee.
The consultations in regard North Devon Link Services proposals had been extended to allow consultees additional time in which to respond to further requested detail.
Three other consultations relating to (i) Proposals for Learning Disability day centres; (ii) Proposals for Learning Disability respite centres; and (iii) Proposals for changes to Carers Services had been halted pending development of a new approach in these areas which involved re-evaluating the proposals and undertaking additional engagement in identifying next steps, following which further updates would be provided.
(b) Proposal for the future of the Integrated Adult Social Care 18+ Homelessness Prevention Contribution and Contract; and
(c) Proposal for the future Council contribution to the Wellbeing Exeter Partnership Fund
The Committee considered the reports of the Director Integrated Adult Social Care (ACH/23/177) and (ACH/23/178). Report (ACH/23/177) detailed the proposal and five available options in regard to the Homelessness Grant. The Report included context which included financial sustainability and the overarching development of the savings strategy, funding for District and City Councils with statutory responsibilities for preventing and relieving homelessness; and the annual cost (£1,454,478.48) of the discretionary grant met through the Adult ... view the full minutes text for item 119. |