Venue: Committee Suite, County Hall, Exeter
Contact: Wendy Simpson, 01392 384383 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed Mr I Hipkin to the meeting who was attending in his capacity as a Co-opted Member of the Council’s Standards Committee to observe and monitor compliance with the Council’s ethical governance framework. |
Election of the Chair To confirm the appointment of Councillor Phil Bullivant as Chair for the ensuing year. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Bullivant was confirmed as Chair for the ensuing year. |
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Election of Vice-Chair Appointment of Vice-Chair for the ensuing year. Additional documents: Minutes: Due to current changes taking place within NHS Devon, it was agreed to appoint a Vice-Chair to the Board at the next meeting. |
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Declarations of interest Members of the Council will declare any interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to any discussion taking place on that item.
The other registrable interests
of Councillors of Devon County Council, arising from membership of
City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will
automatically be recorded in the minutes: Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair reminded Members they should declare
any interests they may have in any item to be considered, prior to
any discussion taking place on that item. |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2024, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2024 be signed as a correct record.
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Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items requiring urgent attention. |
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Devon Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Priorities and Outcomes Monitoring Report of the Director of Public Health, Communities and Prosperity, which reviews progress against the overarching priorities identified in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Devon 2020-2025, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board noted the Report from the Director of Public Health, Communities and Prosperity on the performance for the Board, which monitored the priorities identified in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Devon 2020-25.
The latest Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report was available on the Devon Health and Wellbeing website.
The Report monitored the four Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2020-25 priorities, and included breakdowns by local authority, district and trends over time. These priorities areas included:
· Create opportunities for all · Healthy safe, strong and sustainable communities · Focus on mental health · Maintain good health for all
Ten indicators had been updated since the last report to the Board as detailed in the report and as presented to the Board.
There was discussion around the good working relationship with partner colleagues, including the statutory role that Districts had to play, together with the importance of the Joint Forward Plan, as agreed by all partner agencies.
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Better Care Fund Update Report of the Deputy Director of Integrated Adult Social Care, attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the Update Report of the Head of Integrated Adult Social Care Commissioning (Interim) on the Better Care Fund, covering latest performance.
The Better Care Fund (BCF) was the mandatory policy to facilitate integration between Health and Social Care, providing a framework for joint planning and commissioning. The BCF brought together ring-fenced budgets from NHS allocations, ring-fenced BCF grants from Government, the Disabled Facilities Grant and voluntary contributions from local government budgets, including the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund. This Health and Wellbeing Board had oversight of the BCF and was accountable for its delivery.
The Deputy Director confirmed that the BCF Plan addendum for 2024/25 had now been signed off nationally, allowing sign off of the S75 agreement between the local authority and ICB.
Discussion points and questions covered:
· It was noted that BCF overspend could not be carried forward and work would be undertaken this year to ensure the right services were funded from the BCF or whether other funding sources were available. · Reassurance that a quality assurance team was available to work closely with any Devon care home facing difficulties and if any were found not to be sustainable, the service would work with them until alternative provision was found.
The Board endorsed the BCF Plan for the year 2024/25. |
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Carers in Communities and in Employment Report of the Deputy Director, Adult Commissioning & Health, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report and accompanying Presentation of the Deputy Director, Adult Commissioning and Health on Carers in Communities and in Employment, which recommended a number of specific actions both corporately and to individual member organisations.
According to the 2021 Census, the report stated that there were at least 74,500 carers in Devon, although some studies had estimated the number could be as high as 162,000. Nationally, around two in three people (65%) could expect to be carers at some point in their adult life.
The purpose of the report was to inform the Board of the results of the biennial Survey of Adult Carers in England in 2023; barriers for carers in their communities; and issues for carers in employment.
Questions and discussion points included:
- The Director of Public Health confirmed that carers (paid and unpaid) and their specific needs had been addressed in his annual report (recommendation 1 in the report). - The recommendations were from the Carers Partnership Group and its aim was to raise awareness with this Board, and Cabinet. - Northumberland had a very similar geography to Devon and feedback from them was being pursued.
The Board resolved that:
(a) the report and recommendations (2, 4-6) be referred to Cabinet for review and consideration; and that
(b) Board Members would be emailed separately inviting those interested in becoming a representative on the Carers Partnership Steering Group (recommendation 7) to put their name forward for the Board to then make a decision.
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Drug Related Deaths in Devon Public Health presentation. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a presentation (included in the agenda pack) from Public Health which focussed on the significant threat posed by synthetic opioids, which had become increasingly prevalent in the drug market. It included the actions being taken to combat the rise of these potent substances and their contributions to drug-related deaths.
The changing dynamics of the drug market were explored, with an emphasis on the impact of synthetic opioids on traditional drug supplies and user behaviour. The presentation shed light on the challenges faced by authorities in adapting to these market shifts.
The presentation highlighted the Council’s proactive measures to prevent drug-related fatalities, including the implementation of rapid testing and community engagement strategies, which aimed to reduce the harm caused by synthetic opioids and save lives.
In answer to Members’ questions:
· It was explained that the Council commissioned Y-Smart, a drug and alcohol service, to go out to schools to provide support and advice to young people and their families, along with the youth service Space. · The Board were reassured that the main substances young people in Devon were accessing treatment for were alcohol and cannabis, and that there was no evidence to suggest that young people in Devon were actively seeking synthetic opioids.
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Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan Update Report of the Director of Public Health (PH/24/08), attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the report of the Director of Public Health and Communities (PH/24/08), recommending the Board’s approval of the Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan 2024-27.
The report stated that the new National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England, published in autumn 2023, and the Council’s Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan adhered to the priority areas, groups and risk factors set by the national strategy, further influenced by local data via the coronial process and from Real Time Surveillance data. Improving data and intelligence around suicide prevention was a key aspect of the Strategy.
Resolved that the Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan for 2024-27 be approved.
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Update report from NHS Devon, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Nursing and Quality presented the NHS Devon update on key personnel changes within NHS Devon, including the appointment of a new Chief Medical Officer and the Interim Chair. Of particular highlight, was the performance of the 111 service, the conclusion of the spring COVID vaccination campaign, and the launch of a new Perinatal Pelvic Health Service.
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Healthwatch Annual Report Healthwatch Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Annual Report 2023/24, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Healthwatch Strategic Lead gave an overview of the Annual Report 2023-24 highlighting its outreach and impact. The report covered various topics, including challenges in accessing services, the importance of digital health, and the need for equity in service access.
Healthwatch’s pivotal role in collecting and utilising community feedback to drive service improvements was highlighted, and its efforts in translating public experiences into actionable insights for service providers were recognised as a key factor in enhancing health and social care services.
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Dates of Future Meetings Additional documents: Minutes: Future meeting dates of the Board could be found on the Council’s website - Browse meetings - Health and Wellbeing Board - Democracy in Devon
Next meeting: 24 October 2024 |