Committee details

Purpose of committee

To exercise the functions of the Council to:


·         ensure the delivery of improved health and wellbeing outcomes for the population of Devon, with a specific focus on reducing inequalities;

·         promote the integration of health, social care and public health, through partnership working with the NHS, Social Care Providers, District Councils and other public sector bodies;

·         promote an integrated health improvement approach to public health service provision



and to


·         provide a local governance structure for the local planning of and accountability for all health and wellbeing related services to individual adults and young people and families working with strategic alliances, partnerships or national or local initiatives not identified hereunder which may impact on the commissioning or provision of services

·         assess the needs and assets of the local population and lead the development of the statutory Devon Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) in partnership with Clinical Commissioning Groups

·         similarly, produce and update a Devon Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy to provide a strategic framework to meet the needs identified in the JSNA

·         promote joint and joined-up commissioning and pooled budget arrangements, where that makes sense as a means of promoting integration and partnership working across areas

·         ensure that all commissioning plans and policies reflect the health and wellbeing priorities identified through the joint needs assessment process

·         to receive regular reports from the Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Health Protection Committee, the Devon Children Young People’s & Families Alliance, the Devon Children’s and Adults Safeguarding Boards, Healthwatch Devon and other stakeholders, as required.



Contact information

Support officer: Email: