Party: Green Party
Political grouping: Independent and Green Group
Division: Totnes & Dartington
Parish: Berry Pomeroy ; Dartington ; Harberton ; Staverton ; Totnes
District: South Hams
Devon County Council is not responsible for the content of any external link
Correspondence address:
c/o Democratic Services
County Hall
Topsham Road
Mobile: 07922 411266
Home mobile: 07922 411266
I have been elected as a County Councillor for the electoral division of Totnes and Dartington. I intend to serve the interests of all residents, regardless of political persuasion.
I am, however, a member of the Green Party and take an active interest in a number of national and local campaigns. It would not be appropriate for me to use this website to promote these campaigns though you can visit related external websites by selecting some of the links to be found on these pages.
My passion for Politics stems from a strong sense of fairness. As a Councillor in South Devon for 8 years (town mayor for 2), I have worked with the community and businesses for affordable and social housing, renewable energy, youth facilities, green spaces, care for wildlife and support for jobs in a pleasant and safe environment to ensure a secure future for all.
My priorities are engaging with communities in a positive partnership approach, working with individuals and groups and using our position to call for changes in policies and decisions on social, economic and environmental issues. Being ‘Green’ is not about ego it is about eco; sharing environmental advocacy and working together for better representation, including more women.