Voting record

 Council (Budget), Council, Thursday, 16th February, 2023 2.15 pm

Item: Revenue Budget, Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/2024 - 2026/2027 and the Capital Programme for 2023/2024 - 2027/2028

Amendment in the name of Councillor Brazil:

Amendment status:Lost

That Cabinet Minute (281) (1-21) (Revenue Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2023/24 - 2026/27 and Capital Programme 2023/24 - 2027/28) be amended by the addition of the following and all necessary changes be made to the detailed budgets:

1. Additional funding of £2m for potholes and other highways maintenance.

2. An additional £1m provided to support 20mph limits and zones for communities which want them (Total cost £3 million)


We will pay for these priorities by:

1. Cutting the Council’s Citizens Engagement budget by £500,000

2. Drawing down £2.5 million from the Budget Management Reserve

Councillor Sara Randall Johnson Against

Motion in the name of Councillor Hart:

Motion status:Carried

Motion contained within Cabinet Minute (281) (1-21) from 10th February 2023 relating to the adoption of the Revenue Budget 2023/2024, Medium Term Financial Strategy & Capital Programme.

Councillor Sara Randall Johnson For