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Adams, Councillor Tracy Adams
Asvachin, Councillor Marina Asvachin
Atkinson, Councillor Yvonne Atkinson
Aves, Councillor Su Aves
Bailey, Councillor Jess Bailey
Barnes, Councillor Danny Barnes
Berry, Councillor John Berry
Biederman, Councillor Frank Biederman
Bradford, Councillor Janet Bradford
Brazil, Councillor Julian Brazil
Brook, Councillor Jerry Brook
Bullivant, Councillor Phil Bullivant
Channon, Councillor Christine Channon
Chesterton, Councillor Richard Chesterton
Chubb, Councillor Iain Chubb
Connett, Councillor Alan Connett
Cox, Councillor David Cox
Crabb, Councillor Paul Crabb
Croad, Councillor Roger Croad
Davis, Councillor Andrea Davis
Dewhirst, Councillor Alistair Dewhirst
Gent, Councillor Henry Gent
Gilbert, Councillor Rufus Gilbert
Gribble, Councillor George Gribble
Hall, Councillor Ian Hall
Hannaford, Councillor Rob Hannaford
Hart, Councillor John Hart
Hartnell, Councillor Marcus Hartnell
Hawkins, Councillor Jonathan Hawkins
Hellyer, Councillor Linda Hellyer
Henderson, Councillor Paul Henderson
Hodgson, Councillor Jacqi Hodgson
Hughes, Councillor Stuart Hughes
Johnson, Councillor Sara Randall Johnson
Khan, Councillor Sarah Khan
Leadbetter, Councillor Andrew Leadbetter
Leaver, Councillor Caroline Leaver
Letch, Councillor Frank Letch MBE
Maskell, Councillor Pru Maskell
McGeough, Councillor Dermot McGeough
McInnes, Councillor James McInnes
Morrish, Councillor James Morrish
Peart, Councillor Ron Peart
Prowse, Councillor Percy Prowse
Radford, Councillor Ray Radford
Roome, Councillor Ian Roome
Samuel, Councillor Lois Samuel
Sanders, Councillor Philip Sanders
Saywell, Councillor Andrew Saywell
Scott, Councillor Richard Scott
Sellis, Councillor Debo Sellis
Slade, Councillor Colin Slade
Squires, Councillor Margaret Squires
Thomas, Councillor Dan Thomas
Trail, Councillor Jeffrey Trail BEM
Twiss, Councillor Phillip Twiss
Whitton, Councillor Carol Whitton
Wilton-Love, Councillor Jeffrey Wilton-Love
Wrigley, Councillor Martin Wrigley
Yabsley, Councillor Jeremy Yabsley
Registered gifts and hospitalities
21/12/2023 - Bottle of Champagne offered by Good Moors Farm; Accepted ; Value £45
19/12/2023 - Bottle of wine offered by Woodbury Parish Council; Accepted ; Value £10