Responsible for the Council’s commitment to Climate Change and the principles of the Devon Climate Declaration, in particular carbon reduction and working in partnership with public, private and voluntary organisations to achieve its objectives.
Responsibility for strategic and infrastructure planning generally and for the provision of transport services in the community, for coast protection planning and for those Council services which safeguard individuals in the community and enhance their quality of life including countryside management, heritage, biodiversity and conservation.
Responsibility for delivering the Council’s major infrastructure schemes including all transportation links and the children's and adults services, highways, environment and corporate capital programmes, in cooperation with other Cabinet Members, integrating resources and utilising external partner relationships, and for the discharge of the Councils functions relating to public transport and other energy-related issues: having regard to the Council’s strategic objectives and working collegiately to secure the future delivery and direction of services.
Also, Cabinet liaison for promoting gender equality and addressing issues that impact on representation in politics and the workforce, and acting as the Cabinet proponent for advancing the aspirations of the Council in its gender equality aims and objectives.