Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Flood Risk Management Action Plan 2025/202611/03/2024For Determination12/03/2025
Pay Policy Statement 2025/202604/03/2024For Determination20/02/2025
Revenue Budget, Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/2026 - 2028/2029 and the Capital Programme for 2025/2026 - 2029/203004/03/2024For Determination20/02/2025
Public Open Space off Matford Lane06/12/2023Item DeferredBetween 11/09/2024 and 09/10/2024
Barnstaple Longbridge Phase 1 Scheme for approval to construct (subject to public consultation results)05/09/2023For Determination11/06/2025
Framework Decision -Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 4 2026 - 2040: Approval of Plan05/09/2023For DeterminationBetween 12/03/2025 and 30/04/2025
Adult Social Care - Market Sustainability Plan and Sufficiency Assessment27/04/2023For Determination09/10/2024
Education Travel Review: Approval to arrangements for subsequent academic year, School Admissions Policies 26/27 and the School Admissions Relevant Area02/02/2023For Determination14/02/2025
Standing Items, as necessary (Minutes, References from Committees, Notices of Motion and Registers of Delegated or Urgent Decisions)15/04/2016For DeterminationBetween 12/03/2025 and 08/05/2025
Standing Items, as necessary (Minutes, References from Committees, Notices of Motion and Registers of Delegated or Urgent Decisions)15/04/2016For DeterminationBetween 12/03/2025 and 08/05/2025