5. Do you have land or property in Devon?
Address/Description of Land |
Nature of Interest in Land |
Mosshayne Farm, Westclyst, Exeter, EX1 3TR |
owner, and partnership in farm business |
The Lynhayes, Mosshayne, Westclyst, Exeter, EX1 3TR |
owner |
Lowerstone Cottages, Blackhorse Lane, Clyst Honiton, Exeter, EX5 2AP |
owner |
land at Highfield, Broadclyst, EX5 3AF |
farm tenant (partner in Mosshayne Farm farm business) |
land owned by Persimmon Homes, namely land falling within outline planning consent 17/1019/MOUT. |
A small part of the site is designated for a school. I have a financial interest depending on whether the land is used for a school or not. I also have a financial interest in the area of land owned by Persimmon which is designated for Sports Pitches adjacent to the proposed site of the school. My interest depends on whether Persimmon’s expenditure exceeds a specific trigger point |