Register of interests

As a Member of Devon County Council, I give notice below of those interests which I am required to declare under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 and Devon County Council's Code of Conduct: I understand that in so doing I must declare any interest of my spouse or civil partner or of any person with whom I am living as a husband or wife and also, in relation to the categories below, and so far as you are aware of any or relevant person, as defined in the Council's Code of Conduct.

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Description of your employment, job, vocation, trade or self employment activity (including landlord
Retired NHS pension Ex NHS
2. Sponsorship
Name of Sponsor
Torridge and West Devon Conservative Association & Devon Conservatives
3. Do you have any interests in companies and securities?
Name of Company
4. Contracts for Goods, Works or Services with the Council
Description of Contract
5. Do you have land or property in Devon?
Address/Description of Land Nature of Interest in Land
3 Peryn Road Tavistock. PL19 8LP Owner joint with wife. Home address
Land off Darkey Lane Brentor Owner
6. Cororate/Business tenancies - Land Leased from Devon County Council
Address/Description of Property Nature of Interest in Property
None -
7. Have you been appointed to Outside Bodies?
Name of Organisation Position
Dartmoor National Park Member and chair of Development management
Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum member
Tamar Valley AONB member
- member
Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust Trustee
8. Do you hold membership of Public Authorities?
Name of Authority / Council / Health Position
Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust Trustee
9. Do you hold membership of Companies, Industrial/Provident Societies/Charities (e.g Rotary Club / Freemasons or ther similar body)
Name of Body Position
Virginia House Settlement Chairman
Lodge of Benevolence No. 666 Member
National Trust Member
Dartmoor Trust Member
10. Do you hold membership of bodies influencing Public Opinion or Policy?
Name of Body Name of Body
Conservative Party Member of Institute of Health Management
11. Do you hold membership of Trade Unions or Professional Associations?
Name of Body Name of Body
Institute of Health Manangers -