Issue - decisions

13/04/2022 - South West Exeter Housing Infrastructure Fund: Update on project including approval for submission of planning application and to award tenders



(a) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport be given delegated authority to progress the proposals for

                      i.        Devon Hotel roundabout and Trood Lane signal-controlled junction

                    ii.        Alphington village enhancements

                   iii.        Southern spine road

                   iv.        A379 junctions

including going out to tender and to award contracts for the schemes within the project budget;


(b) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport be given delegated powers to make any necessary changes to the design and progress the proposals for the community building and GP surgery and that this includes the submission of a planning application, going out to tender and to award contracts, subject to available project budget and necessary legal agreements to facilitate delivery;


(c) that the proposals in relation to the allocation of funding recovered from developers be conditionally approved including up to


                    i.          £5.5 million towards the electricity substation

                   ii.          £2 million towards Cranbrook community building;


(d) that the allocation of part of the Housing Infrastructure Fund grant towards the purchase of land and undergrounding of electricity cables associated with the delivery of the electricity substation and the proposal to enter into a contract with Western Power Distribution for the undergrounding of the cables be approved.