Agenda item

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/1) on Capital Flood Improvement Schemes at Ivybridge and Uplyme, attached.




(Councillor Brazil attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).


The Cabinet considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/1) on Capital Flood Improvement Schemes at Ivybridge and Uplyme.


The Report outlined that the town of Ivybridge and the village of Uplyme had both suffered repeat flooding in recent years, affecting properties and also the highway infrastructure and highlighted the history of flooding in the two communities and the ongoing high risk of future flood events during periods of heavy rainfall. The Report further outlined the proposed scheme options that had been developed to significantly reduce these ongoing risks and recommended the Council supported the delivery of the proposed essential flood improvements through its capital programme. 


Location plans were attached to the Report.


The scheme proposals were outlined in the Report, including for Ivybridge an upsizing of the existing culverted watercourse system as well as additional natural flood management measures being promoted outside of the contract.


For Uplyme, a number of measures were being proposed at different locations to improve conveyance through the village.


There had been a close working relationship between the Council, District Councils (South Hams and East Devon), Parish Councisl and relevant landowners.  In addition, the respective planning departments had been consulted and confirmed that the schemes could be implemented as permitted development.


Business cases for both Ivybridge and Uplyme Flood Improvement Schemes were being prepared and would be submitted to the Environment Agency to bid for Defra Flood Defence Grant in Aid.  Additional budget allocations had been requested from the Local Levy and, for the latter scheme, from East Devon District Council.  A breakdown of the cost estimates and proposed funding sources was also outlined in the Report.


The flood improvements had been developed in accordance with the Equality and Environmental Assessments previously produced in support of the Devon Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.  All elements of the scheme had been assessed at the appropriate stage using the corporate, integrated assessment tool, with relevant equality and environmental impacts identified and acted on as necessary. The outlined works were designed to improve the protection of the community thereby, supporting health and wellbeing, not to mention that flood water had the potential for transporting contaminants, so, reducing any flood risk had clear health benefits.


An environmental appraisal of the proposals indicated that, with appropriate mitigation, there would be limited impact upon landscape, historic and ecological interests and also the scheme would look to maximise any ecological opportunities.


The matter having been debated and the options and/or alternatives and other relevant factors (e.g. financial, sustainability, carbon impact, risk management, equality and legal considerations and Public Health impact) set out in the Head of Service’s Report and/or referred to above having been considered:


It was MOVED by Councillor Hughes, SECONDED by Councillor Hart, and




(a) that the Ivybridge Flood Improvement scheme at an estimated cost of £300,000 and the Uplyme Flood Improvement Scheme at an estimated cost of £226,140 be approved; and


(b) that the Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE) 2017/18 capital programme be increased by £154,242 and 2018/19 by £300,000, funded £140,000 from the flood risk revenue budget, £19,242 from the revenue flood prevention works budget,  £55,000 from external contributions and, £240,000 from external grants, £50,000 to be allocated from the flood prevention works 2018/19 capital programme, funded by capital receipts.


[NB: The Impact Assessments, undertaken as part of the as part of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, referred to above may be viewed at:

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