Agenda item

Mr Pawson to report (papers attached)


Mr Pawson reported on current budget proposals relating to funding for the SACRE to implement its Development Plan 2017 – 2019. The proposed budget for 2017 – 2019 had been reduced by Babcock LDP from £39,000 to £32,500 (from £19, 000 per annum to £16, 250 per annum) representing a 17% cut.   It was understood (subject to confirmation) that that the allocation from the County Council to Babcock LDP for all its services under the LDP agreement had represented a 3% cut.


The Development Plan before the meeting highlighted proposed reductions to meet the programmed commitments including the allocated Advisers’ time.


Councillor Squires reported on views from Councillor Channon relating to proposed cuts relating to Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD), lunch expenses on committee days followed by member training and the relatively good support this SACRE enjoyed compared to other areas.


SACRE members noted:


·         the value of training for members and cost effectiveness of having training sessions on days when the SACRE met (which has been the practice for some 10 years) and minimal expense of lunch to facilitate this;

·         the extent of the work and added value of the Advisors with their local, national and international links, expertise and experience and their levels of unpaid and voluntary work for the benefit of SACRE;

·         that the Devon SACRE (which had been relatively well-funded) was responsible for the oversight of RE in over 330 schools (compared to the Torbay SACRE for example with only 50 schools, notwithstanding a smaller budget) which represented good economies of scale and excellent value;     

·         the lack of any rationale from Babcock for the disproportionate reduction of 17%.


At this point Mr Pawson and Mr Roberts left the meeting whilst Members discussed the proposed cuts as detailed in the updated Development Plan and the allocated advisors’ time.


The Members noted that the original Development Plan had been drawn up cautiously and judiciously and there was no or very limited scope for cuts, particularly in the following areas:


·         3 b: Learn Teach Lead RE Programme: the need for continued SACRE funding to support this and which represented valuable Continued Professional Development (CPD) for teachers;

·         3 c:  the proposed cut (from 6 to 4 days over two years)  for schools faith and belief visitors was untenable;

·         3 f: Holocaust Memorial day (HMD): members noted the support provided by the Exeter City Council and consideration should be given for a request to the County Council for direct support (rather than through SACRE) to eliminate the proposed cut from 8 – 6 days – even the current allocation (8 days) did not truly reflect the level and complexity of the work involved (including from expert voluntary input)  in this high profile, worthwhile and well-received event involving schools and young people, which promoted a wider agenda of community cohesiveness;

·         4 a: Evaluating and Appraising the Agreed Syllabus in preparation for a review in 2019: more time was required in view of the number of Devon Schools and the valuable work of the advisors and huge benefits derived and noting the informal additional input from the advisors (noting that the 5 yearly review was due in 2019/20 when additional resources would be required).


RESOLVED that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman write a letter to the County Council’s Head of Education and Learning (with the copies to the Leader of the Council, Chief Executive and Babcock LDP) expressing the concerns of Devon SACRE relating to:


(a) the proposed 17% cut for SACRE by Babcock LDP and impact on the SACRE’s Development Plan (as outlined above) noting the statutory functions and obligations;


(b) seeking a rationale from Babcock LDP for the proposed 17% cut to the SACRE and requesting reinstatement of funding to £39,000 for 2017 - 2019 to properly implement the Development Plan;


(c) consideration to direct additional Devon County Council support for the Holocaust Memorial Day arrangements.


(Note: Mr Pawson and Mr Roberts re-joined the meeting)








Supporting documents: