Agenda item

Report of NHS Devon, attached.


The Committee considered the report of NHS Devon on the development of a dementia strategy for Devon. At the time of the meeting there was no comprehensive strategy regarding dementia, resulting in fragmented efforts and insufficient support for individuals impacted by dementia and their carers. The report outlined the importance of developing such a strategy in the context of rates of growing dementia, with dementias (including those caused by Alzheimer’s disease) being the second-biggest driver of mortality in England, after Coronavirus. Early identification of dementia symptoms was highlighted in the report as key, as this would allow people to maintain improved wellbeing and remain active citizens for longer, particularly in the context of Devon’s aging population.


NHS Devon had held a system workshop on dementia in January 2024 in support of this work, with key system partners across Devon engaging well. Seven key points that were agreed for inclusion in a final strategy, which was aimed to be ready for implementation from April 2025, were outlined in the report. It was expressed that the development of a comprehensive strategy should support, and not impede, the work that was currently underway in Devon for dementia care.


Officers highlighted the importance of strengthening relationships and collaboration with statutory and voluntary service providers with respect to the diagnosis of dementia and care of dementia patients. Members also heard that the development of a joint dementia strategy between NHS Devon and Adult Services would be recommended to the Devon County Council Cabinet in July 2024.


A number of members, whilst broadly praising the scope and intent of the report, raised concerns around the lack of detail it contained. Members wished to see more data on dementia represented in total figures rather than percentages to better understand the scope of the problem; and further information on specific plans to provide better services to dementia patients including details on how levels of success would be measured.


Other key points of discussion between officers and members included:


·         The extent to which NHS Devon could obtain developer contributions to assist with the furthering of dementia services in the county. It was explained to members that this issue was on the radar of NHS Devon and that further information could be provided to members upon request;


·       That use of terminology such as “burden,” which was included in the report, could be seen as inappropriate;


·       That consideration should be given to supporting older people, namely the most likely group to be impacted by dementia, access the support needed, for example ensuring that efforts to access GP appointments were not hindered by technological barriers such as the use of the internet, which older people would be disproportionately impacted by;


·       The importance of at-home care for those with dementia to ensure they remain in a familiar environment surrounded by friends and family, with live-in specialist dementia services not always representing the best placement for many who suffer from dementia;


·         The need for benchmarking data across other local authorities and the close monitoring of the success of the strategy’s implementation; and


·         That there is a need for better understanding of what individual communities are achieving. Devon Communities Together (the community council for Devon) needs to be recognised within the strategy in terms of the community work that is ongoing.


It was suggested that further consideration be given by the Chair to  additional work of the Scrutiny Committee in the near future to consider this issue in more depth possibly through a Standing Overview Group or Spotlight Review.


The Chair also expressed thanks to the Chief Medical Officer of NHS Devon, Dr Nigel Acheson, who attended the meeting and spoke to this item, wishing him the best for his upcoming retirement.



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