Report of the Director of Transformatiomn and Business Services (BSS/23/10), attached.
(a) Part Glebe Farm, Rattery
RESOLVED that 1.53 acres or thereabouts of land forming part Glebe Farm, Rattery and more particularly described as part NG 2244 and part NG 2854 be let to the Parish Council for community use only on a security of tenure excluded common law tenancy for a term commencing 25 March 2024 and terminating 25 March 2039, subject to terms being agreed.
(b) Southacott Farm, Mariansleigh
(i) The tenant’s early surrender of Southacott Farm, Mariansleigh be accepted.
(ii) Southacott Farm, Mariansleigh be advertised to let internally amongst existing tenants as a dairy progression opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of up to 20 years commencing 25 March 2024 and terminating 25 March 2044, subject to terms being agreed.
(iii) Part Southacott Farm, extending to 15.49 acres or thereabouts and comprising existing woodland and steep ‘waste’ ground suitable for woodland restoration and additional woodland planting respectively, be retained in hand and utilised by the Council for environmental enhancement initiatives.
(c) Thorne Farm, Ottery St Mary
RESOLVED that the existing lease granted to the Ottery St Mary Town Council be amended by way of a Deed of Variation to extend the leased area by approximately 100m2 in order to facilitate an alternative access route to the skate park through the Kings School campus, subject to terms being agreed.
(d) Middle Winsham Farm, Braunton
(i) The tenant’s proposed early surrender of Middle Winsham Farm, Braunton be accepted.
(ii) Middle Winsham Farm, Braunton be advertised to let on the open market as a new entrant opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of seven years commencing 25 March 2024 (or as soon as practically possible thereafter) and terminating 25 March 2031subject to terms being agreed.
(e) Mixing Barn Farm, Bovey Tracey
RESOLVED Mixing Barn Farm, Bovey Tracey be advertised to let on the open market as a new entrant opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, subject to terms being agreed.
(f) Manor Farm, Holcombe
(i) Manor Farm, Holcombe be advertised to let on the open market as a new entrant opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, all subject to terms being agreed.
(ii) The 1954 Landlord and Tenant Act security of tenure excluded lease of part NG 0392 comprising part of the farmyard and former parlour and dairy buildings be renewed for a further fixed term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, subject to terms being agreed.
(iii) That the request from the ACTion on Climate in Teignbridge CIC to occupy land off Hall Lane, Holcombe to Create a Community Wildlife Area be refused.
(Councillor M Wrigley, Leader of Teignbridge District Council, attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to item (f) Manor Farm, Holcombe.)
The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Transformation and Business Services (BSS/23/10) on County Farms Estate Management and Restructuring issues.
(a) Part Glebe Farm, Rattery
It was MOVED by Councillor Yabsley, SECONDED by Councillor Dewhirst and
RESOLVED that 1.53 acres or thereabouts of land forming part Glebe Farm, Rattery and more particularly described as part NG 2244 and part NG 2854 be let to the Parish Council for community use only on a security of tenure excluded common law tenancy for a term commencing 25 March 2024 and terminating 25 March 2039, subject to terms being agreed.
(b) Southacott Farm, Mariansleigh
It was MOVED by Councillor Yabsley, SECONDED by Councillor Brook and
(i) The tenant’s early surrender of Southacott Farm, Mariansleigh be accepted.
(ii) Southacott Farm, Mariansleigh be advertised to let internally amongst existing tenants as a dairy progression opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of up to 20 years commencing 25 March 2024 and terminating 25 March 2044, subject to terms being agreed.
(iii) Part Southacott Farm, extending to 15.49 acres or thereabouts and comprising existing woodland and steep ‘waste’ ground suitable for woodland restoration and additional woodland planting respectively, be retained in hand and utilised by the Council for environmental enhancement initiatives.
(c) Thorne Farm, Ottery St Mary
It was MOVED by Councillor Yabsley, SECONDED by Councillor Brook and
RESOLVED that the existing lease granted to the Ottery St Mary Town Council be amended by way of a Deed of Variation to extend the leased area by approximately 100m2 in order to facilitate an alternative access route to the skate park through the Kings School campus, subject to terms being agreed.
(d) Middle Winsham Farm, Braunton
It was MOVED by Councillor Brook, SECONDED by Councillor Gent and
(i) The tenant’s proposed early surrender of Middle Winsham Farm, Braunton be accepted.
(ii) Middle Winsham Farm, Braunton be advertised to let on the open market as a new entrant opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of seven years commencing 25 March 2024 (or as soon as practically possible thereafter) and terminating 25 March 2031subject to terms being agreed.
(e) Mixing Barn Farm, Bovey Tracey
It was MOVED by Councillor Yabsley, SECONDED by Councillor Dewhirst and
RESOLVED Mixing Barn Farm, Bovey Tracey be advertised to let on the open market as a new entrant opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, subject to terms being agreed.
(f) Manor Farm, Holcombe
Councillor M Wrigley spoke in support of the request from the ACTion on Climate in Teignbridge CIC to occupy land off Hall Lane, Holcombe to create a Community Wildlife Area.
The Committee considered and discussed the request from ACTion on Climate in Teignbridge CIC, as set out in paragraph 3.6 of the report. Discussion points included:
· that although the land adjacent to the proposed Community Wildlife Area had not been allocated for development in the emerging Local Plan, that was not the same as saying the land may never come forward for development. It was noted that access to the potential development land may need to pass through the proposed Community Wildlife Area and as the Committee had a responsibility to maximise capital receipts for the Council, permitting the use of the land as a Community Wildlife Area would put that future opportunity at risk;
· that an extant planning permission is understood to exist for soil deposition on part of the proposed Community Wildlife Area associated with a proposed/potential cycle path scheme linking Teignmouth to Holcombe and beyond and that the Council should be mindful to not frustrate that development; and
· that the proposed Wildlife Area would improve the lives for everyone, not just the local community.
It was MOVED by Councillor Yabsley, SECONDED by Councillor Brook that
(i) Manor Farm, Holcombe be advertised to let on the open market as a new entrant opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, all subject to terms being agreed.
(ii) The 1954 Landlord and Tenant Act security of tenure excluded lease of part NG 0392 comprising part of the farmyard and former parlour and dairy buildings be renewed for a further fixed term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, subject to terms being agreed.
(iii) That the request from the ACTion on Climate in Teignbridge CIC to occupy land off Hall Lane, Holcombe to Create a Community Wildlife Area be refused.
Councillor Dewhirst then MOVED an amendment, SECONDED by Councillor Gent (annotated in red):
(i) Manor Farm, Holcombe be advertised to let on the open market as a new entrant opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, all subject to terms being agreed.
(ii) The 1954 Landlord and Tenant Act security of tenure excluded lease of part NG 0392 comprising part of the farmyard and former parlour and dairy buildings be renewed for a further fixed term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, subject to terms being agreed.
(iii) That before the request from the ACTion on Climate in Teignbridge CIC to occupy land off Hall Lane, Holcombe to create a Community Wildlife Area is considered, Members and Officers attend a site visit to inspect the land.
The amendment was put to the vote and declared LOST.
The substantive motion was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED (replicated below).
(i) Manor Farm, Holcombe be advertised to let on the open market as a new entrant opportunity and on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, all subject to terms being agreed.
(ii) The 1954 Landlord and Tenant Act security of tenure excluded lease of part NG 0392 comprising part of the farmyard and former parlour and dairy buildings be renewed for a further fixed term of seven years commencing 25 March 2025 and terminating 25 March 2032, subject to terms being agreed.
(iii) That the request from the ACTion on Climate in Teignbridge CIC to occupy land off Hall Lane, Holcombe to Create a Community Wildlife Area be refused.
Supporting documents: