To consider reports from Cabinet Members.
(Councillor Randall Johnson declared a personal interest in this matter by virtue of being Chair of Careers South West and left the room whilst the Report from the Cabinet Member for Economic Recovery and Skills took place)
The Council received reports from the relevant Cabinet Members on specific issues upon which they had been asked to comment, as set out below:
(a) Policy, Corporate and Asset Management
Councillor Hart commented, as requested by Councillor Hannaford, on the new Devon and Torbay Devolution Deal. He also circulated a Report, responding to Councillor Atkinson on gender and equality matters relating to any proposed devolved authority. The Report highlighted that the proposed CCA and devolution deal would be subject to an equality impact assessment which the Council would need to take into account alongside the findings from the consultation before making any final decision to submit the proposal to Government.
The Leader responded to further questions on gender representation, housing delivery, governance arrangements, consultation for the Devolution process, role in transport matters, costs of set up and any lessons learned from the Heart of the SW Committee.
(b) SEND Improvement Services
Councillor Samuel circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Letch, on the SEND overspend on specific dates and plans for reducing and clearing the overspend by March 2026. This also outlined that the Department for Education had invited Devon into discussions for tranche 4 of the Safety Valve Intervention programme, the aim being to agree a package of reform to improve the performance of the high needs system whilst bringing DSG deficit under control.
She was further asked to Report, by Councillor Bailey, on Local Government Ombudsman decisions relating to SEND provision in 2023, highlighting that there had been 37 LGSCO complaints received in 2023-24 to date, and the table detailed which services they related to. The Report also highlighted the numbers in terms of outcomes of cases.
She responded to other questions on lessons learned from times when savings had been made, the process for alerting Members to Ombudsman complaints, the references to SEN in the Youth Justice Plan and the Safety report that had been published for the forthcoming Cabinet meeting.
(c) Children’s Services and Schools
Councillor Leadbetter circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Hannaford on the RACC concrete position in Devon Schools. The Report highlighted that of 164 DCC Maintained Schools at the beginning of the investigation process, it was down to a small number of schools which were due further invasive surveys in the coming weeks, and these were listed in the Report.
The expectation was that no RAAC would be found based on initial surveys, but a resolution was expected before the Christmas break.
He further reported on delays in convening statutory meetings in relation to former district councillor John Humphreys, as requested by Councillor Bailey.
The Cabinet Member also responded to questions on educational disruption, DBS checks and asbestos checks and reporting.
(d) Finance
Councillor Twiss circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Biederman, on Council Policy for loaning other funds to other Local Authorities, highlighting that the Council’s investment policy was laid out in the Treasury Management Strategy approved each year along with the budget, which also sets limits for the total amount that could be lent. The Report also highlighted the loan to Woking Borough Council was due to be repaid on 13th March 2024 with £222,500 in interest.
The Cabinet Member also responded to questions on risk and the role of the Investment and Pension Fund Committee.
(e) Public Health, Communities and Equality
Councillor Croad circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Atkinson on progress to find St Thomas Library a new home and relevant guarantees to landlords to facilitate obtaining leases on new premises. He reported that a home had been found at the Emmanual Hall in St Thomas and Libraries Unlimited were preparing the space to open before Christmas. Local Members expressed their thanks to all who had made this happen.
He further reported, as requested by Councillor Connett, on the ruling by the Supreme Court that Councils have power to ban travellers from using council/public land, can take out injunctions and the implications of this for current Council policy.
(f) Adult Social Care and Health Services
Councillor McInnes circulated report, as requested by Councillor Connett on the adequacy of funding for Hospice services in Devon, its funding sources (including ICB), funding gaps and implications for health and care services.
He further reported, as requested by Councillor Bailey, in relation to an upheld complaint of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman in relation to adult safeguarding failings ref 22 012 146, lessons learned and any process changes.
(g) Economic Recovery and Skills
Councillor Gilbert circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Adams, on opportunities for work, apprenticeships, mentoring and work experience, for care-experienced young people, and the role of the Talent and Aspiration Bank.
As part of the approach, the Authority was pursuing a wide-ranging programme of activity, including Provision of a growing programme of apprenticeships, traineeships and work experience places across the area, ongoing work around an extended programme of apprenticeship placements for care experienced young people with Exeter College, seeking to leverage purchasing and procurement power to secure additional training and employment opportunities, enhanced business engagement with Devon employers, additional direct support for our care experienced young people and development of the Talent and Aspiration Bank.
With regards the Talent and Aspiration Bank, officers were currently working on how to further resource the project, with the potential to roll out a comprehensive matching service after Christmas.
(h) Highway Management
Councillor Hughes circulated a report, as requested Councillor Hodgson, which requested an assessment of numbers of requests for repairs and potholes, the number of road maintenance and repairs that remained outstanding and the number and value of claims for compensation due to road defects. The number of potholes reported by the public in the current financial year to date was 28,801.
The Cabinet Member responded to questions on lobbying Government for improved funding.
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