Agenda item


Richard Walton, Public Rights of Way and Country Parks Manager, gave an update. 




The new Chief Executive, Donna Manson, was now in post.


Agreement had been sought for a second senior post in public rights of way to work alongside Steve Gardner in managing the warden team.  An internal recruitment was being carried out and interviews would take place shortly.  The ten warden areas would be divided into two teams, north and south.  This division was agreed as it would provide a central contact for each of the National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, as well as the north and south coast path sections.  Following this appointment, recruitment for warden vacancies would take place including the longstanding vacancy in South Hams.


An advertisement would be placed shortly for the third senior officer post to oversee the Definitive Map Review team.


The DCAF Officer would continue to report to Richard Walton.




The revenue budget (£1m for off-road cycleways and public rights of way) had been frozen at the same level as 2022/23 which represented a cut in real terms.


The capital budget had been reduced from approximately £1.75m to £900,000, although this budget had tended to be underspent due to capacity issues.  However, an additional capital sum of £1m had been ring-fenced for trail infrastructure, specifically for the Exe Estuary. A yearly agenda item on budgets was requested.


Action:  Richard Walton and Forum Officer


There was some flexibility across the capital and revenue funding streams depending on procurement and financial regulatory rules.


Stover Country Park


Emily Cannon (Project Officer) and Chloe Morgan (Project and Volunteer Administrator) had been appointed and joined Eve Malster (Community Engagement Officer).  This project is now in the delivery phase.  Land purchase to complete the circular trail was being completed, together with a licence agreement with Stover School to allow partial restoration of the Serpentine Lake.  SW Norse had been instructed to progress delivery of the visitor centre refurbishment.  Teignbridge District Council had given formal approval for listed building consent.  Appropriate specialists would be brought in as necessary.


Drake’s Trail


Wooden structures on the Drake’s Trail were currently being replaced (the aerial walkway near Gem Bridge).  Where wood can be re-used elsewhere this was clearly listed for the contractors.  The closure would be for five weeks without a recommended diversion as there is no route suitable for all the different types of user.


England Coast Path


Work at Down End, Croyde, had been completed with some minor adjustment to that planned due to a high spring tide and related sand movement.  The scheme had improved accessibility.  There had been a few adverse comments on Facebook, but this had been countered by lots of positive feedback.


The section between Croyde and Saunton Sands is still with the Secretary of State for approval.  A new alignment is proposed on the landward side of the road. An exploratory route had been cut and walked with Natural England.




The England Coast Path at this point is tidal so the official route will be along steps created on coastal stabilisation work at the top of the beach.  This is supported by the landowners and will be subject to a grant bid.


Lower Otter Restoration Project


East Devon District Council had now made the order to realign the South West Coast Path.  It was important for the Environment Agency to ensure this happened prior to doing the breach.  The diversion will not formally exist until the new path is available.


Discussions are taking place with the Environment Agency about tree planting to ensure that biodiversity gains from construction work do not impact adversely on public rights of way, for example by planting too close to the path.  This, and similar proposals along other planned new path routes, has potential to restrict future access and create maintenance issues, and so work is needed on improved guidance to cover wider issues such as blackthorn encroaching onto routes. The guidance should reflect Rights of Way Improvement Plan policies.


Cabling project


Discussions were taking place in association with cabling coming onshore at Saunton Sands and across to Yelland from a proposed off-shore wind farm near Lundy.  DCC had been contacted as landowner for part of the Tarka Trail in that area.  The intention was to minimise the impact, hopefully through cabling underground.



E-scooter trial


Part of the Tarka Trail just outside Barnstaple may be included as part of the e-scooter trial about to commence in the town.