To receive the Scrutiny Annual Report, a copy of which can be viewed on the website at Document 2022 - 2023 Annual Report - Democracy in Devon and is attached to this agenda.
The infographic from each review is also attached.
The Council received and endorsed the 2022/23 Annual Report summarising the activities and investigations undertaken by each of the Council’s three Scrutiny Committees during the course of the year, the outcomes arising and the continuing challenges, particularly in light of the difficult financial position of the Council, and also continued challenges with improvement journeys and the development of the Scrutiny role over that period.
The second year of this Council had seen Scrutiny focus upon ensuring the right decisions were taken to support improvement and fiscal solvency. Building upon the high number of masterclasses and training opportunities last year, this year had seen a high output in task groups and spotlight reviews.
Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Service Scrutiny continued to have a Standing Overview Group on Climate Change and had completed work on the cost-of-living crisis and set the future direction on moving traffic offenses and the replacement of the corporate finance system.
Children's Scrutiny had completed the Child Friendly Devon Task Group in June and the SEND Task Group in November and continued to closely monitor the improvement journeys of both Children’s Social Care and SEND services.
Health and Adult Care Scrutiny had continued to seek ongoing public scrutiny of NHS Devon and adult social care, at a time with the former facing significant issues with waiting lists and its finances. In addition, Members had undertaken reviews on community pharmacy, unpaid carers and day care services.
The infographic from each review was also circulated with the Report.
Scrutiny Chairs expressed their thanks to all Scrutiny Committee Members, especially those with regular attendance and contribution and particularly highlight the reward of contributing to meaningful scrutiny and policy development. The support of the dedicated Scrutiny team, coupled with the expertise offered by the two special advisors continued to be critical to the success of scrutiny.
In terms in ‘in person’ meetings there had been 19 Public meetings (broadcast live), 76 Reports, 2 Call-ins and 13 Members of the public to speak. In relation to Task Groups and Spotlight Reviews there had been 10 reports published (see infographics of the Report), 140 witnesses and 2 new task groups established. This was in addition to 7 Standing Overview Group meetings including dedicated sessions on Ofsted and climate change and 17 Masterclasses to increase understanding and improve Scrutiny.
In associating himself with the above remarks the Leader of the Council also expressed his thanks to the Council's Scrutiny Committees for the advice they had given to the Cabinet over the last year.
[NB: A copy of the Annual Report was available on the website here - Document 2022 - 2023 Annual Report - Democracy in Devon or type the following text (
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