To consider reports from Cabinet Members.
(Councillor Sanders declared a personal interest in this matter by virtue of being a Director and Trustee of Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust and Safeguarding Lead on the Trust).
The Council received reports from the relevant Cabinet Members on specific issues upon which they had been asked to comment, as set out below:
(a) Children’s Services and Schools
Councillor Leadbetter circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Hannaford on Government announcement of £600m ringfenced funding to support primary school physical activity and sport, alongside £22m of funding for the nationwide network of 450 School Games Organisers.
The Cabinet Member confirmed that further guidance, including school allocations, priorities and reporting requirements, was expected in the summer and would include a new digital tool to support schools in using the funding to the best advantage of their pupils. The allocations were expected to be in line with 22/23 funding levels (£5.6m for Devon primary schools). He added that the £22 million for School Games Organisers (SGOs) was invested through specific host schools who employ the SGOs. Active Devon was leading work locally on Opening School Facilities (OSF) which was part of the £600 million funding allocation.
The Report responded to concerns and allegations about the Ted Wragg Schools, the role, responsibilities and statutory duties that the Council had when issues had been raised in relation to non-local authority maintained schools as well as Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust, the Cabinet member had been asked to comment on the financial position, potential job losses and curriculum reductions, and long-term viability.
The Cabinet Member clarified that Schools were self-governing institutions, and it was the role of the governing body to address school issues. The Council had no powers to interfere with the running of Academy schools as the responsibility sat with the Department for Education and ultimately with Parliament.
He was further asked to report, by Councillor Adams, on future engagement plans with the Devon SEND Parents and Carers for Change (DSPCC) and work with the Devon Parents Forum, including communication mechanisms. The Cabinet Member committed to responding in full at a later date.
(b) Climate Change, Environment and Transport
Councillor Davis circulated as Report, as requested by Councillor Hannaford on the current funding situation for the Dawlish Line. The Report outlined the various phases, progress and monetary commitments.
Phases 1 and 2 were the Dawlish sea wall (£80.6m committed), but this phase included Colonnade viaduct and the new seating area around the stilling basin and improving Dawlish Station accessibility. Phase 3 was Parson’s Tunnel North Portal rockfall shelter with £52.6m committed, Phase 4 was Dawlish to Holcombe (cliff stabilisation) with £32.2m committed and Phase 5 – Parson’s Tunnel to Teignmouth with £5.3m spent to date and the final scheme funding uncommitted.
She also reported, as requested by Councillor Connett on Progress at Southwest Exeter, including the delivery of the planned GP surgery/primary care facility and Community Centre building. Of particular note with regards to the community building and GP surgery, ongoing discussions had been held with Exminster Parish Council, Ide Lane Surgery and the NHS to inform the design and requirements for the building, within the funding available. A planning application was being prepared based on the discussions, which was due for submission by the end of May.
Finally, the Report commented on the Scrutiny applied to the impact on wildlife and habitats of new planning developments that are likely to affect protected wildlife species, wildlife corridors or other protected habitats, as requested by Councillor Hodgson, outlining that such Scrutiny regarding planning and wildlife (both for DCC and other local planning authorities where a Service Level Agreement to provide planning and wildlife advice was in place) aligned with legislative and policy requirements and related national and local guidance, as outlined on DCC’s wildlife and planning web page at: Wildlife and geology planning guidance - Environment (
(c) Adult Social Care and Health Services
Councillor McInnes circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Hannaford on the Abbeyfield Societies 45-day consultation (i.e. six residential support units for elderly residents, three of which were in Devon). The Cabinet Members was asked to comment on the number of residents in the homes in Devon, locations and work to support residents and their families. The Cabinet Member highlighted that the local Community Health and Social Care team, Care Direct Plus service and commissioning colleagues had been made aware of the situation and that Integrated Adult Social Care had reached out to colleagues in West Devon Council’s housing department to ensure they were aware of the situation and would continue to pursue communication with the Abbeyfield senior team.
(d) Highway Management
Councillor Hughes circulated a Report, as requested by Councillor Bailey, on the Council’s DCC’s 20mph scheme. He had been asked to comment on the scheme being heavily oversubscribed and how 20mph schemes could be enabled for communities who wished to have it. The Cabinet Member commented that he understood the huge demand for 20mph limits and this far exceeded current budgets. He added that a Report would be prepared for Cabinet on how we may meet the need for interventions in the many communities that had requested them.
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