Answers to questions from Members of the Council pursuant to Standing Order 17.
In accordance with the Council’s Procedure Rules, the relevant Cabinet Members and a Committee Chair provided written responses to 39 questions submitted by Members of the Council relating to the following matters.
1. Work to if any schools were constructed with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete;
2. Number of schools identified?
3. Number schools affected by the thirty-year immediate structural failure danger?
4. Number of schools operating with structural modifications?
5. Whether any schools were under threat of closure / partial closure due to reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete?
6. Investment / capital plans in place to actively address reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete issues?
7. Numbers of Exe Press printed for each edition of the magazine?
8. Cost to produce and print the magazine (Exe Press) for each edition?
9. Copies of Exe Press posted and costs?
10. Cost of postage for each edition of Exe Press?
11. Number of editions (Exe Press) produced in 2022 and number scheduled for 2023?
12. Total non-pay budget of the Exe Estuary Management Partnership for 2022/23 and 2023/24?
13. Whether the Council faced a 'material threat of a Section 114 Notice?
14. Update and timetable for the resurfacing of the A379 through Starcross?
15. Priority levels and timescales to repair potholes in Devon?
16. As at 14 May 2023, the number of potholes awaiting repair in the DCC area?
17. In the last financial year and as at 14 May 2023, number of potholes repaired within the relevant priority time limit?
18. In the last financial year and as at 14 May 2023, the longest period of time taken to repair any pothole in each priority category from the time reported?
19. In the last financial year and as at 14 May 2023, the longest period of time for any pothole in each category waiting to be fixed from the time reported?
20. Number of claims for damage arising from potholes or road defects submitted in the last financial year and to 14 May 2023 (current financial year)?
21. Amount of money paid or agreed to be paid to settle claims for damages arising from road defects in the last financial year and to 14 May 2023 (current financial year)?
22. Money spent preparing the planning application DCC 4329/2022 Proposed Electricity Sub Station at Matford, Exeter (submitted to DCC in December 2022)
23. In relation to above (22), cost of the separate planning application fee?
24. In relation to (23) the same Planning Application was submitted Teignbridge District Council, therefore reasons for the duplicate application and cost of the planning fee ?
25. Lower Hare Farm, Whitestone, landfill planning consent, progress in meeting planning requirements and when the site would become operational.
26. Current (at 17 May) waiting time for an assessment by an Educational Psychologist?
27. Current (at 17 May) waiting time for an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) to be issued?
28. Number of children in Devon waiting for an EHCP?
29. In last financial year and to 17 May 2023 (current year), number of EHCPs delivered within the 16-week time limit?
30. Current (at 17 May) longest wait in Devon for an EHCP?
31. Number of EHCPs currently over the 16-week time limit?
32. Design life for the wooden huts used as classrooms at Abbotskerswell Primary school, length of time in place and schedule for replacement and the position in other schools?
33. The redbridge link across the River Otter and progress with negotiations for a new bridge?
34. Number of claims made against the Council relating to poor condition of roads during 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years and to date in the financial year 2023/24?
35. Amount of compensation paid by the Council in response to road claims during the 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years and to date in the financial year 2023/24.
36. Response to queries raised at last Council meeting on economics of the way potholes are repeatedly filled rather than fixing them?
37. Closure of Grafton Childcare Day Nursery and Preschool in Newton Abbot and provisions made to ensure sufficiency of childcare in the area?
38. Adoption of 20mph speed limits in residential areas and town and village centres implemented by Cornwall County Council and why the current criteria is being used?
39. Measures being considered to address the Air Quality Management Action Plan for the Totnes AQMA on the A385?
The Cabinet Members and Committee Chair also responded orally, as appropriate, to any supplementary questions arising therefrom.
(A copy of the questions and answers are appended to the minutes and any supplementary questions and answers may be observed through the webcast of this meeting).
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