Agenda item

Performance report, attached.


The Committee received the Report of the Director of Children and Young people’s Futures which provided a performance update on Children’s Social Care. 


The Report outlined the following key points:-


-       Referral rates had increased across the country in September after the return to school, with Devon (484 per 10,000) now being below the national average (465), but higher than statistical neighbours.

-       Assessment performance had continued to improve to 90% in October, which was higher than both the national and statistical neighbours.

-       Child protection plans had increased, but was in line with national and statistical neighbours.

-       Children in care numbers was increasing, largely due to the significant number of unaccompanied asylum seeking children, now currently standing at 48, compared to 10 in October 2021, but still lower than the national average and statistical neighbours.

-       The percentage of agency social workers had increased in October to 37.9%, and the average caseload had now reduced to 17, compared to 23 in March 2022.


Members’ questions and discussion points with Officers, included:


-       All assessments were now under the one head of service, which was hoped would provide better oversight and outcomes.  A review of Early Help was also being undertaken looking particularly at transition between services and to understand how children could be helped earlier.

-       As to assessments within 45 days, this was a national measure, and it was expected that children would be seen within 4-6 days, some on the same day.  There was still work to do on the quality of assessments with the multi-agencies involved.  Feedback on performance was closely monitored.  The Committee acknowledged the significant improvement.

-       The dashboard showed there were five children in care under 16s in unregistered accommodation and it was questioned the number for the older age range of 17-18. Officers would revert post-meeting.

-       The ambition of the recruitment and retention strategy was to reduce the numbers of agency/consultancy staff by converting them to permanent staff. Members agreed it would be useful to see a trajectory of the reductions and Officers agreed to provide this at a later date.

-       Officers agreed to send a briefing note to Members post-meeting on assurance of where our children and young people were accommodated; how children were safeguarded in unsuitable accommodation; and the report submitted to the Department for Education on the national review, to assure Members further, following the Doncaster case.

-       Children’s Services were working with the Communities team to ensure that support platforms were in place for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC), particularly for females, if required.  

It was MOVED by Councillor Hannaford, SECONDED by Councillor Sanders and


RESOLVED that the Committee:


(a)  Welcomes the sustained improvement within the report, for example, assessment timeliness within 45 days.


(b)  Raises concerns about 25% of care leavers in unsuitable accommodation, but welcomes further information on this.


(c)  Asks the Cabinet Member to work with Officers to set out what targets for recruitment, retention and agency rates the Service should look to achieve in 12 months’ time so that progress can be checked.


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