Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/40), attached in Supplement.
(a) that no changes be made to the existing street lighting at the Puffin crossing until a site visit has taken place with the Cabinet Member, Parish Council Chair, Local Members and relevant Officers;
(b) that the current trial of adjusted signal timings be assessed by feedback from the local community and used to inform future timings;
(c) that a pedestrian demand survey be carried out;
(d) that the results of the assessment of pedestrian crossing facilities along the A3052 be noted;
(e) that the identified options to improve the pedestrian facilities be considered and prioritised as potential funding sources are identified; and
(f) that a site visit be held with the Cabinet Member, Parish Council Chair, Local Members and relevant Officers to consider the options presented in Report CET/22/41 and a full review of the A3052 in the built-up area of Newton Poppleford.
(Councillor C Burhop, Chair of the Newton Poppleford and Harpford Parish Council attended in accordance with Standing Order 25 and spoke to this item.)
The Committee considered the two Reports of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/40 and CET/22/41) relating to the pedestrian crossing on the A3052 at Newton Poppleford, following a fatal road traffic collision in December 2020.
The matter had previously been considered by the Committee on 14 February 2022 (Minute *25) where it was RESOLVED (a) that the request from the Assistant Coroner that consideration is given to allowing additional time for pedestrians to cross and to improve any existing lighting at the pedestrian crossing be noted; and (b) that a full report be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.
Report CET/22/40 summarised the findings which had been collated from a combination of information, data and experience from Officers, and included the operating specification for the Puffin crossing at Appendix 1 and the specification for the streetlighting at Appendix 2.
Report CET/22/41 included the results of the assessment undertaken by the Council’s consultant WSP of pedestrian crossing facilities along the A3052 within the village of Newton Poppleford.
Discussion points with Members and Officers covered:
· The amended timings of the Puffin signals to extend the time for pedestrians to clear the crossing were fully discussed and the Parish Council would be consulted on after the trial.
· That Officers would confirm whether any other similar crossings in Devon had total pedestrian crossing times exceeding 16 seconds.
· The Chair suggested that the Parish Council consider Report CET/22/41 and put forward their priorities and options for pedestrian facilities ahead of any site meeting.
· That a pedestrian demand survey should be carried out, as referred to in the WSP Options Assessment.
· It was further clarified that the lighting levels at the crossing met the P1 standard within the British Standard (which was a classification above that required in this location).
· Any increased lighting at the Puffin crossing would necessitate a change to the infrastructure and would be a departure from policy, however, Officers agreed to look at whether the same lights used at zebra crossings in Devon could be used at this particular Puffin crossing and would report to the site meeting.
It was MOVED by Councillor Scott, SECONDED by Councillor Hughes and
(a) that no changes be made to the existing street lighting at the Puffin crossing until a site visit has taken place with the Cabinet Member, Parish Council Chair, Local Members and relevant Officers;
(b) that the current trial of adjusted signal timings be assessed by feedback from the local community and used to inform future timings;
(c) that a pedestrian demand survey be carried out;
(d) that the results of the assessment of pedestrian crossing facilities along the A3052 be noted;
(e) that the identified options to improve the pedestrian facilities be considered and prioritised as potential funding sources are identified; and
(f) that a site visit be held with the Cabinet Member, Parish Council Chair, Local Members and relevant Officers to consider the options presented in Report CET/22/41 and a full review of the A3052 in the built-up area of Newton Poppleford.
Supporting documents: