Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/21/74), attached
(Councillor J Cann declared a personal interest by virtue of being a Member of the Joint Crematorium Committee)
(Mark Drummond and Douglas Smith attended under the Public Participation Scheme and spoke requesting amendments to the officer recommendation).
(Councillor J Tucker [North Devon District Council] attended in accordance with Standing Order 25 and spoke on the need for a resolution of this matter).
The Committee considered Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/21/74) on the relocation of prohibition of motor vehicles (bus gate) on Gratton Way to Old Torrington Road to better manage traffic in the area which had been approved at the last meeting as had been advertised, subject to further consideration by this committee on the proposed operating times of the new bus gate.
A large housing development (Larkbear) was being constructed between Old Torrington Road and the A361 in several phases. So far, planning permission has been granted for over 200 new homes, with the potential for more to be constructed in the future. As part of the development, it had been proposed to change the route motor vehicles use to access the southern part of Old Torrington Road.
After further consideration by Officers, it was proposed that the bus gate should be applied at all times. This would provide a clear restriction, with no ambiguity, that the public would understand.
A part time bus gate was considered by Officers to be more likely to be abused and generate confusion for those accessing properties south of the new bus gate.
Councillor C Leaver MOVED, and SECONDED by D Knight that the Bus Gate be implemented on Old Torrington Road and be applied at all times.
The Motion was subsequently amended as detailed below.
Councillor Henderson MOVED an amendment (in response to the Motion detailed below), seconded by Councillor Yabsley ‘that the Bus Gate be built in Old Torrington Road (as detailed on the Plan) and not implemented pending proposed residential developments in the area and monitoring of traffic movements and their impacts’. The amendment was put to the vote and declared LOST.
It was MOVED by Councillor P Crabb, SECONDED by Councillor J Yabsley and
RESOLVED that a Bus Gate in Old Torrington Road (as detailed on the Plan attached to the Report) be implemented subject to:
(a) all traffic being permitted to travel southbound through the bus gate and Officers further investigate a proposal for an exemption for motorcyclists northbound;
(b) additional traffic calming measures being investigated for Old Torrington Road, north of the bus gate; and
(c) monitoring of the impact of the implementation of the above over a period of 12 months and for report to a future meeting of this Committee.
[N.B. In accordance with Standing Order 32(4) Councillors Knight, Leaver and Spear requested that their vote against the decision taken be recorded; that the vote of Councillors Biederman, Cann, Crabb, Henderson and Yabsley for the decision taken be recorded; and that of Councillor Roome’s abstention be recorded)
Supporting documents: