Agenda item

To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet (Minute 41d) as an amendment to the following Notice of Motion submitted previously to the Council by Councillor Hodgson and referred thereto in accordance with Standing Order 8(2), namely 


This Council recognises the urgent need to support, protect and enhance biodiversity and habitats. It therefore agrees to:


1.    Consider new ways that could be used through the planning system to ensure and check that wildlife and habitat mitigation measures agreed by planning condition are carried out and effective, and develop appropriate policies,


2.    Work with Local Planning Authorities (LPA’s) within Devon to ensure that measuring and monitoring of wildlife and biodiversity is carried out at a range of key (indicator) locations over the life of their Local Development Plans,


3.    Develop a policy that would seek implementation of urgent remedial actions that may be advised by recognised experts regarding habitat degradation


4.    Assess the potential cumulative impacts on wildlife and habitats as and when planning applications for major developments are proposed within 500m of wildlife corridors, known habitats of protected species, planning consultation zones, green field sites, together with the impact of other nearby residential or commercial development applications, sites or built up areas within 500 meters. This information to be part of the application papers prior to validation for the planning process.


5.    Strengthen and implement fully, habitats screening prior to validation of planning applications,


6.    Ensure that any littering in public spaces, in particular that left by waste collection services is cleaned up immediately and thereby prevent this wildlife hazard from spreading. This could be enforced by employing more Enforcement officers.


7.    Consider options for ‘on the spot’ fines against developers who damage or harm significant wildlife habitats including Devon Banks, mature native trees and other habitats known to be used by protected wildlife species.


8.    Ban the use of pesticides and herbicides including glyphosate (commercially known as Roundup) on Council owned land.


9.    Consider virtual supports that can be provided to enable parish councils, local organisations and residents to propose highway verges and other publicly owned green spaces for Life on the Verge sites; i.e. sites that could benefit wildlife and biodiversity by being left to an out of season cutting regime. This could be provided via an extension of the on-line mapping pages to include a new ‘Life on the Verge’ page on the Report it (Highways) on-line services.


Having had regard to the aforementioned, any factual briefing/position statement on the matter set out in Report (CSO/21/13) and other suggestions or alternatives considered at that meeting the Cabinet subsequently resolved:


That Council:


(a)  endorse the urgent need to support, protect and enhance biodiversity and habitats in recognition of the climate emergency and the associated ecological crisis; and


(b)  continue to work with others in exploring practical approaches to achieving improved outcomes for wildlife linked to planning, development, and land use change across Devon.





Councillor Hart MOVED and Councillor McInnes SECONDED that the Cabinet’s advice be accepted and that Council


(a) endorse the urgent need to support, protect and enhance biodiversity and habitats in recognition of the climate emergency and the associated ecological crisis; and


(b) continue to work with others in exploring practical approaches to achieving improved outcomes for wildlife linked to planning, development, and land use change across Devon.


The amendment in the name of Councillor Hart was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and subsequently thereafter also CARRIED as the substantive motion.


Pursuant to County Council Minute 33 of 22 July 2021 relating to the Notice of Motion set out below as previously submitted and formally moved and seconded by Councillor Hodgson that: 


This Council recognises the urgent need to support, protect and enhance biodiversity and habitats.  It therefore agrees to:


1.    Consider new ways that could be used through the planning system to ensure and check that wildlife and habitat mitigation measures agreed by planning condition are carried out and effective, and develop appropriate policies,

2.    Work with Local Planning Authorities (LPA’s) within Devon to ensure that measuring and monitoring of wildlife and biodiversity is carried out at a range of key (indicator) locations over the life of their Local Development Plans,

3.    Develop a policy that would seek implementation of urgent remedial actions that may be advised by recognised experts regarding habitat degradation,

4.    Assess the potential cumulative impacts on wildlife and habitats as and when planning applications for major developments are proposed within 500m of wildlife corridors, known habitats of protected species, planning consultation zones, green field sites, together with the impact of other nearby residential or commercial development applications, sites or built up areas within 500 meters.  This information to be part of the application papers prior to validation for the planning process.

5.    Strengthen and implement fully, habitats screening prior to validation of planning applications,

6.    Ensure that any littering in public spaces, in particular that left by waste collection services is cleaned up immediately and thereby prevent this wildlife hazard from spreading.  This could be enforced by employing more Enforcement officers.

7.    Consider options for ‘on the spot’ fines against developers who damage or harm significant wildlife habitats including Devon Banks, mature native trees and other habitats known to be used by protected wildlife species.

8.    Ban the use of pesticides and herbicides including glyphosate (commercially known as Roundup) on Council owned land.

9.    Consider virtual supports that can be provided to enable parish councils, local organisations and residents to propose highway verges and other publicly owned green spaces for Life on the Verge sites; i.e. sites that could benefit wildlife and biodiversity by being left to an out of season cutting regime.  This could be provided via an extension of the on-line mapping pages to include a new ‘Life on the Verge’ page on the Report it (Highways) on-line services.


and having had regard to the advice of the Cabinet set out in Minute 41(d) of 8 September 2021:


Councillor Hart MOVED and Councillor McInnes SECONDED that the Cabinet’s advice be accepted and that Council


(a) endorse the urgent need to support, protect and enhance biodiversity and habitats in recognition of the climate emergency and the associated ecological crisis; and


(b) continue to work with others in exploring practical approaches to achieving improved outcomes for wildlife linked to planning, development, and land use change across Devon.


The amendment in the name of Councillor Hart was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and subsequently thereafter also CARRIED as the substantive motion.