Agenda item




Recruitment to the DCAF had not taken place in 2021 due to the pandemic and the lack of face to face meetings.  Andrew Baker and Sue Pudduck, due to end their three-year term in March 2021, had been offered a further term and it was much appreciated that they had both accepted.




The Huddle interactive site for local access forums had been terminated by Defra at the end of March.  Individual licences had been expensive.  It was hoped to replace this with a SharePoint collaborative site.


Ramblers ‘Don’t Lose your Way’


Helen Clayton, DCC, confirmed the project officer is aware of not overwhelming authorities with claims.  These needed to be prioritised and volunteers were working on this to enable quality Schedule 14 applications with accompanying evidence.  There were resource implications for the PRoW team if information is requested.  Helen would be meeting with the Devon coordinator shortly to advise on historic records and where to find them.  It is hoped that coordination can take place if the Definitive Map review team are working in a parish.  Nationally the project will need to cross-reference with current applications, where routes have been diverted or stopped up in the past, and look at the List of Streets.  Not all is available online but records can be extracted from committee reports.  It was noted a route shown on a member’s land had been previously extinguished.


The basis of the project is focussing on routes which had not been recorded on the original Definitive Map and required evidence to claim them – in contrast to the RoWIP approach where the wish to record them is through desire or need.


It was noted that Kirstie Pritchard, Natural Environment Officer, had data to support the value of PRoW to the economy.




In response to a question about the RoWIP review, Ros Mills, DCC, said legislation says an authority shall, not more than ten years after first publishing it and subsequently at intervals of not more than ten years –


a)    make a new assessment of the matters specified in subsection (2), and

b)    review the plan and decide whether to amend it.


As the RoWIP was last published in 2012, it would be reviewed next year but the decision may be made not to amend it.  The review may be better after publication of the refreshed Cycling and Multi-Use Trail Strategy and the Devon Carbon Plan.  Implementation of the Deregulation Act is still awaited and this would also have a significant impact on the legislative process.  A rolling programme may be appropriate and there may be future opportunities to do more consultation.  There is no longer a dedicated RoWIP Officer and communities are being directed to the 10 Steps Community Guide.




Attention was drawn to the retirement of Ros Mills, Public Rights of Way Manager in May.


Ros Mills said she had enjoyed the many challenges of the job.  She thanked DCAF members and previous members for their help and for developing excellent policies.  The mix of members’ backgrounds and balanced approach were very useful.  Interviews would be taking place shortly and she would ask her line manager about incorporating a question about working with the DCAF.


The Chair thanked Ros on behalf of the Forum for her cheerful and positive approach and willingness to respond to DCAF comments and try and find solutions.  Other members thanked and complimented Ros on her achievements.  Ros was wished a happy retirement.