Agenda item

Report of Chief Officer for Children’s Services and County Treasurer (DEF/20/09) attached.





The Forum considered the report of Chief Officer for Children’s Services and

County Treasurer (DEF/20/09), regarding Schools Funding, including the

Local Authority’s consultation with schools on Devon’s proposals for the

2021-22 schools revenue funding formula. 


A total of 114 schools attended online consultation events and only 99 schools (27% of all schools) responding.


In considering section 2 of the Report regarding movement between the

Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) blocks, Members were mindful of their wish

to consider the implementation of some, but not necessarily all, of the SEND

100 Project recommendations (for SEND outreach to schools to improve

outcomes and reduce dependency on Special Educational Needs (SEN)

placements, as discussed at minute 170 above. 


The report indicated a lack of support by schools in the consultation to fund the entire project through transferring 0.5% from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block (HNB), i.e. the unallocated funding (indicative figure £1.4m) and/or for the balance of  £740,00 to come from an Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU) contribution or by capping and scaling the large increases some schools had seen,  although some schools had partly agreed. 


The funding was a one-off, one year commitment, but the results of its success would be considered for any future funding.  Any project funding was not to plug the gap in HNB funding, but to facilitate better use of funds and ultimately provide the best outcomes for children.


The report provided an alternative to the movement of blocks by the use of surplus growth fund to support SEND 100 Project funding, highlighting that this was a Forum decision as part of the year end process.


The County Treasurer advised that any decision in relation to section 2

taken in principle was not binding and the SEND 100 Project funding

options could be reviewed later.


Discussions also included:-


-that the proposed transfer of £1.4m from DSG to HNB was indicative and

that any surplus DSG could be considered and would be brought to the

January meetings after the Department for Education had advised of the

settlement in December;


-that to date £30,000 out of the £100,000 allocated to the SEND 100 Project

 consultancy work had been spent, so the remaining money could be used

on delivery SEND outreach;


-the Forum was considering the funding vote, whilst considering the

consultation it was not a vote on the consultation itself;


-that it was envisaged that Devon’s special schools would be able to support

a big increase in outreach work providing funding was available.




(a) that Cabinet be recommended:-


that the proposals for the 2021-22 schools revenue funding formula as set out in paragraph 1.27 of Report DEF/20/09 be approved i.e:-


(i) that the Minimum Funding Guarantee be set at plus 2% reducing to plus 0.5% depending on affordability;

(ii) that Phase Association funding be top sliced prior to individual school budget allocation;

(iii) that a one-year adjustment be made to the Basic Entitlement (AWPU) for all pupils if funding permits (noting that the final funding rates may change, subject to affordability and confirmation of October 2020 pupil data and Schools Block DSG settlement in late December 2020); and
(Vote: Schools, Academies and PVI members)


(b) that Cabinet be recommended:-


that the proposals for movement between blocks as set out in paragraph 2.40 of Report DEF/20/09 be approved i.e:-.


(i) that the unallocated funding of the National Funding Formula should not be transferred for 2021-22 to the HNB to undertake actions identified by the SEND 100 Report;

(ii) that consideration be given by the Forum to not transfer the additional funding through one of the options proposed in the consultation (as set out in paragraph 2.14 of Report DEF/20/09); and

(iii) that the allocation of growth funding underspend to HNB as part of the 2020-21 year end process be agreed in principle;
(Vote: Schools, Academies and PVI members)


(c) that the de-delegation proposals for maintained primary and maintained secondary schools as set out in paragraph 3.4 of Report DEF/20/09 be approved (noting Appendix C consultation responses) i.e:-


(i) Contingencies (including schools in financial difficulties and deficits of closing schools); 

(ii) Behaviour support services;

(iii) Support to under-performing ethnic groups and bilingual learners;

(iv) Maternity; and

(v) Trade Unions and Public duties; and

(vi) Licences and subscriptions (not covered by a national licence which DfE charge the Local Authority);
(Vote: Maintained primary representatives)

(Note: Maintained secondary representative approval sought and determined by urgency procedures after the meeting due to no representation at this stage of the meeting)   

(d) that the centrally held funding allocations as set out in paragraph 4.22 of Report DEF/20/09 be approved, as endorsed by the Schools Finance Group i.e:-


(i)  that the centrally held funding be retained at the same level per pupil as 2020-21 for the Schools Admissions Service;

(ii) that contribution of £60,000 for the Emotional, Psychological and Social Wellbeing Service be continued for 2021-22; and

(iii) that £223,000 be top sliced from the Schools Block to fund the Phase Associations (Devon SLS and DAG) for 2021-22. 

(Vote: Schools, Academies and PVI members)


(e) that the local authority’s disapplication request (for a one-off uplift in the Basic Entitlement (AWPU) included in 2020-21 School Budget Shares to be excluded from the final baselines) that had been applied for, but was awaiting approval be noted.



County Treasurer (Adrian Fox); (a), (b) County Solicitor (Fiona Rutley)



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