Agenda item

Report of the Head of Commissioning (CS/18/33) asking the Cabinet to support NEW Devon CCG’s recommendation that Torbay and South Devon Foundation Trust, acting as prime provider for the consortium Devon Children and Families Alliance, become preferred bidder for the delivery of Community Health and Wellbeing Services, attached.


(Councillors Dewhirst and Hannaford attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).


The Cabinet considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Children’s Services (CS/18/33) on asking the Cabinet to support NEW Devon CCG’s recommendation that Torbay and South Devon Foundation Trust, acting as prime provider for the consortium Devon Children and Families Alliance, become preferred bidder for the delivery of Community Health and Wellbeing Services. The Report was circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.


The Council had been working with the CCGs over the year to re-commission Community Health and Wellbeing services.  Many of these services were currently provided by Virgin Care under the contract called Integrated Childrens Services.


The Cabinet previously resolved (minute 65 (d) of 11 October 2017) that ‘the joint commissioning of Occupational Therapy (OT) and child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) as part of the Community Health and Care Services with NEW Devon CCG acting as lead commissioner for a new contract to start from April 2019, be approved’. 


A further delegated decision by the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Schools on the 29th January 2018 approved the recommendation to put in place a Section 75 pooled fund with NEW Devon CCG for the period 2018-2029 and for the Council to contribute £1.6m per annum to the pooled fund.


On 27th of September 2018, NEW Devon CCG recommended that the Devon Children and Families Alliance (The Alliance) was selected as the preferred bidder to deliver the contract for a period of seven years from 1st April 2019, with the option to extend for a further three. The final contract award decision would be made by a further meeting of the CCG’s Governing Body Committees in Common which was anticipated to be early November.


The Report highlighted the consultation with children and families that had been undertaken to inform the specifications for the procurement of services.  A summary report was published on the NEW Devon CCG website. 


The Report highlighted the value of the contract of £23.856m for the first year, with a seven-year primary contract value of £166.992m. The Council’s contribution being £1.6m.


The Cabinet noted that a Quality and Equality Impact Assessment (QEIA) had been developed by NEW Devon CCG, which had overall responsibility for the procurement process.


The matter having been debated and the options and/or alternatives and other relevant factors (e.g. financial, sustainability, carbon impact, risk management, equality and legal considerations and Public Health impact) set out in the Chief Officer’s Report and/or referred to above having been considered:


It was MOVED by Councillor McInnes, SECONDED by Councillor Hart, and


RESOLVED that the NEW Devon CCG’s recommendation that Torbay and South Devon Foundation Trust, acting as prime provider for the consortium Devon Children and Families Alliance, become preferred bidder for the delivery of Community Health and Wellbeing Services be supported.


[NB: The Impact Assessment referred to above (for the Cabinet decision of October 2017) may be viewed alongside Minutes of this meeting and may also be available at:].

Supporting documents: