Agenda item


The Committee received a presentation from Peter Brunt (Neighbourhood Highway Manager) and Tony Matthews (Neighbourhood Highway Group Manager) updating Members on relevant Devon Highways issues. The presentation covered:


(a) The Incentive Fund: this was a Government ‘Top Up’ funding to the needs based highway maintenance capital allocation designed to encourage highway authorities to adopt good practice with an emphasis on collaboration with suppliers and other authorities. There were three bands of funding over 6 years from 2015/16 (with maximum funding in Band 3). The County Council was currently on course for Band 2 in 2016/17 and striving for Band 3 in the future with its planned changes working with other local authorities and other efficiency savings and service improvements. A move into Band 3 would result in a greater funding allocation for the Council in later years.


(b) Drainage Maintenance Strategy: this related to the measures taken to mitigate drainage issues in respect of the highway (both planned, cyclical and reactive activities) and the role and responsibilities of adjacent landowners, the programmed works for rural and urban gullies for example and budgetary constraints and challenges and the work of the County Council with its contractor to develop valid data sources and information to better target limited resources.


(c) Footway Maintenance Programme: the programme was about maintaining a condition which was safe and commensurate with usage. This was also in line with the analysis of footway survey conditions and budget allocations. The presentation highlighted how schemes were developed and progressed and the various types of repair materials used. Officers also highlighted upcoming issues with flagged / paved footways that would soon need to be considered for repair or replacement and advised Members that like for like replacements might not always be possible.


(d) Community Road Warden Update: related to the number of approved Road Warden Agreements, those pending, numbers trained to ‘Chapter 8’ level and booked for or awaiting training. A county-wide Project Officer had been engaged (on secondment) to promote the Scheme and develop a roll out plan.  A trial pothole repair pilot using new materials for repairs was also being carried out under the Warden Scheme involving 4 Parishes, the results of which would inform future developments and plans.


(e) Community Payback Scheme: the extent of the work in communities across Devon and the positive feedback received from Towns and Parishes and the benefits for the Service Users under the Scheme under the supervision of probation staff working with neighbourhood officers. Future plans included additional training for the probation service supervisors to facilitate ‘Chapter 8’ work on the highway. Examples of the variety of work carried out across the County was also presented. Members commended the success of the scheme and the benefits for the local communities and Service Users.   


The Committee asked questions on whether there was any cost implications of attaining band 3, the preventative work undertaken to stop gulleys and drains becoming blocked, the role of parish lengthsmen and their workload, whether work was undertaken to inspect and / or repair spent soakaways, the potential for exploring new materials when replacing pavements and paved surfaces and the role of local Members in this process.


Lastly Members asked for confirmation that the new Highways tender would not diminish any of the current good work undertaken in Parishes and further asked officers to check the legal position with regard the Road Warden Scheme and training other people, such as an employee of the Parish Council.