Browse meetings

This page lists the meetings for Member Development Steering Group.


Information about Member Development Steering Group




  1. To agree approaches to identifying and meeting learning and development needs to ensure that they are meeting individual and corporate requirements
  2. To collect views from fellow councillors on learning and development issues and to feedback on the achievement of the member development strategy to their groups. 
  3. To be aware of what learning and development is planned, based on meeting individual and organisational needs, and the impacts and benefits of learning and development activities.
  4. To support and influence the achievement of the standards required for accreditation under the SW charter for Member Development



With the support of officers, the Member Development Steering group will ensure that a range of development opportunities are provided which:


  • Ensure that individual learning needs are met
  • Enable members to deliver the council’s statutory and corporate obligations, objectives and priorities
  • Fulfil the requirements of a modern council
  • Are owned and valued by members of the council
  • Meet with equal opportunities policies.
  • Are evaluated to ensure that value is being added



  1. Promote learning and development within their groups
  2. Provide feedback on any training and development needs or concerns from their group or other Councillors
  3. Advise on any targeting of resources and priorities
  4. Monitor strategy and policies for appropriateness, relevance and cost effectiveness
  5. Recommend ways of enhancing councillors’ skills, knowledge and attributes in order to fulfil their roles and responsibilities with the council and wider communities
  6. Evaluate development initiatives to ensure that they meet objectives and support the achievement of priorities under the strategic plan.
  7. Monitor effective use and allocation of budget
  8. To support the achievement of the action plan and the meeting of criteria set out in the SW charter for Member Development.



  • A representative from each of the political groups to achieve political balance and geographical representation.
  • The Cabinet Member for Organisational Development, Workforce & Digital Transformation is an ex-officio Member and Chair of the Steering Group
  • Support from the Democratic Services & Scrutiny Secretariat and the Member Development Officer from Human Resources.



Up to 4 meetings a year will be held at County Hall.