Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall
Contact: Fiona Rutley 01392 382305 - Email: TO VIEW WEBCAST
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest, over and above any general interest arising from being a teacher or governor of a school. Additional documents: Minutes: Mrs J Larcombe declared an interest in item 9c) f) regarding the vote on phase association funding on the basis of undertaking paid work for the Devon Association of Governors, and did not vote on this item.
No other declarations of interest were received, over and above any general interest arising from being a teacher or governor of a school.
Minutes of the meeting held on 20 November 2024, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: DECISION:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 November 2024 be signed as a correct record. |
Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Additional documents: Minutes: There was no item raised as a matter of urgency. |
Matters Arising from the Last Meeting and Report back on Issues Raised with Cabinet/f40 To consider any matters arising from the last meeting where not otherwise covered on this agenda and to report on items considered at the Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: DISCUSSION:
(a) Free School Meals Auto-Enrolment
Members queried progress on developing Free School Meal auto-enrolment for eligible pupils and expressed disappointment at the lack of progress made given that it was a longstanding issue. Officers highlighted that this was discussed at the recent Schools Finance Group, and that the issue was referred to in item 7 (minute 157, below) with an implementation plan having already been developed. It was noted that the link to the implementation plan as published did not work, but that this would be made available to the Forum members as soon as possible after the meeting.
The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Schools confirmed that, when such a programme was ready to be deployed, it would receive the full support of the County Council.
Membership Additional documents: Minutes: DISCUSSION:
The Forum noted there have been 3 resignations since the last meeting:- Fay Bowler, secondary academy (Headteacher); Sammy Crook, secondary maintained (Headteacher); andPeter Elliott, primary academy (governor).
Rachel Harper had been elected as the secondary maintained member, who was welcomed to the meeting by the Chair.
Elections were being held to fill outstanding governor vacancies.
Head of Legal and Democratic Services (Fiona Rutley)
Inclusion and Learning Update Report of the Director of Children and Young People’s Futures (DEF/25/01), attached. Additional documents: Minutes: DISCUSSION:
The Forum considered the Report of the Director of Children and Young People’s Futures (DEF/25/01), which provided an update on the activities and progress of the Inclusion and Learning Team from November 2024 to January 2025. Key developments included the initiation of the team redesign and the proposed Inclusion and Learning (Education) Strategy for Devon prior to its consultation.
The Forum heard from the Deputy Director and Head of Inclusion and Learning who spoke to the principles laid out in the report, with a full policy to follow, which would be shared with the Forum when completed. Specific reference was also made to plans moving towards Free School Meal auto-enrolment, including that an implementation plan had been completed and linked to in the report (notwithstanding that the link, as above, was faulty). Challenges around information between the various tiers of local authorities were also referred to as a barrier that needed addressing. Officers expressed that, moving forward, they were aiming to secure backing for the plan both politically and from other relevant partners.
Members’ discussion and comments included:
(a) that the direction of travel indicated within the draft strategy be noted;
(b) that the Inclusion and Learning service redesign commencement be noted;
(c) that the implementation plan for Free School Meals auto enrolment be supported; and
(d) that the above 3 items be added as standard agenda items for future DEF meetings.
Deputy ... view the full minutes text for item 157. |
Special Education Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Transformation Programme Update Report of the Director of Children and Young People’s Futures (DEF/25/02), attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: DISCUSSION:
The Forum considered the Report of the Director of Children and Young People’s Futures (DEF/25/02), updating on steady progress since the last Forum meeting in November 2024.
As well as the Local Area launching its updated SEND Strategy, November 2024, a range of transformation projects continued to support the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), High Needs Block challenges and Safety Valve Programme work and discussions with the DfE, as detailed in the Report.
The Forum heard from the SEND Strategic Director who outlined the contents of the report. She referred in particular to ongoing work regarding the Council’s financial management and governance (including a presentation given to the Council’s Audit Committee). Also referred to was the average EHCP waiting times of 41 weeks, which represented steady progress in one for the Programme. However, it was made clear to the Forum that further improvement was still required.
Members’ comments and discussions included:
That the SEND Transformation Programme update set out in Report (DEF/25/02) be noted.
Finance Additional documents: |
Schools Finance Group (SFG) Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2025, attached.
Also available at Schools Finance Group (SFG) – Education and Families ( Additional documents: Minutes: DISCUSSION:
The Forum considered the minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2025, including the respective minutes relating to the other Finance matters for decision at this meeting (items (b) -(d)).
Also available at Schools Finance Group (SFG) – Education and Families (
Comment was made on the discussion by SFG on the Access Budgeting Software issue (page 43) and an initial statement by DCC which a Forum representative recalled placed blame on schools and was to the detriment of professional relationships and trust. The Deputy Director and Head of Inclusion and Learning took responsibility on behalf of the officers of the Council for the initial statement.
that the minutes of the Schools Finance Group (SFG), be received.
Joint Report of the Director of Children and Young People’s Futures and Director of Finance and Public Value (DEF/25/03) attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Forum considered the report of the Director of Children and Young People’s Futures and Director of Finance and Public Value (DEF/25/03).
The report (DEF/25/03) covered:- The Executive Summary Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Schools Funding DSG central budgets High Needs 0.25% Block Transfer to the High Needs Block (for Early Help and Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Workstream savings Mitigations In-year DSG Deficit Management Plan Data Dashboards Capital Investment Risks.
Members’ discussion and comments included:
(a) that the Month 8 DSG monitoring position as set out in the Report be noted; and
(b) that the current Safety Valve / DSG management plan position as set out in the report be noted.
Director of Finance and Public Value (Adrian Fox)
2025-26 Schools Funding Arrangements Consultation Responses Joint Report of the Director of Children and Young People’s Futures and Director of Finance and Public Value (DEF/25/04), attached. Additional documents: Minutes: DISCUSSION:
The Forum considered the Report of the Director of Finance & Public Value and Interim Director of Children and Young Peoples Futures(DEF/25/04), following Devon’s consultation with schools (ending December 2024). The Report recommendations strived to deliver the fairest distribution for the majority of schools whilst keeping within the funding frame and National Funding Formula guidance.
There was discussion regarding recommendation (a) regarding school funding proposals necessitated by a funding gap. It was clarified that this means that the Authority was not receiving sufficient funding at the first instance and therefore the proposals were necessary to maximise delivery. It was commented by Forum members and officers that there was scope to develop the financial understanding of schools, to ensure that votes taken on financial matters were done from a basis of being better informed. This was also mentioned during discussion on recommendation (b).
There was also clarity sought regarding the 0.5% transfer proposal (decision (b)), and it was explained that, if the proposal was not agreed by the Forum, the Council would be applying to the Department for Education for permission to transfer the funding regardless of the Forum’s vote.
Regarding SFG proposal in Section 8.3 (decision (f)), there were comments that it was unclear from the SFG minutes why people voted how they did.
(a) that the proposals for schools funding (in line with the results of the consultation) be approved:- (i) to set the Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) to at 0% (ii) to bridge any funding gap in the following order: a. Reduced AWPU by up the allowed maximum of 2.5% b. Reduced all other factors by up the allowed maximum of 2.5%; (Vote: Schools, Academies and PVI)
(b) that the proposals to transfer 0.5% between blocks for 2025-26, to secure the Safety Valve agreement and implement plans to manage the high needs funding sustainably and meet the needs of children and young people earlier and in the right place, is not approved, on the basis of:
(Vote: Schools, Academies and PVI)
(c) That Schools Forum note that the partnership, including the Authority and Devon Schools, now has to decide how we address the levels of exclusion in Devon going forward. The Forum voted that the Inclusion proposal to levy £21,000 per exclusion is not approved, on the basis ... view the full minutes text for item 159c |
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) 2025-26: Budget Planning Joint Report of the Director of Children and Young People’s Futures and Director of Finance and Public Value (DEF/25/05), attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: DISCUSSION:
Report of the Director of Finance & Public Value and Interim Director of Children and Young Peoples Futures (DEF/25/05) regarding the:-
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Settlement 2025/26 Schools Block Central School Services Block High Needs Block Early Years Block Other Schools Grants DSG Deficit & Management Plan.
Members’ comments and discussion included:
(a) that the Early Years funding rates proposed and shared with providers be approved; and (Vote: Schools, Academies and PVI).
(b) that the changes to Dedicated Schools Grant funding for 2025/26 be noted.
ACTION: Director of Finance & Public Value (Adrian Fox) |
Trade Union Facilities/Support - Agenda Item from TCC Officers to give a verbal update in response to this item raised by DEF’s Teachers Consultative Committee representative. Additional documents: Minutes: DISCUSSION:
The Teachers Consultative Committee representative provided context on the matter. They explained that they were seeking an amendment to the Trade Union Recognition Agreement to allow the usage of Facilities funds to support members who hold a national position within their union, rather than expecting individual schools (where the representatives are employed) to do so. It was explained that there was unanimous union support for this and that many other local authorities have such an arrangement, whereas Devon does not.
The Deputy Director and Head of Inclusion and Learning agreed to work with colleagues to develop a way forward and bring that to a future meeting of the Forum.
Interim Deputy Director and Head of Inclusion and Learning (Jack Newton)
Standing (and other) Groups To review action and receive minutes for the Forum from its standing groups (excepting Schools Finance Group as set out above) and to receive summary/minutes from other groups:-
(a) Standing Groups (i) School Organisation, Capital and Admissions Group
Minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2024, attached.
Also available at School Organisation, Capital and Admissions Group (SOCA) – Education and Families (
(b) Other Groups
- Additional documents: Minutes:
(a) Standing Groups
(i) School Organisation, Capital and Admissions (SOCA)
The Minutes* of the meeting held on 3 December 2024 were received.
That the Forum endorse the following:-
Item 2: Children Missing Education Policy (as recommended by SOCA); and
Item 3: Elective Home Education Policy (as recommended by SOCA);
*Also available at School Organisation, Capital and Admissions Group (SOCA) – Education and Families (
Correspondence Additional documents: Minutes: - |
Dates of Future Meetings Meetings at 10am. Please check venue/arrangements
Wednesday 19 March 2025 Wednesday 18 June 2025 Wednesday 19 Nov 2025 Wednesday 21 Jan 2026 Wednesday 18 March 2026. Additional documents: Minutes: Meetings at 10am. Please check venue/arrangements
Wednesday 19 March 2025 Wednesday 18 June 2025 Wednesday 19 Nov 2025 Wednesday 21 Jan 2026 Wednesday 18 March 2026. |