Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Contact: Karen Strahan Email:
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No. | Item |
Notes of the Previous Board Meeting - 20th June 2022 PDF 214 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The notes of the previous Board meeting on 20th June 2022 were endorsed. |
Urgent Items from the Health Protection Board The Director of Public Health or their representative to report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Director of Public Health advised that there were no urgent items for escalation from the Health Protection Board. |
Report / Presentation from the Health Protection Board A Report from the Health Protection Board on current issues, data and matters for information. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received an update from the Health Protection Board on current issues, data and matters for information.
Matters included in the presentation and explanation which highlighted:
· regional data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) survey for data covering up to 13 July showed a stabilisation in rates during this period. This was expected to drop further when the next update came through which was due tomorrow. Infection seemed to be levelling off locally and nationally. · data on the weekly PCR positivity rates for the country showing the regional variations. · information from the Coronavirus local dashboard for Devon showing the current cases in hospital with 166 patients as of 26 July and 2 were in mechanically ventilated beds. · vaccination data showing the percentage who had received their first, second and third doses · there had been 10 Covid-19 deaths in the latest week 8th to 15 July · percentage of people testing with antibodies was still very high · social distancing and other behaviours as of 17 July – 29% were maintaining social distancing, 75% handwashing after returning from a public place, 36% using a face covering
The Director of Public Health, Steve Brown, drew attention to the optimistic picture currently but cautioned this could change into the autumn/winter period.
The Board noted the position.
The dashboard pages available here: UK summary: UK Summary England Summary | Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK ( Devon Dashboard: Coronavirus dashboard and data in Devon - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Interactive Map: Interactive map of cases | Coronavirus in the UK (
Local and National Updates Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Public Health made the meeting aware of a couple of issues, firstly with regard to national guidance about lateral flow testing of homeless settings such as hostels, domestic abuse refuges and respite settings. The Council was working to establish clear protocols on this. Secondly, the Covid 19 booster programme was due to be launched in the first week of September focussing on those aged 50 and above including those in care home settings and their staff. More detail on how this will be rolled out would be available shortly. Simultaneously, the seasonal flu vaccination programme would take place. Historically, the winter period resulted in higher rates of infection, and it was important for those eligible to get vaccinated. It would be a challenging winter ahead with the increase in food and energy costs as well.
There was a question about whether the booster vaccination programme would also include the voluntary sector in health care settings. Mr Brown said he hoped this would be the case, but he would have to check and would report back his findings.
Devon County Council Chief Executive, Phil Norrey, informed the Board there was work underway at a South West level through the NHS Critical Thinking Unit which is trying to get all the data the agencies have on vulnerable people to have a common data set to flag up who is going to be particularly vulnerable this winter, as this will be the focus in the likelihood that agencies will be stretched at this time.
The Cabinet Member for Integrated Adult Social Care and Health reported that people were already able to book their flu vaccine and he had already done this.
Public Questions / Other Questions for the Board Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions. |
Key Messages to be Communicated The Board and Head of Communications and Media to consider any key messages to be communicated. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the key messages coming from the meeting.
These included: ‘Reminding people who were eligible to come forward for flu and Covid vaccinations as this was important. There needed to still be a degree of caution required especially as we enter the autumn period with people more likely to be socialising indoors.’
This messaging would be shared with partner organisations to bring this to a larger audience.
Date of Next Meeting Members of the Board will be asked for their views on future meetings. Additional documents: Minutes: There would be a review on future meetings of the Board including the frequency. |