Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Hannah Clark 01392 383000 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 342 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2021. Minutes: It was MOVED by Councillor Drean, SECONDED by Councillor Desmonde and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 2 December 2022 be approved as a true record.
Items requiring urgent attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: There were no matters raised as urgent items. |
Peninsula Transport Update PDF 117 KB Report of the Programme Director on the latest progress and activities of Peninsula Transport. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board heard an update on the progress set out in the December Board Meeting.
- Work Package 5 completed Dec 2021 - Work Package 6 and Work Package 7 to have drafts completed April 2022. - Work Package 8 draft report has been circulated - Work Package 9 was jointly complete completed with Western Gateway - Work Package 10 sign-off can be expected imminently - Work Package 12 has commenced and is expected to complete in Summer 2022. An update will be given at the next board meeting. - Work Package 15 and Work Package 17 have been started and have been successful in getting sign off from Department for Transport. - Rail mobile connectivity work has commenced - Work Package 25 has started
It was noted that these updates are confirmed in the Gantt chart shown in the report. However, it was noted that some years in the report contain a typo and will complete in 2022 not 2023.
The Board heard that on 21 March the funding allocation for 2022/23 was received from Baroness Vere. This is a 3-year allocation so the Board can plan beyond the next 12 months. The letter recommends work to be undertaken in the Peninsula region and acknowledges the role the Board plays in region. It requests that a business plan is developed demonstrating how funding will be spent.
It was MOVED by Councillor Drean, SECONDED by Councillor Desmonde and RESOLVED that the recommendation proposed by Baroness Vere would be strengthened.
Update of the Technical Lead Authority on the changes to the STB Structure and resourcing. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board discussed that when Peninsula Transport was established, there was no core staff and instead work was undertaken by officers within authorities. However, it has become increasingly difficult to deliver work programmes and present priorities for strategic investment across the area. Therefore, in November, Peninsula Transport secondments were created to address these problems.
The Board heard that this change in staff structure has helped to address the pressures Peninsula Transport is under.
It was MOVED by Councillor Drean, SECONDED by Councillor Woodmand and RESOLVED that the change to staff structure be kept permanently.
WP10 Rural Mobility Study PDF 120 KB Report of the technical consultants seeking approval for the Rural Mobility study. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a presentation from the lead consultant.
The Board hear that this work package has been a joint commission with Western Gateway. It shows a single unified approach from Peninsula Transport and Wester Gateway whilst recognising differences between them. The overall aim to support the levelling up agenda with a people, place and activity based approach.
The Board heard that this is the first Sub-national Transport Body rural mobility strategy in England, with 4 technical documents supporting the summary strategy documents. A rural mobility framework has been produced with 10 key elements. Over 100 potential interventions have been prioritised against objectives and deliverability, resulting in bundles of interventions. Priority locations have also been selected, with 23 different place types being identified. The levels of affluence were assessed, resulting in 40 different place types, with seven priorities identified. Up to 6 pilots have been identified to test and trial bundles of service and infrastructure proposals; two community led, one private sector led and three local authority led. Funding to be secured and a prospectus developed, leading to a competition for expressions of interest.
The Board Members discussed a range of issues including mobility hubs, seasonality and tourism impact on rural mobility and the challenge of ensuring suitable resourcing is committed to deliver pilots. It was noted that the strategy is only meaningful if deliverable.
It was agreed to defer the recommendations to a future meeting, with a workshop arranged as soon as possible to explore the outputs of the full report.
WP06 Carbon Transition Study PDF 161 KB Report of the technical team on the progress of the Carbon Transition Study. Minutes: The Board received a presentation from the lead consultant.
The Board heard that workshops with key stakeholders and officers have been held, to look at challenges and opportunities. A draft report was completed in March 2022, with the modelling now being reviewed in light of the Department for Transport Electric Vehicle strategy. This review will be completed in April 2022, when the board can expect the draft report to be circulated for comments.
The board noted that the next step is to finalise the modelling of interventions in line with the Department for Transport Electric Vehicle strategy. Once complete, the board can expect an update report in May, with final the report presented for sign off in June Board meeting.
The Board asked how reducing the need to travel will be reflected in the strategy. Whilst this sits within the 'more choice, better efficiency' theme, it will need to make clear that this will be an important underlying message.
It was MOVED by Councillor Davis, SECONDED by Councillor Desmonde and RESOLVED that the information is noted.
WP09 Freight Strategy - Forum with Western Gateway Verbal update of the progress of establishing a Freight Forum in partnership with Western Gateway STB. Minutes: The Board received a verbal update received from the Programme Director.
The Board heard that one of the key recommendations from the Peninsula Transport Freight Strategy was to establish a steering group to guide freight improvements across the South West. This will be done in collaboration with Western Gateway to ensure efficiency.
The Board noted that a meeting is planned for early June with all stakeholders who helped the development of the strategy invited. Invitations will be issued in the next few weeks.
Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position. Minutes: The Board received the Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position.
The Board heard that due to a combination of confirmed Department for Transport funding, funds carried forward and Local Authority contribution, 2022/23 funding will be £1.182m.
The Board noted that a revised business case needs to be approved by the Department for Transport.
It was MOVED by Councillor Davis, SECONDED by Councillor Woodman and RESOLVED that the revised information is noted.
Communications and Engagement Update PDF 169 KB Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the latest communications and engagement activity. Minutes: The Board considered the Report of the Communications and Engagement Consultant.
It was noted that, since December, the focus has been to support the current work programme. Recent key activities have included: submission of a response to National Highways; a statement of support for the A303 DCO; a Peninsula Rail Task Force stakeholder advisory group; work with National Highways to review JEAP.
The Board heard that an activity plan is produced each month and sent to the Officers Group for discussion.
Social media activity is ongoing with proactive content being used to increase engagement. The Board noted that tweet impressions were significantly higher in September. This was due to the amount of proactive content publicising the end of the Vision consultation.
Comms activity for the 2022/23 financial year will be aligned with the work programme to ensure Peninsula Transport work is promoted.
The Board heard that there is ongoing coordination for the Sub-national Transport Body event on 26May, held at The Vox, Birmingham. Peninsula Transport will be participating in a panel discussion focussing on ‘transport as an enabler’.
Peninsula STB Funding Allocation 2022/2023 Update of the Technical Director on the confirmed funding allocation for the STB for 2022/23. Minutes: The Chair exercised her discretion in varying the order of business and brought this item forward to be discussed under Item 4 – Peninsula Transport Update.
Peninsula Rail Update Verbal update of the Peninsula Rail Task Force (PRTF) Chair and Network Rail on recent activities.
Update from Network Rail with a brief overview of the CP7 Business Planning process. Minutes: The Board received a verbal update from the Peninsula Rail Task Force Chairman (PRTF).
The Board heard that PTRF met on 11 March 2022, with 25 participants, to enable stakeholders to hear recent strategy work. Discussion highlighted the need for Peninsula Transport to set out what is unique about challenges in the South West. It will be important to ensure the stakeholder advisory group can get involved at an early stage prior to any future strategy work.
The Board also received a verbal update from Network Rail on the CP7 Business Planning process. There is a 5-year periodic review process to determine outputs and level of funding for the core operations and renewal of the network. Whilst this is not focusing on enhancements and aspirations, it is recognised that it is important to engage widely with stakeholders whilst developing the core plan. It was noted that the next round of workshops are planned for May, to discuss stakeholder priorities. It was additionally noted that Government will issue statement of funds available in Autumn and a publication of Strategic Business Plan can be expected in Feb subject to scrutiny. CP7 starts in 1 April 2024.
WP08 Rail Strategy Report of the technical director on the progress on Rail Strategy and proposed further updates. Minutes: It was noted that the board have worked effectively, as a peninsula, to represent rail needs in the past.
The Board reflected on work done so far, noting that while the strategy is coming together, it doesn’t yet pick up on the uniqueness of rail challenges in the Peninsula. Furthermore, current changes in patterns of use need to be considered to inform future needs.
It was noted that there have been national changes in rail due to the William Shapps Review and the formation of Great British Railways.
Full discussion was deferred to next meeting, to allow more time for the strategy to develop and better reflect changing circumstances.
Co-Opted Members Update Co-opted Members to provide updates and feedback from their organisations. Minutes: The Board received updates from the cop-opted members covering matters of interest arising from their respective organisations.
National Highways shared some of their recent work. The Board heard a response brought back from a previous meeting regarding A38 Trerulefoot to Carkeel RIS3 pipeline scheme. A safety study has been commissioned by Department for Transport; in developing proposals National Highways have been talking to locals and businesses in area. Options have been identified and public consultation is expected to take place this summer. Remit only for safety scheme at present, though there is awareness of broader aspirations for corridor. Issues raised have been captured as part of Route Strategy work in South West.
Heart of the South West shared that they are supporting A303 corridor schemes and are grateful for engagement in CP7 work with Network Rail.
Network Rail gave an update that patronage levels are seeing continued growth nationally, with some regional variations. Network Rail shared that St Ives platform is in the process of being extended and Okehampton hourly service will commence from May. Restore Your Railway schemes are making good progress. South West Resilience projects continuing, including an ministerial visit last week to confirm funding for Phase 4.
The Board heard of staffing changes at Network Rail - David Northey is retired and Christian Irwin is changing roles.
The Board asked whether there was an opportunity for the Carn Brea stop to be reopened between Camborne and Redruth. Network Rail recommended a meeting with the new director of investment to discuss.
Department for Transport reported on significant announcements made this week, including funding for buses for 31 places through the Bus Service Improvement Plan process. Additionally, the second round of Levelling Up Fund guidance has been released – applications need to be in by 6 July.
The Board heard that Electric Vehicle infrastructure fund will be set up to support Local Authorities to work with industry and transform the availability of charging for those without off street parking. The Board also heard that a ZEBRA (Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas) announcement has been made.
Active Travel England (ATE) has been set up. The Board heard that a survey is currently being run, with deadline 13 April, looking for views on how ATE should work as a statutory consultee on applications.
The Board noted that a 3 year allocation has been made for Sub-national Transport Bodies. Business case development needs to be developed for ministerial agreement to release funding.
The Board thanked David Glinos and colleagues at Department for Transport for their role in bringing Peninsula Transport up to current operating model.
MRN / LLM Review Update and Feedback PDF 114 KB Report of the programme director on the submisison made to DfT to assist with their MRN/LLM Review. Minutes: The Board received an update from the Programme Director on the MRN and LLM schemes in the region, following the request by Department for Transport to undertake a review of schemes so far. Scheme promoters approached and undertook review of all schemes to be retained.
The Board heard that 4 MRN and 3 LLM schemes have been withdrawn since the original submission.
The Board additionally heard that Department for Transport was given a summary of progress made since 2019 submission that demonstrated that retained schemes have continued to perform well against fund objectives.
The Board noted that the programme from May 2019 has not reduced from £556m to £492m. A further report will be given after the local election period.
Public Participation Questions or Representations from Members of the public in line with the Board’s Public Participation Scheme. Minutes: The Board received questions from the public outside of the timescales set out in the Public Participation Scheme, so written answers will be sent. Chairman offered a meeting to discuss the area of interest.
Dates of Future Meetings All meetings to be held digitally via Microsoft Teams until further notice –
22 June 2022 (10:00) 6 October 2022 (10:00) 8 December 2022 (10:00)
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; Minutes: Board members noted the dates of future meetings as:
22 June 2022 29 September 2022 8 December 2022
All meeting to be held digitally, via Microsoft Teams.
Please use the link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings: |
Exclusion of the Press & Public RECOMMENDATION that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act namely the financial or business affairs of persons tendering for the provision of council goods or services and of the County Council, in both cases, and in accordance with Section 36 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, by virtue of the fact that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Minutes: It was MOVED by Councillor Davis, SECONDED by Councillor Woodman and
RESOLVED that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act namely the financial or business affairs of persons tendering for the provision of council goods or services and of the County Council, in both cases, and in accordance with Section 36 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, by virtue of the fact that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing information.
Finance Update: Itemised Expenditure Estimate for 2021/22 Financial Year Finance Lead Authority to report. Minutes: The Board received the report of the Financial Lead Authority on the itemised expenditure for the 2021/22 financial year.