Venue: Microsoft Teams & Longbrook House
Contact: Chelsea Randall 01392 383000 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2024. Minutes: PROPSED by Cllr Coker and SECONDED by Cllr Williams-Pears that the minutes of the meeting held on the 7th March 2024 be approved as true to record.
Items requiring urgent attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: There were no matters raised as urgent items. |
Peninsula Transport - Strategic Implementation Plan Methodology Report of the Technical Director seeking approval of the proposed Strategic Implementation Plan methodology and process for appraisal and prioritisation. Minutes: The Board considered the report from the Lead Officer and received a presentation on the Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) methodology.
The presentation set out the work that has been completed to date, the proposed methodology and next steps. The purpose of the SIP is to set out the implementation plan for the Transport Strategy as well as to guide recommendations for government funding as it becomes available. The board heard the proposal for a three-stage approach to determining which schemes are to be included in the SIP. This was based on lessons learnt and best practice approaches shared from other STBs in the absence of guidance from the Department for Transport (DfT). The first stage involves six gateway questions to determine whether schemes are considered ‘strategic’ and therefore appropriate for the SIP or Local Transport Plans. The second stage uses a multi-criteria assessment framework (MCAF) with a 5-point scoring system against the vision goals and strategy outcomes. This will not prioritise schemes based on score but shows the level of consistency with Peninsula Transport policies and objectives. The final stage is a deliverability assessment against five criteria (cost, value for money, affordability, acceptability and timescales), as seen with the five-case business case model set out in the Greenbook. This allows consideration of the how and when schemes might be delivered.
The Board NOTED that a draft SIP will be brought to the Autumn Board meeting. It was PROPOSED by Cllr Wilkins and Cllr Williams-Pears and RESOLVED by all that the recommendations be taken forward.
Peninsula Transport - Business Plan 2024/25 Report of the Programme Director seeking approval of the revised Business Plan for 2024/25 and for it to be submitted to the Department for Transport. Minutes: The Board received a paper from the Programme Director setting out the business plan for 2024/25. The Board heard that Peninsula Transport have now received confirmation of funding for 2024/25 from the DfT. The Business Plan has been updated to reflect this confirmation with more detail on what the funding will be used for. Key priorities for 2024/25 are the SIP and progressing the four outcomes of the strategy. These are: · Easier Journeys – intergrated ticketing and the rural mobility pilot prospectus, · Going Electric – EV forum and action plan, and alternative fuels for freight tool, · Connected Peninsula – freight forum, strategic rail priorities, and MRN/LLM scheme support, · Completing the Network – carbon quantification tool, support to Local Authorities for their LTPs, refresh of regional evidence base, and technical support to member authorities.
The recommendations were PROPOSED by Cllr Williams-Pears, SECONDED by Cllr Wilkins and RESOLVED that the recommendations be taken forward.
Easier Journeys Workstream Report of the Integrated Ticketing Project Manager seeking approval in principle to collaborative working between the STB and Smart Applications Management (SAM) to develop an interoperable ticketing solution for the region. Minutes: The Board received a paper from the Lead Officer and received a presentation on the proposed approach to integrated ticketing. Integrated ticketing is an evolving area of passenger transport at the national and local level. From a national perspective, Project Coral is being led by Midlands Connect and TfWM and it aims to rollout a contactless capping system across the five major bus operators. In parallel to this, the rail industry is looking to develop a similar initiative through the Rail Delivery Group. Peninsula Transport have submitted a letter of support to Project Coral, as have the five member authorities. There is an opportunity for a south west trial that brings both areas together to develop an integrated ticketing option. Looking to involve technical partners Smart Application Management (SAM) to support with back office systems and for Peninsula Transport to become the facilitator. This proposal is at the very early stages of development with no financial commitments for the STB at this stage.
The recommendations were PROPOSED by Cllr Williams-Pears, SECONDED by Cllr Wilkins and RESOLVED that the recommendations be taken forward.
Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position. Minutes: The Board received the report of the Programme Director on the latest financial position of the STB.
The Board was asked to note the financial information outline in the board paper and approve the final budget for 2024/25.
It was PROPOSED by Cllr Williams-Pears and SECONDED by Cllr Wilkins that all were in favour of the financial budget for 2024/25.
Communications and Engagement Update Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the latest communications and engagement activity. Minutes: The Board received a communications and engagement update from Coast Communications.
The two election periods have impacted communications. During the period in between the election periods the Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy was published and the Transport Strategy is now available on the website, all further communications in relation to the Transport Strategy will continue following the election. Peninsula Transport also produced a LinkedIn post regarding the A30 upgrade following a site visit earlier this year as to provide an update on works completed to date.
Freight Workstream Verbal update from the Project Manager on progress with Freight workstream since last Board and plans in the future. Minutes: The Board received a presentation from the Project Manager. This included a summary of what has been achieved in Year 2 following the publication of the Freight Strategy. This includes the continued success of the Freight Forum and progress on key interventions as detailed within the Monitoring Report which highlighted the work on the impact of bridge strikes, lorry parking and facilities, backloading trial, shifting freight to rail and maritime and drone delivery engagement with UWE.
The next steps for Year 3 are to engage with members and officers to understand what their key priorities are and how Peninsula Transport can support with this, engagement with wider departments in member authorities and raise awareness of the importance of freight to the wider community. The Year 2 Monitoring Report will be brought to the Autumn Board and a workshop will be set up to provide more information to members on the freight workstream.
Report of the Technical Director on progress in setting up an EV Forum for the region in collaboration with Western Gateway STB. Minutes: The Board heard a verbal update from the Lead Officer.
The Office Group EV meeting, held in partnership with Western Gateway, had good attendance and provided the opportunity to discuss the content of the forum going forward, terms of reference and the aim of this. The first Stakeholder Group EV meeting has now been postponed due to the election. Going forward, the aim is to create an action plan that outlines what the STB can do to support in this area, recognising that the aim of this is to not duplicate the work of member authority’s and their work in the EV Charging Strategies.
Peninsula Transport Update Verbal update from the Programme Director on progress with other Strategy workstreams. Minutes: The Board received a verbal update from the Programme Director on progress with the other strategy workstreams.
In terms of the Easier Journey’s outcome, a draft rural mobility pilot prospectus, in conjunction with Western Gateway, has been received and identifies potential pilot bundles that could be tailored to different place types across the South West. The intention is for this to be finalised over the summer and for it to be brought to the Autumn board meeting.
With regards to the Going Electric outcome, over and above the EV Forum and Action Plan, the STB anticipates the rollout of the Alternative Fuels for Freight Tool (ALFFI) which has been developed by Midlands Connect. This is currently going through Beta testing and should be available over the summer for member authorities.
In terms of the Connected Peninsula outcome, work with National Highways and Network Rail continues to progress the strategic road and rail programme. Following the work that Western Gateway carried out regarding their Coach Strategy, Peninsula Transport are looking to explore and develop a similar strategy that compliments Western Gateway’s work.
In relation to the Completing the Network outcome, the team are looking to refresh the Regional Evidence Base and understand what will serve member authorities best. The Carbon Playbook Tool will be rolled out in early July alongside the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Tool. Once these become available, Peninsula Transport will hold a workshop with officers to run through using the tools. Peninsula Transport will also continue to offer support to member authorities.
Peninsula Rail Update Report from the Programme Director on proposed changes to PRTF to ensure it continues to represent the needs of the Peninsula during the next phase of rail reform expected later this year.
Verbal update from Network Rail on regional rail schemes. Minutes: The Chair gave a special thanks to Philip Heseltine for continued support to PRTF and what the group has achieved since it first began in 2013. The Board heard that Peninsula Transport will now take on chairing and managing PRTF and Philip Heseltine will work with PRTF as a representative of Plymouth City Council.
The Board received a verbal update from Network Rail. Network Rail are currently developing an investment decision tool to aid future funding. Although the general election has triggered a pause in some workstreams, the team are still working on proposals and project for the next Government, however, decisions will delayed until after the general election. Mid Cornwall Metro continues to progress with a commission date still at the end of March 2025. The Greater Exeter Study which intends to set out the next steps of the Devon Metro is now in a phase of closing economic anaylsis and further updates will be provided at the Officer Group meeting in July. The Plymouth Metro Study continues to progress with next steps anticipated at the end of July. Currently scoping a Freight Enabling Strategy at the end of the summer, recognising the work of the STB and facilitating more freight onto rail in the South West.
It was PROPOSED by Cllr Williams-Pears and SECONDED by Cllr Wilkins that all are in favour of the change in management to PRTF.
National Highways Update Update from National Highways on strategic road schemes and update on the development of the next 5-year Road Investment Programme (2025 – 2030). Minutes: The Board received a progress paper and verbal update from National Highways.
The general election means the RIS3 documents from the DfT will now be delayed until after the election. Work with the DfT is ongoing to develop content and recommendations for RIS3 to account for views of the new Government and members. Working with the DfT to ensure a smooth transition between RIS2 and RIS3.
In terms of schemes, the A30 is in the final phase and on track to open in early summer. The A303 Sparkford to Ilchester is also progressing well with more sections of new dual carriageway opening soon to traffic.
Public Participation Minutes: The Board received two questions from members of the public. |
Dates of Future Meetings Extra board meeting date – TB in July 2024.
Board meeting – Thursday 3rd October 2024, to be held at 10:00 on Microsoft Teams.
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; Minutes: An additional Board meeting will be online at 11am. · Monday 15th July 2024.
The next main Board meeting will be October 3rd at 10am.
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; |