Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Chelsea Randall 01392 383000 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6th December 2023. Minutes: PROPOSED by Cllr Billings that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2023 be approved as a true record. |
Items requiring urgent attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: There were no matters raised as urgent items. |
Peninsula Transport - Transport Strategy Report of the Lead Officer on the outcome of the consultation and seeking approval of the final Transport Strategy for the Peninsula. Additional documents: Minutes: All sub-national Transport Bodies (STBs) are required by the Department for Transport (DfT) to have a Transport Strategy. On the 6th December the Board approved the draft strategy to go out to consultation, which was ran by Coast Comms. Following the consultation, the strategy has been reviewed and updated and has been brought here today for final approval by the Board.
The consultation took place between 11th December and 5th February via the Peninsula Transport website. Offline materials were also available through face-to-face meetings, representative groups, advertorial in the Western Morning News and a dedicated PO box. The aim of the consultation was to raise awareness of the draft strategy and to encourage feedback from a wide range of stakeholders. A cascade approach was adopted in simplistic manner to enable people to share the consultation further.
The consultation was promoted through email campaigns throughout, this includes 1200 contacts from different organisations including member authorities, neighbouring authorities, co-opted members, other STBs and people who partook in the vision engagement in 2021. It was also promoted across all social media channels, by two press releases, digital and printer advertisement, Peninsula Transport’s first e-newsletter and Local Authorities were encouraged to promote it through their own channels. Feedback from the consultation showed that social media shared, local authority communications and email were top three methods of promotion.
A variety of supporting documents were issued alongside the strategy to enable people to understand, respond and share the strategy and consultation with their own networks. The supporting documents included a communications toolkit which included all the information that stakeholders needed to help promote consultation. Accessible versions were also available through an easy read version and audio version. All communications were supported by lots of graphics to help promote strategy, webinars and highlight the four key outputs.
In terms of engagement, all MPs received written briefing prior to consultation and a drop0in session was held in Westminster as well as an online briefing session to prospectus parliament members. Other engagement channels included the Transport Forum, a webinar series that were free to the public and a presentation at Vision Zero South West in December.
There were 350 responses to the consultation, 100 of which were regarding the Tamar Bridge tolls. The four main outcomes gained good overall support as well as the intervention types. Key areas for improvement were to include more emphasis on the Peninsula Transport strategies already published, to highlight strategic and cross boundary scope and working with other STBs, an over reliance on electric vehicle infrastructure without consideration for other alternative fuels and other modes becoming electric (such as buses), accessibility for all, the delivery aspect of strategy (SIP), what the next steps for the STB are. Following this, the strategy has been updated to reflect these comments.
It was PROPOSED by Cllr Wilkins and SECONDED by Cllr Coker that all are in favour of the final transport strategy is approved and adopted. |
Peninsula Transport - Business Plan 2024/25 Report of the Programme Director seeking approval of the proposed Business Plan for 2024/25 and for it to submitted to the Department for Transport. Additional documents: Minutes: The DfT published the Business Planning Guidance in December 2023 and set out core function of STBs. This included developing, maintaining and implementing a transport strategy, providing advice to Secretary of State about prioritising transport investment and supporting Local Authorities with functions and as a Centre of Excellence.
The priorities for Peninsula Transport for 24/25 include: completing the network through MRN/LLM support, providing input into RIS3, rail enhancements and inputs in CP7; becoming a regional centre of excellence with the carbon quantification tool, EV infrastructure tool, local transport plan support, business case support; and continuing with national STB engagement and collaboration.
It was PROPOSED by Cllr Wilkins and SECONDED by Cllr Pears that all were in favour and approve the 24/25 Business Plan. |
Communication and Engagement Procurement - Update Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the procurement process update. Minutes: The procurement process for a new communications and engagement partner will be complete by next board meeting and will advise the board then who the next partner will be. The next partner will be in place by 1st April. |
Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position. Minutes: The finances for Peninsula Transport will no longer be carried out by Plymouth City Council and will now be taken forward by the Peninsula Core Team.
It was PROPOSED by Cllr Pears and SECONDED by Cllr Wilkins that all were in favour of the revised budget forecast.
Communications and Engagement Update Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the latest communications and engagement activity. Minutes: The Chair gave thanks to all at Coast Communications for their work on the transport strategy.
The board received a comprehensive update from BA.
Key communication updates included the ten year anniversary of Dawlish in February 2024 where the STB issued a press release and were quoted by Network Rail, including in their promotion video. In terms of work packages, the Rail Strategy was published in December 2023, there was an initial Rural Mobility engagement session in January with Western Gateway as the first step in developing pilot schemes and taking forward the Rural Mobility Strategy and the EV Charging Study in partnership with Western Gateway will be published in the next two weeks.
The STB conference was held in Manchester last week. Peninsula Transport had a stand in main exhibition as well as represented on the main stage in multiple sessions. Key highlights was around the EV work and the challenges regarding charge point role, the limited alternative fuel provision and the role of STBs in overcoming key challenges by bringing together stakeholders. Other key highlights included freight and overcoming empty running and Western Gateway discussing the joint rural mobility work. The key take homes was the strength and value of collaboration and sharing of best practice amongst the STBs.
Currently in tender as the new partner, but in terms of potential upcoming engagement activities from a Coast perspective is to launch and engage stakeholders with final strategy with a more formal launch down the line, change the communications and engagement strategy to align with the transport strategy, create a communications activity plan to match stakeholders to workstreams of the transport strategy. Recognising there core team and adoption of the transport strategy also scope to create a content programme which can be used to utilise and make opportunities to promote the STB work across the year.
Cllr Davis had a private conversation with the Prime Minster where she thanked him for 10 years of successive governments and the Dawlish support and discussed £1.65m coming to the region for resilience.
Peninsula Rail Update Verbal update from the Peninsula Rail Task Force (PRTF) Chair and Network Rail on recent activitites. Minutes: The Board received a comprehensive update from Network Rail regarding the ongoing work in the region. This included updates regarding Lostwithiel and the Taziker footbridge, Edginswell station, Tavistock investment, Ponsandane and progress construction, Dartmoor Line, Exeter St Davids platform 2 extension, West Devon Transport Hub, Mid Cornwall Metro, Wellington and Cullompton Station and the promotion of rail freight at Gravity Enterprise Zone. There was no update regarding the Industry Revenue Generation Initiative with the next phase coming this month, as this develops more information will be shared.
Co-Opted Members Update Update from National Highways on their Latest Activites, including an update on the A30 Chiverton to Carland Cross scheme. Minutes: National Highways:
The Board received a comprehensive update regarding the A30 dualling scheme between Chiverton and Charland Cross. The purpose of the scheme is to improve safety, reduce congestion, improve efficiency, unlock economic growth, connect communities, protect and enhance environment and (nearly at 20% net biodiversity gain), minimise disruption during construction. The road covers 8.7miles between two roundabouts and is the last section of single carriageway with the old route being de-trunked once the scheme is complete. The new road will open in June 2024 ahead of the school holidays and peak summer traffic entering the region and the scheme has seen a 20% biodiversity net gain.
In terms of general updates from National Highways, there is no update regarding RIS3. The A303 Sparkford to Ilchester scheme is under construction at pace with traffic using new sections of road where available. Building plans around communication through the summer months with the engagement van going out soon.
Department for Transport:
The Board received a brief update covering the following points: · LTF announcement on allocations for additional funding for the North and Midlands announced following Network North · 2 consultations as part of plan for drivers – accelerated EV rollout, congestion caused by roadworks · DfT reorganisation in response to HS2 announcement – creating a Local Transport group (cross modal group covering all local transport) and a separate roads group (maintenance and AT) with some shuffle round of Directors to be announced.
Public Participation Questions or Representations from Members of the public in line with the Board’s Public Participation Scheme. Minutes: There was no question from a Member of the public.
Dates of Future Meetings All meetings to be held via Microsoft Teams:
Thursday 13th June 2024 at 10:00.
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; Minutes: Board Members noted the dates of future meetings as:
Thursday 13th June 2024
All meetings to be held on Microsoft Teams and in-person.
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; |
AOB Minutes: As of the 31st March, LEPs will not be core funded. Economic growth wards will be taking on the role. The LEP board meeting will take place next week to deal with the final sign off, transition plan and make decisions regarding the LEP as a company. This will be final occasion that the LEP is represented as co-opted member of the STB and likely to be final meeting from Ian, delighted with progress to date and goodbye from Ian. Special thanks from the Chair. |