Agenda and minutes

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Contact: Hannah Clark 01392 383000  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2023.


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.


Items requiring urgent attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.


Election of the chair is raised for urgent attention.


Cllr Coker nominates Cllr Davis as chair. Cllr Lewis seconds and it is resolved that Cllr Davis will act as chair for the coming year.


Peninsula Transport Update

Verbal update of the Programme Lead on the latest progress and activities of Peninsula Transport.


The Board heard the update of the Programme lead, noting that recruitment is taking place for 5 new roles with the STB, with Plymouth City council acting as the recruiting body. It is hoped that these recruits will be in place by November.


The Board heard that work is continuing in line with the business plan, but that a formal funding agreement has yet to be received for the 2023/24 financial year.







Peninsula Transport Response to DfT and NH Consultation pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Peninsula Transport’s response to ‘Shaping the Future of England’s Strategic Roads’, DfT (Department for Transport) and NH (National Highways) consultation.


The Board heard that the first of two consultations are currently running, for road investment 2025 – 2030. The importance of this was noted, as although the SRN (Strategic Road Network) is small, it is impactful and much of the infrastructure is in need of significant works and investment.


The Board heard details on the STB response and were asked if they supported this.


The Board questioned whether the port of Plymouth could be mentioned in the response as ot is considered significant to all areas of the Peninsula. The Board further questioned whether the importance of the Tamar Bridge, and other crossings of the river Tamar, have been emphasised enough.


An additional recommendation was added to that in the report:

  1. The board delegate authority to the Technical Director, in consultation with the Chair of Peninsula Transport and the Transport Portfolio Holders for Cornwall Council and Plymouth City Council, to amend the response to the consultation on the Strategic Road Network Initial Report to include a request to National Highways and the Department for Transport to give consideration to how the maintenance costs of the Tamar crossings are funded during the next 5-year Roads Investment Strategy (RIS) period (2025-2030) and that an exploratory working group be established to investigate how any funding allocated in the next RIS period could be applied in recognition of the role the crossings play as part of the Strategic Road Network.

The recommendations were PROPOSED by Cllr Coker, SECONDED by Cllr Lewis and passed. 


Alternative Fuels for Freight (WP25) pdf icon PDF 675 KB

Report on the revised version of the Joint Peninsula Transport and Western Gateway Alternative Fuels for Freight Strategy.


The Board received the report of the revised version of the Joint Peninsula Transport and Western Gateway Alternative Fuels for Freight Study.


The Board heard the process through which the strategy was developed, which included detailing of findings from engagement and studies undertaken.


The Board questioned how this links with the levy funding that local authorities have received.


The board discussed the potential for refuelling locations before this discussion was delegated to the officers group.


It was noted that part b of the recommendation, laid out in the report, should be amended to say:

‘The Board agree that Work Package 25 is now signed off as complete and ready for publication’.


This, along with recommendations part a and part c was PROPOSED by Cllr Lewis, SECONDED by Cllr Davis and passed.


Local Transport Plans/STB Technical Support to LAs

Verbal update of the technical work being undertaken to support Local Authorities in the preparation of their Local Transport Plans.


The Board heard an overview of the works of the STB, in relation to how carbon quantification data is feeding into local transport plan work. The Board received a presentation of the dashboards which display the carbon quantification works and EV:Ready works, which are both soon to be completed.


It was noted that the work, and data from this, are available to Local Authorities to use.



Rail Connectivity (WP23)

Verbal update on the Strategic Outline Business Case prepared by Network Rail.


The Board heard a verbal update on Project Reach. The fibre contractor has now been named and the heads of terms agreed, with work on writing contracts due to start in November.


The Board questioned whether this work will impact branchlines, and heard that branchlines and main lines will both receive benefits, but that initial focus will unlikely to be on branchlines.


The Board also heard an update on other key projects, including Mid Cornwall Metro and West Devon Transport Hub. Updates were requested about Edginswell in Torbay, where the DfT are needed to bridge a funding gap, and Plymouth station.


Finance Update pdf icon PDF 150 KB

Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position.


The Board considered the Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position.


The Board noted that DfT funding is still subject to approval and has not yet been received. The Board also noted that contingency has been included for new staff being recruited.


It was MOVED by Cllr Davis, SECONDED by Cllr Lewis and RESOLVED that the information be noted.





Communications and Engagement Update pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the latest communications and engagement activity.


The Board considered the Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the latest communications and engagement activity.


The Board noted that activity during the recent period was limited due to pre-election in some areas.


The Board heard that comms planning has started for the new Transport Strategy and a number of work packages which are coming forward.



Peninsula Rail Update

Verbal update from the Peninsula Rail Task Force (PRTF) Chair and Network Rail on recent activities.


The Board heard a verbal update on the recent meeting of the Peninsula Rail Task Force (PRTF).


The Board heard that priorities were discussed, as well as fare and joined up mobility, particularly with the potential for tap-on-tap-off technology.


Co-Opted Members Update

Co-opted Members to provide updates and feedback from their organisations.


The Board received verbal updates from the Co-opted Members on matters of interest arising from their respective organisations.


Department for Transport

A written update from the DfT was read out and will be circulated.


National Highways

The Board heard an update from NH about the workshops they are holding with STBs, on consultations, planned for September. These workshops will be thematic with other STBs.



Public Participation

Questions or Representations from Members of the public in line with the Board’s Public Participation Scheme.


In accordance with the Council's Public Participation Rules, the Board heard a question about regional coach networks and enhancements, which will be responded to in writing.





Dates of Future Meetings

All meetings to be held via Microsoft Teams at 10am:


28 September 2023


Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;


Board Members noted the dates of future meetings as: 


28 September at 10am


Via Microsoft Teams


Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;


The Board heard that an additional meeting for 3rd August is planned, in person, to discuss the draft Transport Strategy.