Venue: Digital Meeting Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Hannah Clark 01392 383000 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2020 (attached). Minutes: It was MOVED by Councillor Davis, SECONDED by Councillor Woodman, and
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2020 be approved as a true record. |
Items requiring urgent attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: There were no matters raised as urgent items. |
Peninsula Transport Update Report and presentation of the Technical Lead Authority on the latest progress and activities of Peninsula Transport, including an update on the progress of the ‘WP04 High Level Transport Strategy’ and seeking approval for the draft Peninsula Transport Vision statement. It is also recommended that the Board agrees to review and approve the Peninsula Transport Vision document and draft Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Scoping Report via email in advance of a consultation in early 2021. Minutes: The Board considered the Report and Presentation on the latest progress and activities of Peninsula Transport, including the High Level Vision Strategy.
The Board noted that the £425,000 funding from the Department for Transport has ben received. This funding, combined with contributions from the Local Authorities, will be used to support a number of work packages to be commissioned this financial year, including: High Level Transport Strategy, Strategic Economic Corridor Study, Rural Mobility Study and Detailed Transport Strategy. The funding will also cover the Carbon Transition Study which has received approval from the Department for Transport for the methodology of this study.
The Board heard that a Programme Management Group has been formed, which meets monthly and includes reports from technical lead authorities. The Programme Management Group will also ensure that reports for the Department for Transport as per the funding requirements will be prepared.
An update was provided on the next steps for the High Level Transport Strategy, with consultation planned in early 2021 on the Integrated Impact Assessment and Peninsula Transport Vision Document. The Board discussed the proposed vision statement, which has been drafted to ensure it is distinctive, inspirational and unique to the South West Peninsula. The importance of enabling society to thrive and highlighting this in the statement was noted and an alternative vision wording suggested. An informal meeting is to be arranged for the Board Members to agree the final documents for consultation in January 2021.
Members discussed how to ensure Peninsula Transport remains suitably focused on strategic matters. It was noted that the Peninsula Rail Task Force is a good example of collaborative working in the South West Peninsula focusing on strategic infrastructure and cross-cutting issues. It was requested that a future meeting picks up the interaction between local and regional priorities.
It was MOVED by Councillor Davis, SECONDED by Councillor Coker and
(a) The amended draft vision wording (“Transforming transport across the Peninsula to enable our society and economy to thrive and our unique and outstanding environment to flourish”) is approved (b) The draft Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Scoping Report will be reviewed and approved for consultation via email following an informal meeting with the Board Members (c) The Peninsula Transport Vision Document will be reviewed and approved for consultation via email following an informal meeting with the Board Members
Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position. Minutes: The Board considered the Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position.
The Board noted that the £425,000 funding from the Department for Transport has now been received. These funds come with requirements from the Department for Transport, such as collaborating with other Sub-National Transport Bodies on certain work packages, which officers are ensuring are complied with.
The Board heard that the Rural Mobility Study is to be funded from the Local Authorities contributions as this cannot be funded through the Department for Transport funds. In addition, external funding would be required to progress the International Gateways Study.
The Board were advised that the Peninsula Transport budget for this financial year is £647,343 and the expected expenditure is £622,264, resulting in a headroom of approximately £25,000.
It was also reported that a tender for a single communications / PR provider for Peninsula Transport and Peninsula Rail Task Force is being progressed. The contract will be for the period 1 January 2021 to 31 March 2022 (15 months) and is expected to enable the realisation of financial efficiencies.
The Board thanked Sally Farley (Plymouth City Council, Finance Lead Authority) for the informative reporting of the financial position.
Peninsula Rail Task Force Update Verbal update from the Chair of the Peninsula Rail Task Force (PRTF) on recent activities. Minutes: The Board received the Peninsula Rail Task Force update from Councillor Andrea Davis, Chair of the Peninsula Rail Task Force (PRTF).
The Board discussed the severe impact COVID-19 has had on rail patronage and aspirations for the ‘new normal’ as part of the pandemic recovery.
The Chair shared the news that Edginswell Station was successful in its bid to the New Stations Fund and the reintroduction of rail services to Okehampton was included in the National Infrastructure Strategy.
It was MOVED by Councillor Davis, SECONDED by Councillor Brown and
RESOLVED that (a) The Terms of Reference for Peninsula Rail Task Force are amended as follows to continue to have a separate Stakeholder Group and the Chair or Vice-Chair to be a member of the Task Force:
“Will secure a broad consensus on its strategic rail plans through a programme of consultation and engagement to ensure that the views of key stakeholders including the existing PRTF Stakeholder Group and Members of Parliament are taken into account and reflected in plans for the future of railway services to and from the south west peninsula. This will involve also, utilising the Peninsula Transport STB Stakeholder Group, which has representatives from major business and education institutions and transport operators and bodies across the geographic area.”
Communications and Engagement Update Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the latest communications and engagement activity. Minutes: The Board considered the Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the latest communications and engagement activity.
The Board noted that a new section has been added to the website to reflect the work streams being progressed using the Department for Transport funding and that social media has been used to publicise the recent funding announcements across the South West Peninsula.
The Board also heard that collaboration with other Sub-National Transport Bodies continues, with a recent highlight being the virtual STB channel at Highways UK in November.
Climate Emergency Update Verbal update on the Climate Emergency from the Chair of Peninsula Transport. Minutes: The Board received the Climate Emergency update from Councillor Geoff Brown, Chair of Peninsula Transport.
The Board heard that the Department for Transport’s £425,000 contribution will enable the acceleration of important studies such as the ‘Carbon Transition Study’ and ‘Technology and Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy’ which will provide insights and recommendations to the Peninsula Authorities on transport decarbonisation. During the development of these studies, joint ways of working on areas of common interest with other Sub-National Transport Bodies will be explored.
The Board also noted that the second tranche of the Emergency Active Travel Fund has been confirmed, with allocations totalling £3.4m across the Peninsula Transport authorities. This will be used to deliver schemes encouraging active travel habits across the region.
It was also noted that the Local Authorities continue to work on their individual responses following their respective Climate Emergency Declarations. |
Co-Opted Members Update Co-opted Members to provide updates and feedback from their organisations, including an update from Network Rail on their Strategic Studies. Minutes: The Board considered verbal reports from the Co-opted Members on matters of interest arising from their respective organisations.
Highways England reported that they are closely working with Peninsula Transport officers on their Route Strategy development. It was also reported that the A303 Stonehenge scheme received DCO approval on 11 November 2020. Work continues on the other A303 corridor schemes.
The Department for Transport advised that the £425,000 funding for this financial year has been confirmed and that concerns regarding future funding have been noted. Peninsula Transport were encouraged to respond to the Future of Transport: Rural Strategy call for evidence, which is live until 16 February 2021.
Heart of the South West LEP reported on the ‘Building Back Better’ bid to government which is being prepared by the LEP and local authorities. This aims to deliver clean and inclusive growth through a range of sectoral investments and supporting programmes. Enhanced transport infrastructure is a key support programme, including strategic connectivity improvements and transport decarbonisation.
Western Gateway advised that their Rail Strategy has now been adopted, having been developed in partnership with Network Rail and the rail industry. The Strategic Transport Plan was consulted on in June, with a revised Plan to be taken to the Western Gateway Board for approval on 15 December 2020.
Network Rail provided the Board with a presentation highlighting a number of important updates. The Bristol to Exeter Study, a key study for the South West, has been progressing, with engagement from Peninsula Transport and Western Gateway. A Baseline Report has been prepared and working group meetings and joint workshops held. A final report outlining the case for further investment is expected to be ready for publication in late March / early April 2021. Further Strategic Studies are also planned, including the Peninsula Rail Corridor (2021), Taunton to Reading (2022) and South West England Ports (2023). The impact of COVID-19 on rail patronage was also discussed and it was reported that longer term demand impacts, produced by the Rail COVID Forecasting Group, will be used in strategic planning and appraisals. Meanwhile, the South West Rail Resilience Programme continues to be progressed, with a wavewalker jack-up barge arriving on site at Phase 2: Colonnade to Coastguard’s Ramp, Dawlish in November. Network Rail also advised that they are continuing to work in partnership with Devon County Council and the Department for Transport to reopen the Okehampton line.
Public Participation Questions or Representations from Members of the public in line with the Board’s Public Participation Scheme. Minutes: There was no question from a Member of the public.
Dates of Future Meetings All meetings to be held digitally via Microsoft Teams until further notice -
4 March 2021 at 14:00
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; Minutes: Board Members noted the dates of future meetings as:
4 March 2021 at 14:00
All meetings to be held digitally via Microsoft Teams until further notice.
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; |