Venue: County Hall, Topsham Road, EX2 4QD
Contact: Hannah Clark 01392 383000 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 127 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2019 (attached). Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2019 be approved as a true record.
Bristol Airport Presentation from Bristol Airport’s Planning & Sustainability Director. Minutes: The Board received the presentation on Bristol Airport’s growth plans from Simon Earles (Planning & Sustainability Director).
The Board noted that there is strong demand in the region to support Bristol Airport to continue to grow to 2050, although there is currently a high proportion of leakage of passengers in the South West. In addition, the airport is the largest single site employer in North Somerset, with a further increase in jobs and GVA forecasted.
Recent public consultations have been held for a new masterplan for the airport and a planning application was submitted to North Somerset Council in 2018, enabling growth towards 12 million passengers a year.
It was noted that surface access is a challenge for regional airports. A multi-modal study has been continuing in partnership with a number of bodies which has identified three packages for improvements, including a highway scheme on the A371 / A368 / A38 which is being included in the Western Gateway SSTB Major Road Network submission.
Items requiring urgent attention PDF 192 KB Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.
Given the upcoming deadline for the submission to the Major Roads Network and Large Local Major funds, the Board will be asked to approve the list of schemes for submission and the principles of the Regional Evidence Base document, with delegated authority to the Local Authority Directors to review and sign off the final draft. Minutes: The Chair had decided that the Board should consider as a matter of urgency, given the upcoming deadlines for the Major Road Network and Large Local Major funds, the prioritised schemes list and Regional Evidence Base.
The Board received a presentation from the Peninsula Transport technical lead authority. The Board previously approved the initial list of schemes and prioritisation principles at the Board meeting on 1 March 2019. It was confirmed that 3 Large Local Major schemes and 6 Major Road Network schemes will be submitted for the Department for Transport in July 2019. The Board heard how work has progressed since the previous meeting, including key facts for each scheme and the approach taken for the Regional Evidence Base. The results of the prioritisation process were then received. The schemes were prioritised in the following order:
1. A382 Drumbridges to Newton Abbot 2. Plymouth Major Road Network Phase 1 Scheme 3. A39 Atlantic Highway 4. A39 / A361 North Devon Link Road 5. A361 Glastonbury Bypass 6. A379 Corridor Improvements
It was clarified that there will be a full options appraisal as part of the further development of the Glastonbury bypass scheme.
It was noted that the Department for Transport have provided advice on the information they are expecting to be received as part of the scheme submission.
It was MOVED by Councillor Davis, SECONDED by Councillor Brown and
(a) The prioritised list of Major Road Network schemes is approved for submission to the Department for Transport in July 2019 subject to any necessary approvals by individual authorities as deemed appropriate;
(b) The list of Large Local Major schemes is approved for submission to the Department for Transport in July 2019;
(c) The Western Gateway SSTB ‘A38 – Improved Access to Bristol Airport’ Major Road Network scheme is supported;
(d) The principles of the Regional Evidence Base are approved and that Members of the Board will receive a final draft a week before the submission due date; and
(e) The Local Authority Directors are given delegated authority to review and sign off the final draft of the Regional Evidence Base. |
Peninsula Transport Update PDF 101 KB Presentation of the Technical Lead Authority on the latest progress and activities of Peninsula Transport, including the Economic Connectivity Study. Minutes: The Board received the update from the Technical Lead Authority on the latest progress and activities of Peninsula Transport, including the development of the Economic Connectivity Study.
The Board heard that work is ongoing on the development of an Economic Connectivity Study, in response to the Department for Transport’s recommendation that these are conducted by Sub-National Transport Bodies. This report will form the initial stage of a transport strategy for the South West Peninsula, through looking at the long-term transport and connectivity issues that the South West may face in the future, including the challenges arising from the local environment, tourism and resilience.
The report will focus on 5 key themes: · Decarbonisation · Digitisation · Urbanisation · World of Work · Flexible Lifestyles
Thanks were given to Highways England for making their Regional Traffic Model available for use by Peninsula Transport. It was agreed that ongoing engagement would take place to cover overlapping themes with Highways England and Network Rail.
It was MOVED by Councillor Davis, SECONDED by Councillor Coker and
(a) The arrangements continue for the Officer Group and Senior Officers Group to progress the Economic Connectivity Study with delegated authority.
Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position, seeking approval of the financial information provided and that the Peninsula Rail Task Force costs be absorbed into the Peninsula Transport budget for 2019/20. Minutes: The Board received the Report of the Finance Lead Authority on the latest financial position.
The Board noted that current Peninsula Transport expenditure is currently within budget, though there is limited headroom. It was discussed that there are efficiencies to be gained from Peninsula Transport absorbing the Peninsula Rail Task Force budget.
The Board were advised that the Department for Transport have requested information on forecast spend by STBs to inform the Spending Review.
It was noted that the authorities have committed revenue funding to enable the initial activities of Peninsula Transport, such as developing a Regional Evidence Base, commissioning an Economic Connectivity Study and prioritising the Major Road Network schemes for submission. This has enabled Peninsula Transport to meet the expectations set by the Department for Transport for Sub-National Transport Bodies. In addition, Peninsula Transport are working collaboratively with the other Sub-National Transport Bodies through the national forum. However, it is anticipated that government funding will be required to further progress future workstreams and maintain momentum. It was agreed that a letter to the Department for Transport reflecting this would be drafted.
It was MOVED by Councillor Davis, SECONDED by Councillor Coker and
(a) The financial information presented in the Finance Update Report be approved;
(b) The absorption of the Peninsula Rail Task Force remaining planned expenditure of £16,837 into the Peninsula Transport budget be approved;
(c) A draft letter to the Department for Transport on behalf of the Chair of Peninsula Transport, reflecting the financial position of the Sub-National Transport Body including the positive progress made to date and future aspirations, will be prepared.
Communications and Engagement Update PDF 97 KB Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the latest communications and engagement activity. Minutes: The Board considered the Report of the Communications and Engagement Lead Authority on the latest communications and engagement activity.
The Board noted that the Peninsula Transport website is now live, as are social media accounts. The Communications Leads for the existing Sub-National Transport Bodies have been collaborating and discussing how their joint impact can be maximised whilst minimising the costs.
It was also noted that South West Peninsula MPs have been contacted regarding the role of Peninsula Transport and the Major Road Network scheme submissions. |
Peninsula Rail Task Force Update Verbal update from the Chair of the Peninsula Rail Task Force. Minutes: The Board received the Peninsula Rail Task Force update from Councillor Andrea Davis, Chair of the Peninsula Rail Task Force.
The Board noted that a presentation was given on behalf of the Peninsula Rail Task Force at the recent Great South West All Party Parliamentary Group meeting.
Co-Opted Members Update Co-opted Members to provide updates and feedback from their organisations. Minutes: The Board received verbal reports from the Co-opted Members on matters of interest arising from their respective organisations.
The Board also received a presentation from Network Rail highlighting recent events, including the commencement of works at Dawlish. Peninsula Transport and Western Gateway will be represented by officers at the Western Route Study workshop on 22 July 2019.
The Board asked how the Parsons Tunnel project can be best supported by Peninsula Transport. Network Rail advised that the consultation closes end of 15 July 2019 and that consultation responses would be welcomed from Peninsula Transport, Peninsula Rail Task Force and individual authorities.
Highways England advised that the preferred route for Highways England’s ‘A358 Taunton to Southfields’ scheme has been announced.
The Vice-Chair of the Transport Forum provided key points arising from the initial Transport Forum, held on 24 May 2019.
The Board noted that the Secretary of State wrote to the Chairs of the Sub-National Transport Bodies on 20 June 2019 and that the Public Accounts Committee met on 5 June 2019 covering wider transport issues and Sub-National Transport Bodies in the South West.
Public Participation PDF 70 KB Questions or Representations from Members of the public in line with the Board’s Public Participation Scheme. Minutes: In line with the Public Participation rules, the Chair exercised their discretion to change the order of business and take this item prior to the substantive issue being debated earlier on the agenda under Item 4.
The Board received and acknowledged a statement made by Mr R Macbeth relating to the Glastonbury bypass Major Road Network scheme. |
Dates of Future Meetings All meetings to be held at County Hall, Exeter, EX2 4QD at 10.00am-
5 September 2019 2 or 6 December 2019 4 or 5 March 2020 2, 3 or 4 June 2020
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; Minutes: Board Members noted the possible dates of future meetings as:
5 September 2019 [confirmed] 2 or 6 December 2019 4 or 5 March 2020 2, 3 or 4 June 2020
All meetings to be held at County Hall, Exeter, EX2 4QD.
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; |