Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall

Contact: Gerry Rufolo 01392 382299  Email:

Note: To view the meeting live please copy and paste the following into your browser. To attend remotely please contact the Clerk for details: 


Note No. Item




Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 March 2021 be signed as a correct record.



Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.

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No item was raised as a matter of urgency.



Public Participation

Members of the public may make representations/presentations on any substantive matter listed in the published agenda, as set out hereunder, relating to a specific matter or an examination of services or facilities provided or to be provided.

Additional documents:


There were no oral representations from members of the public.



Election of Commissioning Liaison Member

In line with the recommendations of the 'Scrutiny in a Commissioning Council' Task Group Report, the Committee is requested to select a Commissioning Liaison Member, whose role will be to work closely with the relevant Cabinet Members and Chief Officers/Heads of Service, developing a fuller understanding of commissioning processes, and provide a link between Cabinet and Scrutiny on commissioning and commissioned services.


Additional documents:


In line with the recommendations of the ‘Scrutiny in a Commissioning Council’ Task Group Report, the Committee was asked to select a Commissioning Liaison Member, whose role was to work closely with the relevant Cabinet Members and Chief Officers/Heads of Service, developing a fuller understanding of commissioning processes, and to provide a link between Cabinet and Scrutiny on commissioning and commissioned services.


The Commissioning Scrutiny Task Group Report can be viewed here: mmissioninig%20Council.


It was MOVED by Councillor Randall Johnson, SECONDED by Councillor C Whitton and


RESOLVED that Councillor I Hall be elected as Commissioning Liaison Member for the ensuing year.




Election of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Member Champion

The Cabinet Member for Public Health, Communities and Equality has requested nominations for a Member champion on each of the three scrutiny committees in order to support him to better understand the Council's responses from across its services.

Additional documents:


At the Cabinet on 9 July 2021, the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Public Health, Communities and Equality wished to seek nominations for a Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Member Champion on each of the three Scrutiny Committees in order to better support the Council’s responses across its services.


It was MOVED by Councillor S Randall Johnson, SECONDED by Councillor C Whitton and


RESOLVED that Councillor S Parker Khan be elected as Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Member Champion for the ensuing year.



Long Term Plan - Integrated Care System: Update pdf icon PDF 442 KB

Report by the Devon Clinical Commissioning Group, (to follow).

Additional documents:


The Committee received a presentation by officers on the Devon’s Long Term Plan which covered:


·         the six key ambitions

·         what is different in the System in Devon

·         ICS Wide Change

·         Strategic Drivers of Change

·         Transformed Care

·         Conditions for Success

·         Communication and Engagement


The Chief Executive, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, reported on the current development of the Long Term Plan which involved co-production with all the key partners within the Integrated Care System and the engagement process to follow and also referred to the updated Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - Devon Health and Wellbeing.  The key themes included the level and pattern of demand and access across health and social care, waiting lists for elective care, the focus on supporting people and early intervention and promoting a strong work force across Devon, new ways of working, digital access and all within a defined level of resource with a need and duty to help ensure best value.


Members’ comments and discussion points with the Chief Executive, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust; the NHS Director, Long Term Plan; the Chief Officer Adult Care and Health (Devon County Council); the Locality Director (North and East); and the Head of Service, Adult Care Operations and Health (Devon County Council): 


·         the view of Members that the presentation lacked information on implementation details with no financial or performance data and no explicit description of how the needs of an ageing and complex population would be met within a system that was already financially challenged (on which further information was requested by Members);

·         there was also a lack of information on how the Devon system would cope with the significant increase in demand for mental health services (all ages) for example and the workforce challenges faced across the system;

·         use of the voluntary sector to help ensure best value, whilst maintaining safeguarding arrangements and parity of services within devolved arrangements across the localities;

·         a key aim in reducing the level of health inequalities across the County with emphasis on prevention and support promoting safe independence;

·         the aim in increasing the level of early diagnosis and improved screening and access;

·         local governance arrangement within the LTP framework through Primary Care Networks aligned with strategic priorities across Devon;

·         the role of Scrutiny in the process; and

·         the demand issues faced by South West Ambulance Trust following declarations of critical incidents and measures at the acute Hospital Trusts to alleviate ambulance waiting times; and a Member’s view for the need for further scrutiny.


The Chief Executive of the Foundation Trust re-iterated that the LTP was a work-in-progress and subject to approval within NHS/ICS governance arrangements prior to further consultation/engagement within the timescales  (as detailed in the presentation) of which the Scrutiny Committee would be a part.  


The Chair thanked the Officers for their attendance.



North Devon Link Centre Service- Proposal for Future Delivery pdf icon PDF 373 KB

Report of the Locality Director (North and East), Devon County Council and NHS Devon CCG (ACH/21/136), attached



Additional documents:


(Councillor J McInnes attended in accordance with Standing Order 25 and spoke to this item).


The Committee received the Report of the Locality Director (North and East), Devon County Council and NHS Devon CCG (ACH/21/136) on the proposed consultations and engagement on a model for the North Devon Link Centre Service (NDLS) based on findings from a review and the impact of Covid-19.


The option on which consultation would take place was to:


     Redesign the North Devon Link Centre Service from a building-based model to short-term enabling support for those with a statutory need, working with people in their community to achieve what matters to them and to live as independently as possible; and


     Invest in the local community and voluntary sector to support people who do not need this level of support.


The Services were free at the point of delivery and focused on recovery for people with a perceived mental health need and/or Autism, a Learning Disability, who were homeless or receiving support for substance misuse.


There were four centres across North Devon (Barnstaple, Bideford, Holsworthy and Ilfracombe) providing a building-based traditional day service together with some outreach and group sessions. The centres were fully funded by the County Council who owned the buildings.


Key findings from July 2019 review and impact of the pandemic were detailed in the Report along with a proposed way forward, the next steps and options and alternatives, consultations undertaken and financial and other considerations.


The County Council was undertaking a formal consultative process to seek views on a new service model for mental health support in North Devon in light of national best practice, evidence from the pandemic and a recovery approach. 


Discussion points with the Locality Director and the Cabinet Member included


·         there were no cost-cutting objectives within the proposals;

·         the consultation arrangements included direct posting and information and the good level of responses from current users following a survey;

·         ideas to promote social engagement even with the possible re-use of existing buildings;

·         the referral process to the service and arrangements for those who were not eligible; 

·         the need to include performance and output data in any proposal to change or in the future and the value of the buildings where users were able to meet and socialise; and

·         information on what was happening in the remainder of the County to support people with similar needs and future use/disposal of buildings.  


The Committee endorsed the proposed consultation arrangements.



Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) Complaint - (LGSCO) Briefing pdf icon PDF 309 KB

Report of the Head of Adult Care Operations and Health (ACOH/21/02) attached


Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Adult Care Operations and Health (ACOH/21/02) on the findings of the Ombudsman following a complaint to Devon County Council in July 2019 which had related to a placement into residential care. The complaint had been upheld with maladministration and injustice. In this case, the Ombudsman had also published a public interest report for the following reasons:


(a) significant fault, injustice or remedy and

(b) a significant topical issue.


The Ombudsman’s office had done this to make people aware of what it had found through its investigation by requiring County Council to:


              place two public announcements in local newspapers and/or newspaper websites;

              make the report available free of charge at one or more of its offices (or alternative suitable arrangement);

              formally report back to the Ombudsman the County Council’s intended course of action; and

              discuss the Ombudsman’s findings and recommendations at a high decision-making level, such as full council or cabinet (or other committee with delegated authority).


The Head of Service and the Authority’s Customer Relations Manager confirmed that the above had been actioned and with report to this Committee for consideration.   


The Report detailed the additional learning which arose from the complaint and which had been embedded into practice by the Service.


It was MOVED by Councillor S Randall Johnson and SECONDED by Councillor C Whitton and


RESOLVED that the actions taken following the Ombudsman complaint be endorsed as proportionate to the case and the assurance that the appropriate level of learning in the Service has been implemented be accepted.



Health and Care General Update pdf icon PDF 272 KB

Joint report from Devon County Council and NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (ACH/21/137) attached



Additional documents:


(Councillor J McInnes attended and spoke to this item in accordance with Standing Order 25 and referred to the significant and continued pressures across adult social care and health during the pandemic)


The Committee received and noted the Joint report from Devon County Council and NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (ACH/21/137) on an update and general information responding to specific actions, requests or discussions during the previous Committee discussions and in relation to the latest news from the Devon Health and Care system. The Report covered celebrating local success and achievements, COVID-19 update; a vaccination update; the proud to care update, access to General Practice; the National Disability Strategy and National Strategy for Autistic Children, Young People and Adults; and alignment with local ICS and Devon County Council strategic priorities across Devon.


Discussion points with the Locality Director (North and East) included the low level of non-vaccinations of care staff and the clinical advice and support offered; and access to general practice. 




Public Health Focus pdf icon PDF 372 KB

Report of the Standing Overview Group (SOG) meeting held on 18 August 2021, attached

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Report of the Health & Adult Care Scrutiny Members (CS0/21/14) on the Standing Overview Group (SOG meeting held on 18 August 2021 which had received presentations from Officers on Public Health, which particularly focussed on their latest annual report 2021/21. The Members’ Report identified the issues identified by them at the meeting. 


Members at the SOG meeting had recognised the invaluable role Public Health continued to play in responding to the unprecedented challenges society was facing through the pandemic.


A further session on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy was planned for Members later in Autumn.




Scrutiny Committee Work Programme

In accordance with previous practice, Scrutiny Committees are requested to review the list of forthcoming business and determine which items are to be included in the Work Programme.


The Committee may also wish to review the content of the Cabinet Forward Plan and the Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Risk Register to see if there are any specific items therein it might wish to explore further.



Additional documents:


The Committee noted the current Work Programme subject to inclusion of the topics arising from this meeting and also suggested the following:


(a) Visits to localities to meet Community Service Managers;


(b) Report on Access to General Practice;


(c) Spotlight Review/Report on the South West Ambulance Service Trust; 


(d) Further detailed report on the Long Term Plan to include financial information across the Integrated Care System in Devon and workforce pressures across the ICS;


(f) Care Quality Commission Inspection: Devon Partnership Trust;


(g) Update on the National Strategy: Young People and Adults (Masterclass to be arranged on Disability Services);


(h)  Update on Minor Injury Units across Devon; and


(i)  Report on accommodation/housing: Priority for nurses. 












[NB: The Scrutiny Work Programme was available on the Council's website at: Scrutiny Work Programme - Democracy in Devon].





Information Previously Circulated

Below is a list of information previously circulated for Members, since the last meeting, relating to topical developments which have been or are currently being considered by this Scrutiny Committee.


(a) Coronavirus Vaccination in Devon Briefing Updates from the NHS Devon CCG on the ongoing vaccination programme.


(b)  Care Quality Commission (CQC) report on the inspection and findings of the Devon Partnership NHS Trust .Adult mental health services.


(c) Letter from the Chief Executive of the Integrated Care System (ICS) Devon concerning the entry of the ICS Devon into the national Recovery Support Programme.


(d) Healthwatch in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Annual Report for 2020/21.


Additional documents:


The Committee noted the list of information previously circulated for Members, since the last meeting, relating to topical developments which had  been or were currently being considered by this Scrutiny Committee:


 (a) Coronavirus Vaccination in Devon Briefing Updates from the NHS Devon CCG on the ongoing vaccination programme.


(b) Care Quality Commission (CQC) report on the inspection and findings of the Devon Partnership NHS Trust .Adult mental health services.


(c) Letter from the Chief Executive of the Integrated Care System (ICS) Devon concerning the entry of the ICS Devon into the national Recovery Support Programme.


(d) Healthwatch in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Annual Report for 2020/21