Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall
Contact: Yvette Welsh, 01392 382406 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2023 were signed as a correct record of the meeting. |
Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: There was no item raised requiring urgent attention |
Devon SACRE Membership To note any changes to the membership of Devon SACRE. Minutes: The Committee noted that Leonore Newsom had
joined Devon SACRE as Pagan
representative of Group A and would be replacing Maia
Miller. |
Standards in Schools: Monitoring and Ofsted PDF 61 KB The purpose of this report is to update SACRE members on the findings published in recent Ofsted reports, particularly where comments relate to Religious Education (RE), collective worship or Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) of pupils. Where appropriate, the report may recommend that SACRE officers should contact specified schools to either congratulate them on their outstanding practice, or to offer curriculum support in specified areas.
Ofsted reports from a number of primary schools make reference to issues relating to RE/CW/SMSC. Most of these comments are very encouraging.
Two schools have been followed up specifically with regard to comments in their reports.
Minutes: Devon SACRE members received an update on the findings published in recent Ofsted reports, particularly where comments related to Religious Education (RE), collective worship or Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) of pupils.
It was NOTED that Ofsted reports from a number of primary schools made reference to issues relating to RE provision and that two schools had specifically been followed up with regard to comments in their reports and whether assistance could be offered.
Congratulations were offered to ISCA for excellent published GCSE RE results.
It was noted, from national data, that where a higher percentage of the Year 11 cohort was entered for GCSE RS examinations, progress was higher than where a smaller percentage of the cohort were entered for the exam.
· Greater subject knowledge for teachers would be helpful · The subject title is an issue regards to take up of option subject, whether the title be ‘worldviews’ or RE.
Devon and Torbay SACRE - Agreed Syllabus Review and Launch PDF 94 KB Minutes: The Committee NOTED that the new syllabus would be completed by the end of March 2024, with a launch programme in the summer term 2024. Schools would teach the new syllabus from September 2024.
Syllabus launch events would be held across Devon and Plymouth on 17th, 18th, 19th June 2024, led by syllabus-writers Fiona Moss and Stephen Pett (RE Today).
The cost of the new syllabus to be £35 per school and it was noted that an electronic copy of the syllabus would be provided to every school in Devon (including academies).
Devon County Council would initially fund the new syllabus and a significant proportion of this cost to be recovered through the ‘paid-for’ launch events.
Ongoing training for teachers as a follow-up to the introduction of this new syllabus, to be via the Learn Teach Lead RE (LTLRE) conference and hub meetings.
Learn Teach Lead RE: Update PDF 135 KB Minutes: During general discussion, the Committee NOTED the report and that:
· the next annual conference was scheduled for 11 October 2024, at the St Mellion Conference Centre.
· Hubs have been meeting both in person and also virtually over the last year. Hub leaders training will take place on 1 March and 5 July 2024.
· A number of new hub leaders have been appointed recently, helping to renew the programme.
· The new SWIFT hub continues to be very successful.
Hub Leaders gave an update about the South Devon hub and the Exeter hub, highlighting a visit to the Quaker meeting house by the Exeter hub members and also that both hubs welcome greater involvement by schools. |
Minutes: During general discussion the Committee NOTED the report and that the RE Hubs website was available at Information on the website included courses and events, local groups and how to contact your local hub.
The final version of the Religion and Worldviews handbook for syllabus writers and curriculum developers would be published in May 2024.
The handbook is designed to support RE curriculum leaders in translating the RE Council’s vision of an excellent education for all in religion and worldviews into a syllabus. RE syllabus frameworks from three school based teams to be published as part of the document. |
Devon SACRE Annual Report PDF 217 KB Minutes: The Committee NOTED that the annual report that summed up the work of Devon SACRE 2022-2023 would be sent to schools. |
Young Ambassadors At the last meeting of Devon SACRE the Committee noted that the Devon SACRE Advisor and staff at Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust would be undertaking work to train and empower a group of primary and secondary students to become Ambassadors for Freedom of Religion or Belief.
An update on the work will be provided.
Minutes: The Committee NOTED that the Devon SACRE Advisor and staff at Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust would be undertaking work to train and empower a group of primary and secondary students to become Ambassadors for Freedom of Religion or Belief.
The project aimed that the young Ambassador’s would work with the students at Okehampton Primary School and Okehampton College, towards a significant community event in 2024. This would be followed by a visit to Westminster in June 2025 to address MPs and Lords about the importance of RE.
The project is led by the Association of RE Inspectors and Advisers (AREIAC) and funded by Culham St Gabriel’s Trust.
Anthony Mangnall MP correspondence PDF 2 MB Minutes: The Committee NOTED the letter received from Anthony Mangnall MP addressing the Vice Chair’s comments received. It was considered that a follow up letter be sent highlighting the shortage of teachers in secondary schools.
Holocaust Memorial Day - Feedback from 2024 Minutes: The Committee NOTED the recent Memorial Day events under the theme ‘Fragility of Freedom’. |
SACRE Training Minutes: Devon SACRE NOTED the NASACRE training programme and that the South West Conference would be held in March 2024. |
Future Devon SACRE Meetings The Committee will meet on the following dates:
Thursday 13 June 2024 Monday 4 November 2024 Minutes: Future meetings to be held on the following dates commencing at 10am
Thursday 20 June 2024 |