Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall
Contact: Yvette Welsh, Email:
Note | No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2024 |
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Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. |
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Devon SACRE Membership Updates To note any changes to the membership of Devon SACRE and to pay tribute to Saxon Spence. |
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Data from Schools An update about data collection from schools regarding RE provision will be reported at the meeting. |
Standards in Schools - Monitoring and Ofsted
The purpose of this report is to update SACRE members on the findings published in recent Ofsted reports, particularly where comments relate to Religious Education (RE), collective worship or Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) of pupils. Where appropriate, the report may recommend that SACRE officers should contact specified schools to either congratulate them on their outstanding practice, or to offer curriculum support in specified areas.
Ofsted reports from a number of primary schools make reference to issues relating to RE/CW/SMSC. Most of these comments are very encouraging.
A number of schools are being followed up specifically with regard to comments in their reports.
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Devon and Torbay SACRE: Agreed Syllabus The purpose of this report is to update SACRE members on plans to monitor and follow-up the implementation of the Devon and Torbay Agreed Syllabus 2024-29. |
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Learn Teach Lead RE The purpose of this report is to update SACRE members on the progress of the Learn, Teach, Lead RE (LTLRE) hub network.
Hub leaders training (2024/5) takes place on 7 March 2025 and 4 July 2025.
The LTLRE hub groups across Devon continue to be successful, with termly meetings attracting both primary and secondary teachers of RE. These meetings take place both in person and online, depending on the context and topic being covered.
We have a number of new hub leaders: Shana Bartram-Owen and Amber Griffiths in Mid-Devon (new group), Lisa Lowe in East Devon, Shelley Moss in South Devon/Torbay, Zoe Bullamore in North Devon.
The next annual conference is planned for 10th October 2025.
Devon SACRE is requested to make a £1,000 payment to LTLRE for the academic year 2024/5, as has been practice in recent years. This helps to support the training for one of our LTLRE hubs in the County. This figure has been set out in the SACRE development plan.
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Regional and National Developments: RE Hubs, Curriculum, and Assessment Review An update on the latest Regional and National developments will be given at the meeting |
Young Ambassadors Project The South West wing of the Young Ambassadors project involves Ed Pawson, (Devon SACRE Adviser) working with Y10/11 students from Okehampton College and Y6 pupils from Okehampton Primary School. These schools are both members of the Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust, and one of the reasons for choosing these schools as partners is the Trust’s commitment to inclusion and equality.
Our Young Ambassadors are becoming increasingly confident as they grow into their ambassadorial roles. Activities include:
· Participating in an online discussion with Daniel Greenberg (Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards), Josh Cass (Lead Consultant for Advocacy for Culham St Gabriel’s Trust) and Jan McGuire (AREIAC executive joint chair) · Creating a display for Interfaith Week · Setting up a Christian Union, which is proving to be a popular school club · Speaking at the Opening Ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration events in Exeter on 27/1/25, introducing the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz · Visiting Exeter Mosque · Planning a community Iftar event for Ramadan, to take place in the school · Planning a visit to Westminster in July 2025 to have talks with members of Parliament
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Faith and Belief Schools Visitor Training Days An update on the training day for faith and belief visitors to schools.
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Holocaust Memorial Day - 27 January 2025 - Theme 'For a Better Future' An update will be given to the Committee about the recent Holocaust Memorial Day events. |
New Multi-faith Centre at Exeter University An update about the new multi faith centre at Exeter University will be given at the meeting.
The new Multi-Faith Centre includes a Muslim prayer space, a multi-faith space for quiet reflection, services and events, a house communal meeting space, a kitchen, a dedicated office for the Multifaith Chaplaincy Team, a Changing Places Facility and an external terrace area.
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South West SACRE Conference 2025 The South West Conference will be held online on Monday 3 March 2025, 1pm - 4pm. |
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NASACRE Training Sessions NASACRE virtual training 2024-2025 programme acts as a conduit through which SACRE’s can be brought together. The programme of sessions can be booked through the Devon SACRE clerk. |
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Future SACRE Meetings The next meetings of Devon SACRE will be held on:
Tuesday 17 June 2025 Thursday 13 November 2025