Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Suite, County Hall, Exeter

Contact: Fiona Rutley, 01392 382305  Email:

Note: 12.00 (or on the rising of the Highways and Traffic Orders Committee, whichever is the later). Due to Covid restrictions and social distancing measures, members of the press and public must contact the Clerk to book a place should they wish to attend this meeting 


Note No. Item



Election of Chair

(NB: In accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, The Chair and Vice Chair must be County Councillors. Only County Councillors may vote)


Additional documents:


It was MOVED by Councillor Peart SECONDED by Councillor Brook and


RESOLVED: that Councillor Gribble be elected Chair for the ensuing year.



Election of Vice-Chair

(NB: In accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, The Chair and Vice Chair must be County Councillors. Only County Councillors may vote)


Additional documents:


It was MOVED by Councillor Parker-Khan SECONDED by Councillor Brook and


RESOLVED: that Councillor Peart be elected Chair for the ensuing year.





Additional documents:


It was MOVED by Councillor Gribble and SECONDED by Councillor Peart   and


RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2019 be signed as a correct record.





South West Rail Resilience Programme (Teignmouth and Dawlish Line) (minute 49, 14 November 2019)

 Network Rail presentation on developments.

Additional documents:


Ms Emma Lewis, Network Rail Programme Engineering Manager made a presentation to the Committee, giving an overview of recent developments, in summary as follows:-


(a)  Phase 1: Dawlish, Marine Parade


·       Lighting had now been commissioned, following favourable feedback from stakeholders; 

·       The remaining works were lifting eye remedial works and minor snagging.


(b) Phase 2: Dawlish Sea Wall, Coastguards to Colonnade


The high level programme was presented for all the works which were due for completion during 2023;

  • Facing panels were now almost complete;
  • Recurve Units were underway;
  • Shadowing effect on facing panels represented the Coastguard's area; and
  • Low-carbon concrete was being used for back-fill.


(c) Phase 3: Parsons Tunnel North Portal Resillience


This was due for completion at the end of September 2022;

  • Gantry Crane construction methodology had been adopted;
  • Planning condition regarding discharge was in progress;
  • De-vegetation and surveys had been  undertaken with ecologist supervision; and
  • Cirl Buntings method statement also accepted and sea lavender translocated.


(d) Phase 4: Dawlish to Holcombe Earthwork Resillience


  • Nine key sites had been identified as requiring cliff stabilisation work;
  • Coastal resilience had been reassessed (UKCP18) with no works required currently; and
  • Preliminary design and investigation works were ongoing.


(e) Phase 5: Parsons Tunnel to Teignmouth


  • The documentation review was being finalised;
  • Design review/refinement phase was in progress;
  • Peer review of coastal assessments had been planned through the Environment Agency;
  • Ground investigations were starting;
  • Areas for further consideration included: amenity impact on beaches; construction methodology; size of revetment and hazard ranking of cliff sections and potential modification of buttress size or alternative solutions;
  • Additional funding had been made available from the Department for Transport to progress the further development of above;
  • The existing geotech design, modelling and support documentation was being reviewed, with the conclusion due in Spring 2022, followed by a full scheme review;
  • The timeframe depended upon this design review work and any resulting design changes; and
  • Network Rail was establishing a Phase 5 stakeholder liaison group with local council representatives.


Members’ questions/comments, together with responses (in brackets) included:-


-       that the progress to date was welcome (including the phase 2 proposed lighting);

-             however an issue that needed urgent attention related to pollution affecting the beach/sea due to the deterioration of Marine Parade/phase 1 joint material.  (Network Rail advised the neoprene joint material infilled the gaps between the panels to enable the concrete to be infilled behind. A lack of joint material allowed pebbles to get into the joints.  Network Rail had been working with the designers regarding required remediation.  Whilst this had no impact on the structural integrity of the wall, the materials and pollution issues would be addressed as soon as possible); 


-       further consideration had been sought regarding the location and operation times of generators, to minimise the pollution impact on the local community at Dawlish for Phase 2 and the potential for similar issues for the Parsons Tunnel Phase 3 compound.  (Network Rail confirmed that a request for mains power had been made for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



Council/Cabinet Forward Plan and Scrutiny Work Programme

The Council/Cabinet Forward Plan and the Scrutiny Work Programme are available for inspection by using the links below, in the event that the Committee may wish to provide evidence to specific Task Groups or otherwise comment upon specific areas of activity to the appropriate Scrutiny  Committee or the Cabinet.


Additional documents:


The Committee noted the Council/Cabinet Forward Plan and the Scrutiny Work Programme were available for inspection by using the links below, in the event that the Committee may wished to provide evidence to specific Task Groups or otherwise comment upon specific areas of activity to the appropriate Scrutiny  Committee or the Cabinet.





Dates for Future Meetings

All meetings normally held at Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Newton Abbot – however please check venue in the current situation-



Thursday 4 November 2021

Thursday 3 March 2022.


Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings:



Additional documents:



Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings:


All meetings normally held at Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Newton Abbot – however please check venue in the current situation:-



Thursday 4 November 2021

Thursday 3 March 2022.