Venue: County Hall, Exeter
Contact: Fiona Rutley 01392 382305 Email:
Note: Please contact the Clerk if you wish to attend the meeting.
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Minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2021 attached. Decision: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2021 be signed as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2021 be signed as a correct record. |
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Heart of Teignbridge Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/22/11), attached.
(Electoral Divisions: Ashburton & Buckfastleigh, Bovey Rural, Ipplepen & The Kerswells, Kingsteignton & Teign Estuary, Newton Abbot North, Newton Abbot South)
Decision: It was MOVED by Councillor Brook and SECONDED by Councillor Bullivant and
(a) that the Heart of Teignbridge Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) be endorsed by the Committee, prior to its presentation for formal adoption to Cabinet in due course; and
(b) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highway Management, Chair of HATOC and the local County Councillors, to make minor alterations to the Plan, prior to Cabinet submission. Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/22/11), on the Heart of Teignbridge LCWIP’s strategic approach to identify cycling and walking improvements at a local level and form the case for future Government active travel funding. This aimed to be transformative for the Newton Abbot, Kingsteignton and Kingskerswell and surrounding areas and had undergone significant stakeholder and public consultation to underline support and relevance to this ambitious plan. The Committee also noted that the Heart of Teignbridge LCWIP was one of a family of LCWIPs being developed across Devon.
Members’ discussion/comments included:-
-welcoming the high quality of provision proposed;
-whether there would be any other funding for smaller settlements in Teignbridge that could also benefit from this approach; and
-recognition of the positive benefits of regeneration changes made in Kingskerswell since the opening of the South Devon Highway and using experience for improvements elsewhere.
Additionally, some Member concerns expressed as follows (Officer responses in brackets where applicable) :-
-data based on 2011 census, i.e. prior to the opening of South Devon Highway affecting traffic within the Teignbridge LCWIP area (other data also used and following up when 2021 census data was available);
-ongoing maintenance of schemes (impact of maintenance at next stage of design);
-potentially compromised safety of a two way cycle route on the western side of Newton/Torquay Road over cycle facilities on both sides of this road;
-safety concerns of shared pedestrian/cyclist routes (clear signage of all routes would be considered at the next stage of design);
-lack of progress with the Aller Valley Trail when this scheme was supported by both Teignbridge District Council and Devon County Council (Trail within the Teignbridge Local Plan, currently no funding or land agreements, status statement included in LCWIP);
-the true level of public support for the provision of cycleways, but noting usage of new schemes may not be reflective of longer term usage and change in behaviour;
-the importance of ensuring the Teign Estuary Trail linked up to the existing network and new LCWIP proposals in Newton Abbot (Officers to include a review of this as part of any minor alternations to the Plan referred to in resolution (b) below); and
cyclist behaviour in a minority of cases was making some pedestrian areas less safe, with no registration or insurance currently required.
It was MOVED by Councillor Brook and SECONDED by Councillor Bullivant and
(a) that the Heart of Teignbridge Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) be endorsed by the Committee, prior to its presentation for formal adoption to Cabinet in due course; and
(b) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highway Management, Chair of HATOC and the local County Councillors, to make minor alterations to the Plan, prior to Cabinet submission. |
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Newton Abbot, Queen Street - Pedestrian Enhancements Public Consultation Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/22/12), attached. (Electoral Division: Newton Abbot North)
It was MOVED by Councillor Connett and SECONDED by Councillor Swain and
(a) that a public consultation be undertaken on detailed elements of a pedestrian and public realm enhancement scheme on Queen Street, Newton Abbot, between Courtenay Street and Newton Abbot Rail Station, containing the following key proposals:-
(i) Widened footways, improved crossing provision at side roads and across Queen Street/Station Road;
(ii) Significant reduction of on-street parking and changes to loading provision;
(iii) Restricted access to general traffic on Queen Street, west of Albany Street, including no vehicular access between King Street and Queen Street and one-way vehicular access on Hopkins Lane;
(iv) Restricted access to general traffic at the southern end of Lemon Road, two-way cycles permitted;
(v) 20mph speed limit for Queen Street west of The Avenue;
(vi) Enhanced greening and seating where possible;
(vii) Improved public transport and cycle route provision; and
(b) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highway Management, Chair of HATOC and the local County Councillor, to make minor amendments to the scheme details prior to consultation and report back to HATOC with final recommendations after consultation.
Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/22/12) on a package of proposals for pedestrian and public realm enhancements, to go out to a second stage public consultation in Spring 2022. The Queen Street corridor was vibrant but currently dominated by vehicles with some narrow footways and lack of overall pedestrian space, when pedestrians were a priority in a town centre environment. The scheme aimed to create a more attractive, safe and healthy place for both shoppers and businesses.
This would be delivered through the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ Future High Street Fund (FHSF), with some proposals to be delivered through the Active Travel Fund (ATF).
The current consultation proposals were informed by the first stage consultation undertaken by Teignbridge District Council in June 2020. Whilst the June 2020 design contained many of the scheme details now proposed (including widened footways and a significant reduction of on-street parking), the 2020 plans had also included decking of the Cricketfield car park north of Queen Street to offset the loss of on-street parking. However due to FHSF oversubscription, the Cricketfield car park additional parking was removed as this would not have been transformative due to adequate car parking across the town centre.
Written representations had been received from local traders since this Report’s publication against or concerned the proposals including that:- -this was not the same scheme as proposed in 2020, with a downgrading in parking provision, greening and cycle provision now proposed; -the removal of parking places in Queen Street was particularly to the detriment of the “pop and shop” convenience shopping style of much of Queen Street and for those shoppers with greater mobility problems but without a disabled parking badge; -loading/deliveries provision; -rerouting proposals; -reduced overnight parking for local residents; and -business disruption and recovery from the pandemic.
The local County Councillor reported that following local feedback he had received, he supported the overall principals of the proposals for the future development of Queen Street, but key to encouraging shoppers to spend longer in the area required quality provision including greening, lighting and street furniture. Careful consideration was also needed of the potential impact of any other proposed local planning, re-routing of traffic, loading facilities. Members generally concurred, but adding that: -the current proposals could reduce the ability to “pop and shop”, parking restrictions on Queen Street were 20 minutes – 1 hour (parking data could be available to consider alongside parking perception and be provided at public consultation); -further consideration was required of any potential unintended impacts prior to consultation; and -consultation engagement was key with all interested parties.
Officers were happy to work with the local County Councillor, including on greening/seating as this was required to be funded from sources other than the FHSF.
It was MOVED by Councillor Connett and SECONDED by Councillor Swain and
(a) that a public consultation be undertaken on detailed elements of a pedestrian and public realm enhancement scheme on Queen ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |
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Newton Abbot, Shaldon Road - Request for Extension of 30mph Speed Limit (Cabinet 10 November 2021, minute *72 ) To note:- that further to HATOC’s referral (29 July 2021, minute *7), Cabinet requested a virtual site visit (at its meeting on 8 September 2021). The resulting outcome was considered at Cabinet on 10 November 2021 (minute *72), when it was:-
(a) that the speed limit remains at 40mph;
(b) that a review of visibility is undertaken from each of the junctions in this section and vegetation cutting undertaken where required;
(c) that a review of signing and road markings is undertaken and any changes or renewals identified is undertaken;
(d) that the situation be kept under review; and
(e) that the local Member explores setting up a specific Community Speed Watch group for the Shaldon Road area.
The full Cabinet minute is available at Agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday, 10th November, 2021, 10.30 am - Democracy in Devon
(Electoral Divisions: Newton Abbot South; Ipplepen & The Kerswells)
Minutes: The Committee noted for information, that following HATOC’s referral to Cabinet on 29 July 2021 (Hatoc minute *7) and Cabinet’s request for a virtual site visit (at its meeting on 8 September 2021), Cabinet had resolved on 10 November 2021 (minute *72):
(a) that the speed limit remains at 40mph;
(b) that a review of visibility is undertaken from each of the junctions in this section and vegetation cutting undertaken where required;
(c) that a review of signing and road markings is undertaken and any changes or renewals identified is undertaken;
(d) that the situation be kept under review; and
(e) that the local Member explores setting up a specific Community Speed Watch group for the Shaldon Road area.
The full Cabinet minute is available at Agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday, 10th November, 2021, 10.30 am - Democracy in Devon
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Newton Abbot, Shaldon Hill - Traffic Safety Review Progress Report Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/22/9) , attached
(Electoral Divisions: Newton Abbot South; Ipplepen & The Kerswells)
Decision: RESOLVED:- that the measures outlined in Report (HIW/22/9) be noted (including section 3, i.e. that approval to advertise the waiting restrictions would be delegated to the Chief Officer in consultation with the Chair and both the local County Councillor and neighbouring County Councillor in due course). Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/22/9) following a virtual site meeting on 4 November and subsequent Cabinet decision on 10 November 2021, i.e. that whilst the speed limit remained at 40mph, a safety review be carried out (as set out in minute *26 above). Report (HIW/22/9) gave the review’s progress to date following Officers’ observations in differing weather and light conditions including use of the side roads, junctions, lining and signing. The Report proposed measures that could be implemented to raise awareness of other traffic, maximise visibility and minimise the impact of the natural light conditions.
The local County Councillor was disappointed that a 30mph limit had not been approved by Cabinet, but Members welcomed the additional safety measures now being progressed.
The neighbouring County Councillor welcomed the additional signage and requested that the existing unsuitability for HGVs signage towards the top of the hill be made more prominent/reviewed;
RESOLVED:- that the measures outlined in Report (HIW/22/9) be noted (including section 3, i.e. that approval to advertise the waiting restrictions would be delegated to the Chief Officer in consultation with the Chair and both the local County Councillor and neighbouring County Councillor in due course).
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Calendar of Meetings All meetings to be held at 10.30am at Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Newton Abbot (see link* to confirm venue):-
9 June 10 November 2022 2 March 2023.
*Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings; Minutes:
All meetings to be held at 10.30am at Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Newton Abbot (see link* to confirm venue):-
9 June 10 November 2022 2 March 2023.
Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;